Monday, January 4, 2010

guess what?

So... about that fun announcement I have to share. You know I'm not going to just come out and say it... teasers and guessing games are way more fun.
The photo above has the answer on the cupcakes but thanks to a little bokeh effect now you'll just have to wait & see. First, here are some hints...

It's a great collaboration like Batman & Robin... minus the super powers and capes.
It's deliciousness at your fingertips but it's not a cupcake.
It's all about flowers, music notes & bike rides.
It's full of blissfulness.
It has to do with fabric but I'm not a seamstress.
It makes you wish you knew how to crochet.
If only typewriters could type with glitter...
It's so cute Avery wishes she could dress up in it.
It leaves you longing for renewal and sunshine.

Any guesses??? Leave a comment... heck, you can leave as many comments as you'd like with any ideas. I'll choose a random name to win the best giveaway in 2010! I know it's the only giveaway I've done this year but still.

Check out some friend's links for more hints:
April Foster at Studio Calico


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Sara Ancich said...

an "apron of the month" club?

brenda said...

Could it be Spark related?

Jenn said...

hmmm, I am thinking maybe a banner project you designed for SC.

Jacy said...

No clue what your secret is but I would lovvvveee to win it!!!

Melissa C said...

i think that it will be a banner class......IM IN! :) LOL can't wait to see more hints!

elizabeth kartchner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Collin said...

Harry Potter 8?

Jenn said...

Did you design a line of prducts for SC? Oh, I am on pins and needles, I have got to know. Don't keep us in suspense too long.

Jennifer Larson said...

Are you going to design for Studio Calico? Like, some product lines?

Annie Rose said...

Oooh la la! Are you starting your own designed fabric line? That would be superb! :)

Whatever it is, I can't wait!

Holly said...

I want to say a fabric scrapbooking line designed in callaboration with Studio Calico...

Carla G. said...

Pretty fabric flowers strung together? Hmmm....please let us know!

Anonymous said...

I am going to guess: an apron but I am not sure about how the collaboration fits into this design?
T. Wolfe

Erin said...

Please, please, please say you are designing for studio calico and wouldn't it be fab if fabric and doilies were included in this partnership? Can't wait to find out!

Jen Toker said...

I can't figure out the giveway but it sounds like it would brighten my snow filled day. 16 inches and it is STILL snowing.....I miss the sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Okay...are you collaborating on a new line with SC? With paper, letter stickers, fab rips, maybe?
I hope so.
I love SC & found them thanks to you!! So, Thank You!!
~ Nicole

Anna said...

Are you teaching a new class?

Anonymous said...

you have my interest! ... i am not sure what it maybe, but i hope that SC is involved too! love it :)

Anna said...

Perhaps a new paper line?

Anonymous said...

...maybe a project kit for SC including fabric flowers?!

justem said...

I think I know...but I'm not at liberty to say! But congrats to you! What a fantastic opportunity! :)

Giny Cortés said...

Wow, I love everyone’s guesses, especially your own line of products. But I’m going to go with your second online class…

julieann said...

Are you designing your own line of scrapbook/crafting goodies?!
Whatever you are up to, congrats & good luck!!!

Jen L said...

on account of the first "collaboration" clue, i am going to go with a colorful sparkly fabric-y sunshine-happy pairing with studio calico. yummy as cupcakes that will be.

Rosa Milan-Mariscal said...

are you designing for SC - fabric flowers like from your december project and the embellished tees? See I do follow your blog. Can't wait to find out.

The Hathaways said...

I have no idea what it is but it sounds like it's going to be amazing!

Jodi said...

My guess is your own line of scrapbook goodness. And while I do appreciate Collin's humor by guessing "Harry Potter 8"... I sure hope he is NOT the random winner of this giveaway!!! :)

Anonymous said...

My guess is that you are going o be permanent DT-girl on the Studio Calico team :o)

Darlene said...

Umm. I'm thinking Spark No.2. That was such a fabulous video.

Darin said...

It could be anything and coming from you it will be fabulous!

Jenn said...

I am guessing that you helped in the designing of their CHA release! *crossing my fingers*

Kara said...

Dear Lizzy Photography!

Anonymous said...

Or, that you are a co-designer for Studio Calico's new line that will present at the CHA.
At least, it has to be something with Studio Calico to do :o)

Ann Cicilie said...

Kit club?


Your own scrapbooking line?

Looking forward for the answer, though guessing games are exciting to:D

Fat Quarter Annies said...

I think you are going to design some fabric!!!!!

Katrina Southern California said...

Who's coming with you to "SPARK'!

Jen said...

i would really love it if you were designing fabric!

Lynnae said...

I would guess designing fabric..pretty springy fabric.

milkcan said...

Is it some sort of lovely touchable product for Studio Calico? I stink at guessing games! ;)

Jen said...

you've thrown me with the crochet clue...

Leslie said...

Oh my, I have no idea, but can't wait to find out.

Mindy said...

My guess is designing some cute ribbon and/or embellishments. I know they would be way cute!

Bethany said...

your own line of pp? maybe - cuz that would be phenomenal!!!! :)

Bethany said...

oh! oh! oh! or maybe you are gonna be on the studio calico DT? or a guest dt???

Lisa McK. said...

I would say a new line of products that will premiere at CHA.

Bethany C. said...

Cupcakes, flowers, fabric, glitter, many of my favorite things! I'm sure it will be some sort of magical project! Can't wait for your reveal...

Jane said...

A new paper line for SC!! Summer themed and oh so pretty and girly!!!! :) thats my guess and I can't wait to see!!!

Sabrina said...

Maybe some fabric embellishments in a kit.

Kerrie B. said...

I have no clue. But if it's full of blissfulness and deliciousness, then it has to be good!

Ashley said...

It has to be your own line!?!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you're going to design fabric and embellishments for scrapbooking.

Ally's Corner said...

Sparks is going to be a part of Studio Calico.

l. c said...

I know!! You're going to open up your own cute little shop!? I have no idea. It could be anything!! Oh, I'm so curious!

Cassie Spencer said...

Your own line of products?

Sada said...

My mind is racing trying to put it together! A Spark-alicious fabric line?!

Mrs. Booms said...

I am going to guess you are designing.....something (fabric related???) with SC. I am curious to find out!!!!

Mrs. Booms said...

OK....I got another guess :) Spark 2?!?!

heathyr said...

I have no idea, but can I please just have that chocolate cupcake?

Hot Wheels and Glue Guns said...

ooo...are you developing a line with Studio Calico? That would be wonderful!!

Angel S. said...

I am going to go with party in a box - everything you need from party banners and decorations to the coordinating papers and embellishments to scrap the event afterwards. Either way - good for you!!

Jessica said...

Fabric scrapbook line?

Angela N said...

Spark is coming to Wisconsin? Because right now I'm longing for sunshine and flowers!

Heather M. in IA said...

Does Avery like to wear Banners? Is Bliss 2 forming in creation? Creating in formation?

Maria Therese said...

your starting a kit-club?

Or you have designed your own yummi scrapbook line and there is also fabric in it..

mandyb said...

i'm guessing you have designed some glittery, fabricy goodness in the form of a kit/collection along with the ladies @ studio calico... doubt you send overseas but if you do....any chance you can include one of those cupcakes...they look yummo

RiNNE said...

You're designing a fabric line for SC, & you're collaborating with Kelly!!

Sammie said...

I'm so curious, I can't stand it. Please don't make us wait too long!

Amy said...

Could it be fabric scrapbooks made especially for SC??? Whatever it will be superb!

melissa said...

hmmmm... i say a collaboration with a bunch of other uber talented designers to have a valentines day Spark event??

Vee said...

sounds like a product line, can't wait to see! :)

Virginia said...

Oh heck, I have no idea, but I'm hoping I win! :)

robynbum said...

There is going to be a Sparks 2!?

Susan said...

I think you're developing your own line of scrapbooking products, including fabric items.

Anonymous said...

Oh I think it has to be something that combines fabric, flowers and Studio Calico. EJ

shelby valadez said...

I am guessing (hoping!!) that you have your own scrapbook line coming out! :)

Tracy said...

your own scrapbooking line of luscious fabric flowers, unusual but creative embellies & other wonderful items that are as yummy as cupcakes?

Mrs. Morty said...

how about fabric mini album kits?

Unknown said...

I am hoping you are designing something for SC??? Whatever it is, I know it'll be wonderful.

miss guido said...

you are now designing with Studio Calico - new papers, embellishments, etc etc etc?!

Amy said...

Seriously...I haven't a clue, but please pick me anyway!!!!
Amy in Johnstown, PA

carpediem said...

Very curious!!! Have you designed a new line of product....perhaps fabric?! laura j

Grace said...

Guess an online banner class we can purchase kits! or another event??? oooh do tell! Grace

Julie @ Director Jewels said...

I hope to find out that you're designing a gorgeous fabric/paper line, with all sorts of pretty goodies for us. That would be amazing!!

LOVING your book, by the way. Definitely one of the best Christmas gifts EVER!! :)

Emily said...

I don't know..but I like it already!

Cass said...

oh my ... i could use a surprising and lovely pick me up ... love surprises .... love your surprises!

amt said... sounds like a world of loveliness....i don't many choices! i hope it is something with sc!

Amanda Profumo said...

Love Sc- I subscribe! Adore your style- I stalk you! So, if I could have my wish, it would be that you are designing for SC. Maybe you designed some of those awesome "FabRips" or fabulous SC exclusive papers! Can't wait for the announcement!

amy said...

amt is really amy! oopsies! i love these photo to look for more!

Alicia Sharp said...

Oh I hope you are designing a line for SC! Can't wait to find out!! COngrats whatever it is!!

Valerie Bishop said...

Maybe collaborating with Studio Calico in designing fabrics??

qsogirl said...

lacy, flowery scrapbook embellishments? with sparkle?

mustangkayla said...

My guess would be you are designing your own line with all sorts of yummy embellies!

Bernice said...

Some sort of fabric decorations? Whatever it is, those pictures make me think of cute little tea parties. Really fun looking.

Rach H said...

ok I didn't read any other comments but I guess I'm the last to guess you are releasing your own line of "Elizabeth K" products?!! :)

Auntie Em said...

i have no idea but i'm excited to hear about it

heidi said...

sounds exciting, all I can think is maybe fabric banners!

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm all over the place with my guesses - but really I have no idea. In any case, gorgeous photos!

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the surprise because i am so not good at guessing. I still want to win :)

Bonafyde said...

My guess is that you have collaborated with SC on new product line/kit!

Jung A said...

something spark related?!

Jung A said...

something for studio calico???

Alayne said...

I'm guessing a SPARK type thing :) I can't wait to hear what it is!

Jennifer said...

I am going to guess you are doing a fabric line with someone. Really I have NO earthly idea!! ;)

Tiffany said...

Oooh! I am hoping some yummy new fabric designed by you! :)

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

A fabric or paper line is my best guess. Very excited to find out!

Fred said...

Will you be designing product for Studio Calico?

Roberta said...

I'm with the others who've guessed a Studio Calico line complete with fab rips and crochet flowers for embellishments. Maybe birthday themed. Can't wait to see and I would love to win whatever it is.

Megan said...

I have no idea ... maybe a new line of products?? A kit of the month designed by you??

JaneT said...

I think it is a kit that will have all of the above mentioned things in it and it will be related to Valentine' Day.

Lacey said...

Please please please tell me you're starting a scrapbook paper/embellishment line!!!!!!!

The Schaper Scene said...

Is it your own line of fabric? You know we would all love that! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My first guess would be Valentine day related since it's coming up. Another guess is Spark related??

I can't wait to find out!!!

Jackie J. from San Jose, CA

tccba said...

I am guessing a fabric line or a Studio Calico line--I am sure I would love either one!


Gina said...

Is it a cute, glittery paper/craft line you are designing???

RobinG said...

Is there going to be spark part 2???

Elizabeth said...

I'm thinking a mini album kit with fabric?

RobinG said...

hmmm another book???? Or your own fabric/paper line???

Megan said...

Are you starting your own kit club?

Janell A. said...

I'm a terrible guesser, so I won't even try, but I would love to win!!!

Nicole Renee said...

Oh, I like Collin's idea! LOL I am going to guess a scrapbook line with a SC collaboration. I am not sure but I want it!

Unknown said...

I have absolutely no idea, but I know whatever it is it will be fabulous & fun! Please don't keep us in suspense too long!!! :)

Carol said...

i'll go with your own product line...maybe in cahoots with SC????? Can't wait. Whatever it will be GREAT!!!!

Melanie said...

A clothing line with Spanx so we can eat all the cupcakes we want, but still look great :)

Artfulmama said...

Are you starting your own fabric line?

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I think you're going to make your own embelishments least I hope you are! I'm sure you'd make the cutest stuff!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking in the same light as most of these other guessers...Designing your own line of products with Studio Calico? I'm not usually a sucker for brand names, but shoot, I'd buy anything with your name on it, Liz...Your taste is flawless!

Kirsten said...

Does it even matter? It will be awesome I am sure

Anonymous said...

Wow - so many great guesses already. My first instinct was another Spark or Spark-like event. Now I am thiking so many possibilities - you are going to design a new line/design some fabric/have a new online class using a Studio Calico kit...This goes on and on. Can't wait for the big reveal!!

Allison M.

abbey said...

I have no idea but I am sooooo intrigued :)

Alena said...

I'm going designed a product line named "Bliss". I can't wait to find out!!!!

Amber said...

Maybe a Spark monthly kit type thing...or a product line??...or...another book!?!

lily field furniture said...

Are some of the Spark items going to be available for purchase???

lily field furniture said...

Are you making your own line of scrapbooking/fabric products??!!

Chardee said...

The cupcakes & banners have me leaning toward a birthday theme, so I'm guessing an SC line of birthday-related products....Buttons, Bikes & Banners?! ....And, wait! You're introducing it at Spark-the sequel! :) Do tell!!!!

Haley said...

A new product line all out of fabric that will be launched at Spark 2?

Michelle said...

I am going to say your new line of fabric and an awesome giveaway to Spark No.2 to attend your next class with your new fabric project like a mini fabric book!

Deb said...

I'm hoping it's a line of fabric designed by you...and Spark 2 must have something to do with it, too? I wish I lived closer! Can't wait to hear! :o)

Lora Oliver said...

dear Lizzy kits for SC and featuring fabric. (Hey, a girl can dream, right?)

Jessie Larsen said...

You are such a tease ;) I'll just have to stay tuned...

Julie said...

I would guess that you are creating a new scrapbooking line that includes fabric embellishments. Can't wait to find out!

gamybel said...

OK, so I'm stumped and giddy with excitement...I *love* your style and *love* Studio Calico...a class, Spark, are you designing products? Does it help that I can crochet?

susanlavonne said...

Hoping for another *Spark* so I can maybe go :)

the johnson's said...

whatever it is, it looks awesome!! Amy

Rachel said...

you had a part in designing the new SC line?

Shelley said...

Flower shop where you can design, embellish flowers, sprinkle them with lavender....ooh, the suspense is killing me girl! Bring it on 2010!

odomfamily said...

Designing a product line for SC with fabric and other goodies? Whatever it is I wish you luck!

Unknown said...

perhaps your own line of product? now THAT would be sweet!!
can't wait to find out!!

Linda E said...

Are you designing fabric flowers for Sstudio Calico kits? Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be great!

Nicole & Brian said...

Your own line? Of fabric? Of paper & embellishments? Of magical goodness? I don't know but I can't wait to find out!

Scrappy Girl said...

Your own line of scrappy goodness or fabric treasures??? Can't wait to find out!

Annette said...

Something that has to do with banners... and hmmmm I just don't know!

Dawnie said...

a spark-a-licious cruise!

Olivia said...

Are you involved in a product line sold through Studio Calico?? Or are Kelly, April, and Stephanie involved in a Spark-ish endeavor?? Or.... Oh I could go on guessing, but it really drives me crazy...Just tell me already...I lack patience for these type of games......LOL, even though they are a little fun...Just don't keep me hanging.

Debbie said...

Easy- a date for Spark! The first one was so great- can't wait to repeat the process.

jeanie de la rama said...

a collaboration with a kit club or a manufacturer on fabric flowers with glitters? :)

Lisa Lew said...

Spark II????

Tiffany said...

Is it a scrapbooking line with kiddo inspired designs? Whatever it is I can't wait!

Yvette Adams said...

Will you be designing products??

Jennifer Davis said...

Hmmmmm...are you designing scrappy supplies? Starting up a kit club? =) Can't wait to hear!!!!!

Jen Davis (Wisconsin)

Unknown said...

What are you up to little missy

kristen said...

fabric flowers or a fabric line? ooo i can't wait!

Nitasha said...

hmmm....could it be something craftylicious designed by you and/ or the Spark team that will be included in an upcoming Studio Calico kit???

Ann-Marie said...

Hmmm...are you starting a kit-club? Your own magazine? A fabric-related class? Your own scrapbooking website?

I don't know, but I'm excited! :)

Laura kw said...

some sort of kit club collab

jesslea said...

If it has to do with fabric, I'm in.

Mary Jo said...

I have no idea because I am a terrible guesser! But you have me intrigued that's for sure :0)

Candace said...

I am going to guess scrappables you can wear designed by you??? A new book, with patterns???? hmmmmm.......quite a mystery Sherlock! Whatever it is I am certain it will be fabulous!!

Jen said...

Spark No. 2?

Jennifer.T said...

something maybe like a kit that we can make ourselves, something wearable? Available through Studio calico?

Sarah said...

Are you designing your own line of scrapbook supplies??

The Blackburn Buzz said...

No clue, but I will be anxious to see what you have up your sleeve! Cheers! :)

Elisha Wiggins said...

Hmmm, thinking a fabric line? Good luck with whatever it is...can't wait to hear.

miss k said...

I am guessing Spark 2 and hopefully will be able to travel from Virginia to soak up the Utah goodness.

Leah said...

I would love to see a SC collaboration!! so excited...can't wait for the details!!

Candace H said...

Spark + Studio Calico + talented friends = a wonderful new product line (including fabric)... or a February Kit ... or an online class... or a new event combining all of the above! I have no idea, really... but am sure it will be fabulous!

TriciaNae said...

I'm thinking you designed a line of goodies for Studio Calico. Whatever it is...I'm sure it will be fabulous!! Can't wait to see!

Lei said...

Hope that it is a line of embellishments..
That would be awesome!!

Daniela Dobson said...

Spark 2

natalienicole said...

a fabric/paper kit club
whatever it is, i'm game! you're just incredible!

Jenny said...

Is it your own line of scrap goodness that involves cupcakes, flowers, fabric & glitter :)

Unknown said...

did you design a kit for SC??

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I know I know! But I ain't sayin :) I can say that I can't WAIT!

Natalie said...

Wow, I like the prior comments am thinking a collaboration, perhaps a fabric line into the SC kits....maybe a guess design line!!??

nancy said...

A fabric product for Studio Calico? Can't wait for whatever it is! :)

oh so lovely said...

my guess is your own line of scrapbook projects???!!!! or another spark event?
ohhh can't wait to find out!

melissa said...

oohh I am the world's WORST waiter (is that correct usage??)!!
Can't wait to hear :-)

thearthurz said...

I am guessing a line of products (paper, kits, fabric)?? Maybe just an exfoliation skin care line - that made me laugh out loud by the way!

Debby- Wa said...

Gosh . . .Whatever it is, you'll be a success.

kri said...

Well, I will have to keep checking to see what it is, but my guess is a purse or bag. Love your style.

Amanda Hart said...

It sounds like summer to me.....who could guess, you are a talented woman who could do anything!!!Can't wait to find out.

Anonymous said...

I wish it was another book! However, I'm guessing... Either you guys are opening an Etsy shop together or you are creating a line of scrappy products! KP used to make 'em for AC so, I dunno, maybe....

Anonymous said...

Could it be Spark 2? Or maybe a Lizzy Kartchner line of scrapping cuteness? Or both? Can't wait to find out.

Aubrey said...

It will be quirky and adorable just like everything you do....Can't wait to find out!

Katrina said...

My guess is an idea book or magazine.

Carol said...

Wow! Sounds very exciting whatever it is! Can't wait to find out. What fun!

Kara said...

I have no idea, but I am sure whatever it is it will be awesome.

Shannon said...

I'm hoping maybe a super cool retreat? (Right here in Utah of course) and can I be the first to sign up?
:) :) :)

Aunt Kate said...

I am guessing it is the reprisal of SPARK!!!! Can it be?? That would be absolutely stellar, more sparkettes!?!?!?

Catherine Reum

just me said...

well -- guessing games are not really my best thing-- but i am hoping that it is something that i will be able to participate in, like spark II or a class or a kit or something to adorn my pages :)

Mindy said...

It's spark.. but NOT spark.. it's bliss, and it's you teaching me how to make my scrappin' and sewin' more fab-u-lous than EVER for 2010.. right? Tell me I am right... please?! ;)

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