Collin: (thoughtfully looking out the window) "So glad I planted all those dandelion seeds in the front yard."
Maybe you just had to be there, but it was funny at the moment. I'm glad Collin can make a joke out of it since he takes much pride in the state of our yard. The greener the prouder. ;)
I think I'm just slap happy about Spring. Happy Friday!
You can still enter the giveaway below:
I am envious of your dandelions, I still have bits of snow lurking in my yard. Spring...where are you? :)
Collin sounds like such a blast! I would say you're lucky, but I think both of you are lucky!
I would LOVE to hear his reaction to our neighbors weed patch.. ahem, I mean yard.. my girls think it is wonderful, all full of "wishing flowers".. it's a nightmare to me if the wind blows the wrong way!
It was so beautiful today at the Beach!! Summer is around the corner isn't it??
PS: I ordered the'Usamomo' Holiday House by Mother Garden at FAO online...it was $98.00 and is now $37.50. It's so CUTE!! All I can think about is how cute it'll be in a photo so I can scrapbook it...hee hee :)
That's funny! Maybe the girls can pick them and make Momma a big sweet bouquet and help a Daddy out at the same time. :-)
For the blog facelist giveaway: I love blogs because of the people I get to meet, even if we never physically meet, per se. I've met the neatest people; graphic artists, *famous* scrapbookers, stay at home moms, new GOOD friends and they are all alike just living and sharing life thorough their blogs and my life is so much better and richer for it! Now I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyelashes hoping I win! :)
Liz-- Hey this is Cali. I was in the Cherry Hill 9th ward with you. I am Alyssa's big sister.. i know you knew her better. So I have been following your blog for a while and I just love it.
I am at work and I jut got an email to send you product for a class you are doing this summer... I work for Crate Paper. i am the office and warehouse manager here.
It also said that you were CKU scrapbooker of the year in 2007! Congrats. Your stuff is super cute! I TRY to be that creative.
Well anyways... your product is going out today and good luck with your class!
Cali Merrell Smith
The Dandelions are wonderful for the bees and the bees are WONDERFUL for the the environment :) They need ALL the help they can get at the moment :)
I'm a beekeeper ;)
Love your blog!
Hello! I am new to your blog! Love it! You and your family is adorable! Keep up the great ideas and the wonderful Spirit that you have! You are blessed. Jamie Harris
That is too funny, sounds like something my husband would say. He absolutely hates dandelions and is so excited that he has a new lawn mower this year to get rid of them with! I love reading your blog, it's always so upbeat and happy, always brings a smile to my face.
OMG Elizabeth! I was just at DSW in Sandy and saw these rocket dog shoes!!! I wanted to buy the purple ones but they didn't have ANY color in my size!!! AHHHHH They are so way cute and I am jealous!
Too funny!
Sounds along the lines of my husbands," the grass really is greener on the other side..." as he looks over our fence into our neighbors yard-
sounds like something jimmy would say.
happy happy friday, hope you have a beautiful weekend. xo
I can totally see Collin saying that! It's so wierd cuz all our neighbors have these amazingly green yards...and ours is brown with dandelions EVERYWHERE! What's the deal??? We're definitely the WT of the neighborhood at this point...not that there's anything wrong with WT, right?
Speaking of your yard. Maybe someday you could post some pictures of your home and some decorating tips and techniques you may have for your eager fans? We would love it, Miss Fabulous!
That is hilarious - I got a good laugh out of that quote!
Emily Rose
How did I JUST find your cute blog? One of those happy 'blog hopping' accidents! That picture is cute beyond belief - wow. I wish our weather would warm up enough here to SEE some dandelions!
Not fair. My toasies would be covered in white stuff right now. I know you have better things to do but my brother is getting married in Bountiful in August. Do you know of any good wedding photographers? We would love a suggestion... it is a scary thing to just pick one and hope for the best. Thanks
gorgeous shoes, and it looks like gorgeous weather where you are too - lots of green and dandelions. I am jealous!
ah ha ha ha. That was definitely a good one!!
Cute shoes Liz.
So funny! My husband is the same way and would say something like that to!
wow i love that picture! so gorgeous!!!
how did you frame it?? where did you get it from? i've seen them all over facebook, and i could definatley get some use out of that!!
My 5 year old thinks they are the coolest flowers ever because he gets to pick them! I get a bouquet of them often in the spring.
That made me laugh this morning! My husband told me that the only reason he mowed the yard yesterday was because he saw three dandelions out there and "it made me mad!". LOL!
That sounds like a Collin thing to say...clever and funny.
You are a beauty and a talent what an awesome life you must lead! I love your blog! Happy Spring!
We love Collin! He's an awesome guy and you are a lucky girl =) Thanks for sharing his sense of humor with us!
I LOVE your photos... I just linked to you as an example of what I'd like my pictures to look like except that I don't have the photoshop, the time, or the skills to do it. Do you know if there are people who will take your pictures and edit them? It seems like it would be a great business?!?!?!
I entered before but forgot to say why I like blogs!! Silly me. I love blogs because it connects me to the people I am curious about and/or the people I want to know more about - whether it be strangers or loved ones. Go bloggers!!!
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