Q-Biscuit gives it two thumbs up.

I'm not a professional bow maker, so if you are, please leave us some tips:)
*Start with one knee-high length nylon
*Pin together the toe to the bottom of the elastic part that would sit right under your knee if you were wearing them
*Sew in a loose setting so you can gather it
*Cut off that extra nylon piece
*Pull the top stitch to gather the nylon
*Then simply glue the flower to the nylon OR
you can glue a piece of ribbon around the seam then interchange clips with flowers on them.
I'll show you how I make the flowers on clips in the second installment of 'Liz's attempt to make her girls not look like boys.'

it's late... nigh-night!
OMG!!!! These are so stinkin' cute! I wish I had a baby head to put them on!!!
Fab idea! So cute. I wonder if this would work for dogs... they'd LOVE it I'm sure. :)
wow is your baby cute! love your blog, and check it often for a little smile. thanks,
Baby Q looks just like Collin--too cute. Love checking in on your blog, thanks for inspiring to us.
Q Biscuit could NEVER look like a boy!!! She is so feminine and beautiful.
Love the bows. My girls look totally kooky in them since their heads are big...{sigh}...so we're stuck with boy comments for now.
Q looks gorgeous!
you mentioned you were from rupert...do you know the Eames family?
to put it as simply as possible my dear sister you amaze me. We are going to moms on Sunday I hope to see you and the kiddies there. I can't wait to hold my Quincey again.
that is so clever! TFS the directions.
Quincey is just beautiful. She is really getting her own not-so-newborn pretty face now.
I don't have babies to put headbands on anymore...hmmm... I wonder if my chihuahuas would sport these?
Q Biscuit is so adorable!!...and so is that stinkin cute headband...you ar so freakin creative...
You are all so cute and I know I can always count on a good laugh when I check your blog! And don't worry about your girls looking like boys, those that can't tell the difference don't count anyway! LOL... I remember being out with my Bella when she was a baby (with no hair) dressed in frilly pink from head to toe and I would still have people come up and say "oh, he is so cute! How old is he?" As my kids would say now "they are coo coo crazy!" Who could possibly mistake Q&A for boys?!Thanks for always sharing your great ideas!
That is awesome...
Want some totally cute wrist candy to establish the girliness? I will make you some and send them to you if you e-mail me the sizes of their wrists.. mommamin@comcast.net... I promise, it will help to establish gender;)
YAY!!! Thanks for doing this post. I know we ask a lot of you, but seriously you are so amazing. Talented in SO many ways! So, thank you tons for sharing.
These are too cute! I'm due in 3 weeks, if only I was having a girl! It seems like it is boy season in my neck of the woods right now. Love the ideas!!
Thanks for sharing! So cute!:)
I haven't read the Twilight series yet, it is on my list but our public library doesn't have any of them in! :(
Your creativity amazes me! I thought I was creative, but you've got me beat by a longshot! You inspire me with your creations, your humor and your faith. I have a 6-year old with hippie/surfer boy hair and he always gets mistaken for a girl regardless of the boy clothes and attitude. Any suggestions....
The bow is so cute and great idea.
XO Simone
Haha! I'm in the same spot...trying to make my baby girl not look like a boy. Thanks for the tutorial on making granny sock headbands :-)
Love them.. my niece is exspecting a little girl next month and we are going to attempt to make some headbands for her. Speaking of.. I am ready for the 2nd installment of Liz's attempt to make her girls not look like boys. Clips please!!!
Great pictures and your daughter is beautiful!
Here is a way to hand sew nylon headbands http://nylonheadbands.blogspot.com
I search your blog and never found a post about attaching the flowers to clips. Did you do a post on it and I missed it?
Oooh, I'm going to have to try making my baldy baby some of these. I'd also love to know how you attach flowers to it.
Okay, I am officially a follower! You are amazing. Ans your work is awesome. Did you continue the nylon post with the flower bit at all? I have nylons and flowers sitting in front of me....waiting for your help ;) Well, they'll still be here everynight after I put the kids to bed, so no rush :) Thanks!
Wow! I love them! Super cute baby headbands x
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