Avery cracked me up the entire time we were at the beach she ran around in the water then she would run into the sand-rolling in it, jumping in it, getting it in her hands and studying it... it was hilarious!! I've never seen anyone so excited. She ate the sand like it was candy and drank the water like 7-up. We spent the first day teaching her not to eat that nasty stuff. Then she would crash under the canopy about 2:00 everyday and take a nap to recharge her batteries for more running and jumping!
Loved snuggling up to these cheeks and playing with these beach babes!

When Collin wasn't chasing our silly sand crab around he was out on the waves boogie boarding and learning how to surf. I happily waved from a distance. :) This vacation I officially became a mom-under the shade with kiddos, taking photos and too tired to boogie board with the ocean-surprisingly I wouldn't have it any other way!
In a nutshell it was a fabulous vacation full of trips to Yogurtland-our new obsession, Hippo Cookies from Balboa Island, carousel rides, taking family photos while the sun set behind us, bike rides, food, food, food, & shopping!
"K? K?... BeBe? (Bethany)...Gigi?...Poppa?...Em?...Wruss?...Chetti (Charity)?"
Avery is walking around the house calling out for her family she misses seeing all day! I'm sure they miss her too, but not the 6 am wake up calls! :)
So fun! Jealous! I love the beach especially that neck of the woods! So pretty! Glad you had fun! Your kiddos are getting so big!not to mention they are adorable!
Wow, it looks like a total blast! Glad you are keeping us updated...sure miss your creativity on here!
Fun pics! Glad you had good time!
Looks like fun! We missed you! :)
It was fun! Thanks. Lots of fun, creative stuff to share soon. :)
AHHHHH LOL LOL I love Avery that is hilarious. I love her little beach bummie. I am so glad you guys had fun. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Adorable...I'm sure you're already planning scrapbook pages in your head, aren't you?
Being the mommy under the umbrella IS fun, for awhile. When your skin starts getting pasty white, that's when I was always ready for some suntime of my own :)
Are the shades of summer still making their way around, or is it finished? Just wondering. I got so many comments on my blog about what a great idea that was. Definitely one to repeat next year!
Nope the shades are still traveling around the country. Some of the packages slowed down, just because summer is busy for everyone, but hopefully all the gals keep them moving.
We definitely have to do it next year.
send me a link to your blog post-i wanna see! :)
So happy that you're back, but I am happier that you had such a fun time and that it is an annual thing. I wish I lived close to a beach and had an annual mini vaca with family there. Glad you're home safe and sound!
looks like a total blast!!! Collin's family is so fun. Super sad that summer is almost over.
elizabeth, i am so glad that you had a great time!...the pics are awesome...love the one of avery w/ the sand all over her face, lol!!!....and, miss "Q" has gotten so big!...the beach is my favorite place to be, other than w/ my hubby & daughter....
I live 20 minutes from Fashion Island, Balboa etc. My husband and i LOVE to do our weekly walks around the island and then stop 1/2 way for a Balboa Bar treat. Imagine if I would have ran into you? It would have been like a celebrity sighting for me!
P.S. i posted my Shades of Summer on Sunday! Sooooo FUN!
Looks like you had a fun time!!! And great pictures!
Your bathing suit looks adorable from what I can see. Where did you get it?
Looks like so much fun...and I'm going on vacation to the beach tomorrow! Woo Hoo!
Cute pics! I love Newport Beach and Balboa Island! (Haven't seen it in 10 years, but that's beside the point!) The girls have changed so much in the last two months. How is that so possible? Whew. No wonder you needed to rest under that umbrella.
yay!! it was SO fun to have everyone down here. tell Avie I miss her cute face!! (i didn't get the 6am wakeups).
miss you guys already!! xoxo
Looks like you all had a super fun time! Everyone is so tan. The girls are adorable and the sand face picture is hilarious! I'm litteraly laughing out loud girl!
Talk to you soon.
sounds like your family had a great time :)
oh my goodness! what adorable pictures...you have such pretty girls! glad you had a good time!
I love Newport Beach!!! Can't beat California hehe...but then again I am biased being that I live so close to Newport. So glad you guys had such a blast. Your little Avery is adorable! And that Quincy! Precious.
Dear Lizzy, I've just found your blog, but I'll surely become your regular reader. I found your pages in CK magazine - and I do think your style is just adorable!!! Now it's great to read about your life too! Thanx for sharing your memories! :)
Thanks so much for responding to my e-mail. It looks like your trip was so much fun! I love the beach, I'm totally with you- its the best vacation ever! Okay, so this is such a random question & I totally get that you probably won't have time to answer, but where on earth do you find you and your girls cute cute clothes? I'm in the Northern part of Utah, and it's like a fashion desert, but it apparently gets better lower down!
i have a quick question for you regarding a article in ck february 2008. if you could email me that would be so great, kmurphyfamiy@aol.com
thank you so much,
Sounds like you had a great time! There is a little something on my blog for you. :)
Sarah E.
Liz...I can't believe you were in Newport Beach last week! So was I!!! Wasn't it great??? I used to live there so hearing about your fun times at Balboa and the picture of the family at (what I assume) Fashion Island brought back my own memories. Great pics!!!
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