Scenic Route's new line came just in time since I am working on Christmas stuff for CK right now! I loved the contrast with their girly/boy paper lines.

Cosmo Cricket's new lines are so stinkin' fun! Love their wood grain paper. Why is it that I want wood grain on my pages & on my floor! I love this wood-grain rug from Pottery Barn, actually I'll take the whole office! ;)

Oldies but goodies. Just now getting my hands on the Bloom line by KI Memories. It is one of my all-time favorites! And the Martha Stewart lace border & butterfly punch!
Since I need to make room for some new supplies what better way than giving it to one of my fabulous blog readers!!

It's impossible to fit it all in the picture, trust me, this is my yummiest giveaway yet! :)
Leave a comment with your favorite memory so far this summer!
1 – 200 of 683 Newer› Newest»Believe it or not, I've loved hanging out at the pool with my pregnant belly. Don't have to worry about sucking in. :) Love all that yummy scrap stuff!
love ac!! my fav! and the christmas collection is awesome.
I discovered sailing this summer and thoroughly enjoyed hanging out in the middle of the lake. So calm and a great way to have some uninterrupted chatting time with my husband.
Love your pics of new goodies!
anything you are giving away i will take :)
my favorite memories have been all the family time. and i don't mean just the five of us. i mean extended family. going swimming, camping, parades, barbeques, picking raspberries. you name it, we've done it and it has made the summer so fun.
I have so many favorite moments, but I will share the most recent. My daughter lost her first tooth yesterday morning. We placed the tooth in a ziploc and then the zip lock went inside a small purple sack with a drawstring under her pillow. As she was getting ready for bed, she smiled and said, "I am just going to sleep with my hand on the bag. Then, when the tooth fairy comes I'm going to grab her!!" We thought that was so cute and funny and just made my heart melt thinking about the innocence of children.
lisa! haha totally know what you mean!!
I'm back to the suck in days!
Spending a week in San Diego with the hubby :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I loved watching my two year old blondie tip toeing in a water puddle and instinctivly srunching up her shorts. All the while saying with pure delight on her face, "water mommy, I splashing in water!"
oh lizzy, what a fabulous give-a-way...that scenic route (new paper) is GORGEOUS!
let's see...favorite memory this summer? getting swept away in the twilight series...i am loving those books...and it's so relaxing, to have something to just sit and do, for ME. bye friend!
My favorite memory is the smell of suntan lotion on my sweet little grandson and watching him sleep after a big day at the pool and his sweet little sunkissed hair..So precious.
Having Extreme Makeover Home Edtion come to a city near where I live and getting to see all of the building/design action being done in just one week!! So great to see such a deserving family get something so beautiful.
Love all of the goodies!!!
my favorite memory so far is my 7 year "learning" how to swim under water for a long period of time. Something i knew he could do but something he shocks himself with every time he does it!
My favorite memory this summer is finding out that our first child is going to be a boy!! We having been trying for 5 years to get pregnant and woohoo now we are!!!
My favorite memory this summer has been welcoming my new niece (and namesake) Abigail! It's absolutely amazing!
My favourite memory this summer is watching my 3 yr. old granddaughter ride her bike, and her 1 yr. old sister learning to walk.
My favorite memory this summer was spending a night away with my husband for our ten year anniversary and the next morning going up in a hot air balloon!
So far it was this morning. I took my son to preschool very early and he was still kind of asleep. He kept asking for his one friend and I told him I thought he was still on vacation this week. Turns out his buddy was there, they ran to each other and hugged. Colin said, "I missed you," and his buddy said, "I'm your best friend." Where was my camera when I needed it????
As far as a giveaway is concerned. I certainly can understand the need to clear your desk to continue your creative pursuts. I appreciate your LO's so much that I am willing to accept such a giveway and "take one for the team."
Take care,
My favorite memory of the summer occurred on my daughter's 8th birthday. We were having a backyard cookout with the grandparents and as usual, my 11 year old son was giving his sister grief -- in the form of an attack with his SuperSoaker. As he crouched down by the pool to fill it up, she innocently went up behind him and gave him a gentle nudge . . . which caused him to lose balance and fall headfirst into the pool, fully clothed. (I had to scold her for inappropriate behavior around the pool while laughing my butt off. She didn't know whether to giggle or cry.) But the look on my son's face when he resurfaced and said, "I probably deserved that." was awesome. :)
Cool, cool stuff - especially for a HOT summer (Iowa). I have been waiting for companies to release paper border punches - so many creative possibilities with those. Has anyone seen or used the Stampin' Up border punch (Scallops). I have one on order!
My favorite memory from this summer is going to all of the baseball games for our local farm team. My hubby and I have gone to quite a few and have had some good food and good fun with friends!
Our family going camping with the in-laws, swimming, biking, hiking, cooking over the fire and, as always, lots and lots of photos!! :)
Oh and the pottery barn office. I have that book open on my desk right now. And I swiped some of those fabric swatches for my next LO. I love Pottery Barn.
My baby just turned one and the best one was him smooshing cake up his nose.
My favorite memory of the summer was hanging on the beach with 13 of the greatest kids ever! No one argued, cried or whined and all of them thanked us for taking them when we had to leave! Gotta love that!
Kari D.
My favorite memory from this summer has been when we went on this great cruise to Hawaii...the wind in our hair, foot loose and fancy free...oh wait...that was my dream. Unfortunately, we have not done much around here at all. Just the daily mundane tasks with kids at home and bored all summer. Bummer...I know. We have higher hopes for next summer. I am just basking in the fact that it was back to school today:-)!
My summer memories so far include my children having fun playing outside - in their swimming pool. They just know how to enjoy & relax!! Reminds me how to enjoy and relax :)
my favorite memory so far is having the time to read a ton of books! Summer is the best time to catch up on all those books I never get to during the rest of the year.
My best time was giving birth to my 4th son (sixth child). Aren't they so sweet? Congrats on yours!
Oh, Liz, this would be such a treat for my newly renovated craft room!
Fave memory from this summer? .... Right now. 33 weeks pregnant. Wondering daily if we'll be surprised with a son or a daughter. Enjoying our 5th anniversary at the same B&B we came to our on honeymoon ... a glorious "Babymoon" just my love and I ... and Baby in the Belly who kicks hello every day. I'm deliciously happy.
We just had a baby girl 3 weeks ago, and my favorite memory, by far, is her big brother(2 1/2) helping to get her dressed and put her in her seat to come home from the hospital! I'm sure you have similar memories :)
Excuse me, while I wipe away the drool...LOL. Such yummy stuff.
My favorite memory so far this summer...so many to choose from, but one recently was...after a loooonnng day at the beach and Science world, on our drive home, I looked in the rear view mirror and both my boys were like wilted sunflowers. They were both wiped out, sound asleep with their heads hanging way off to the side (didn't look too comfortable) but they looked so sweet, I had to giggle to myself. Thanks for all your inspiration and the opportunity!
Christy -
My favorite memory so far this summer was watching my little girl's face as she rode the big ferris wheel for the first time at the fair this year. It was priceless and we were fortunate to be able to capture it on our camera!
WOW - I spot so much stuff that I love there, that SEI line (Dill Blossom) is by far my favorite of theirs ever. As for my fav memory so far, has been simply watching my 4-year old learn to swim. He is now diving in the 9 ft. end of the pool to retrieve things at the bottom; I still don't do that! He scares me and amazes me all at the same time! Love the innocence and fearlessness of a 4-year old boy!
My favorite memory this summer was our "staycation" to a resort here in town. We got to go to a western theme park and the hotel had a water slide that my 3 kids absolutely loved! We had such a good time and only had to drive about 30 minutes away. Now, our summer is over. My kids started school last Monday. I am having serious separtion anxiety. I'm at home by myself waiting for baby #4. Coming soon!
My favorite memory just happened 5 days ago when Miss Emma made her appearance!
Awesome giveaway Liz, thanks!
Tell everyone hi for us! :)
My favorite summer memory happened the other day when we opened the new slip and slide and the kids played ALL DAY! I took pictures and sat and watch them have the time of their lives. Loved it!
My favorite memory is my family reunion last month - I got to go to my cousin's wedding, spend 5 days in beautiful Monterey with my fabulous family, and my first niece was born while we were there.
I can't think of one memory that has been the best. This is our first summer in a new state away from family and friends. . . Making new friends, and visiting old. I have too many memories, this summer, to pick a favorite!
What a fun giveaway!!
Getting married on June 27th to my best friend, Jeff!!
I'm not a summer person, so this year it's been all about seeing the positive. My favorite memories: my son getting excited about the baby birds on our porch, going to the botanical gardens every chance we get, my husband surfing for the first time, baby toes, and of course, ice cream season.
My sister had a baby back in November, so I have just loved being able to spend so much more time with her this summer. I teach school, so it's been awesome being able to be around as she reaches her "milestones".
Great stuff!!! I love all of that. :)
Every year on July 24th, Utah (where I live) celebrates Pioneer Day. In the town where I live the annual parade is done by the church's primary. It's a short parade but the whole town supports it. Seeing my son and my neice participate in it and all the childrens faces beaming from feeling so special because they are in a parade is always one of my favorite summer memories.
Favorite memory from this summer? Yikes, it hasn't been a great summer here in Texas...IT HAS BEEN HOT! Usually I wouldn't have noticed as we would be out by the pool, but we sold our house this summer and had to move, in the heat... as well as moving my parents... We do have a vacation planned later in the month with a couple of families to stay on a houseboat in Arkansas...A MUCH NEEDED VACATION ;) I am sure that will be the highlight of the summer as well as a mini album in the making I could use the product that I win here
Has to be seeing my children's faces when they rode their first ever amusement park rides...especially the log flume. Priceless. Thanks for reminding me - put a smile on my face today.
Coming out of hiding... :D
My favorite summer memory has been watching my 5 year old daughter learn to ride her bike without training wheels. Such joy to see life through a little one's eyes.
Spending time at the beach with the kids, they love the water, sand and it's so much fun to watch them!
Holly W.
HOLY COW!!! That prize pack looks so LUSH!!!
My fave memory from this summer is from our first week in Delaware. We walked down to the seaside one evening and heard a local orchestra play. We splashed in the waves as the music floated in the air. That's when I knew we would be happy here.
oooh I'm so up for a giveaway!! MY FAVORITE summer memory, was hanging out with my super sweet sisters! I was able to spend just 2 days with them in June, but we had so much fun staying up super late talking, and I surely wish I could see them more than once a year! Thanks for letting me think about it, all over again! ;)
My favorite memory is when my husband, two kids, and I went for my 20 week ultra sound and discovered we are having twins.
My favourite memory so far this summer......have 3 friends come for a weekend and we had a FABULOUS time together!
My favourit this summer was this spontanius photoshoot of my sweet 3yr doughter, she was so willing and the weather was perfect and we found this old house bny the see so he background on he photos were perfect..about 300 pic.
My favorite memory is taking my two year old son swimming in a big pool for the first time... He loved it and didn't want to get out.
My favorite memory this summer has been the family game nights at our house each weekend. All the aunts/uncles/cousins/g-parents playing all kinds of fun games. Lots of laughing, smiling, eating, and enjoying each other's company. Good times!
My favorite memory so far is spending two days camping in the mountains with my three boys and husband...so relaxing and awesome to spend that time together.
Tracy Schmitt
Just one memory? Hmmm... well, the baseball games as a whole. We have a summer collegiate team here in town and became huge fans this summer. I loved the games, especially when they had fireworks. Those are my favorite memories.
Oh, and my hubby and mine's trip to KC and Worlds of Fun.
My favorite summer memory was hanging out the lake with family.
having my husband come home for my birthday after he'd been away for three weeks (with the national guard).
My second son was born this summer (July 24) and that will always be my fav memory about summer 2008!
My second son was born this summer (July 24) and that will always be my fav memory about summer 2008!
My Fav. memory would have to be my birthday weekend June 29th because I got to share it with all my friends, family, and my boyfriend. I love your Blog and work sooo much!!!!
What an awesome giveaway!! My favorite memory this summer happened just this weekend. It was my oldest son's 4th birthday and we just had a blast. A lot of his friends were able to make it and we had it at a large bounce house place and it was so much fun. He had a blast!!
my fav memory of the summer was going to the airport to pick up my oldest (8 yrs) daughter and my Nana as they returned from their 2 week trip to Utah, and my 2 younger daughters were holding up the "welcome home" sign they had made.....they held that sign up from the minute we got out of the car, even though the plane landed 20 minutes later! too cute.
love your blog....you've inspired not only my scrapbooking, but also my quilting (I picked up the Ginger Blossoms fabric after I saw it on your site), and even my music! :O) thanks so much
My favorite memory this summer would have to be watching my two girls play in the pool. Thank you for the chance to win all these cool supplies!! You ROCK Elizabeth!
Fountain, MN
i just love to watch my 3 kids playing HAPPILy together- since in the fall two are going to school and it leaves my little one home alone with mommy...
donna jean
My favorite thing this summer has been going to DISNEYLAND with my kiddies :o)) Just seeing how happy they are at the "happiest place on earth" makes me the happiest mom on earth! Thanks for the chance to win!
Bianca B.
My favorite memory is the birth of our beautiful little girl. She was born June 8th, just after your little one. She is absolutely gorgeous!! I'll never forgot the first time I saw here. It was amazing!!!!
You are too sweet to offer. I love reading your blog! It inspires on a daily basis.
My favorite memory of the summer has to be my recent trip to Ireland. It was just terrific - beautiful countryside, friendly people, and great memories! Can't wait to scrapbook it!
oooh, i hear you about the clouds... they are happy! My favorite memory this summer has to be going to the pool with my boys! They just opened one in our community, right down the street! I love it!
PS, come see what my hubby did for my birthday! * on my blog
My favorite memory from this summer was learning how to work a lawnmower and mowing grass for the first time in my life! At 25, it's something I had never done before. . .but my boyfriend convinced me it's something everyone must do at some point in his/her life. I did do it, but I don't think a career in lawn care is in my future!
Mine is walking through a store with my 7 month old niece and a stranger says OMG she has the most beautiful eyes and lashes, then turns to me and says OMG she got them from you....(love finding bits of me in my sisters kids)
my favorite memory this summer is spending a weekend away with my husband. Staying in a nice hotel, browing antique stores, going to a movie and dinner. It was fun and a nice break!
Mmmm,well we haven't had much in the way of summer up here, but so far one of my favourite memories has been taking my 3 yo daughter for a walk up to visit 2 brand new colts. She never stopped smiling. It was beautiful. Hope you've had a wonderful summer so far. Cheers.
Ohhhh - such fabulousness...thanks!!! My favorite summer memory (so far) is our recent vacation at the Outer Banks. It's so wonderful there...makes me want to quit my job, pack up and move down there :)
Well, probably our camping trip-it was a blast up by Mt Rainier in WA state!!! !
Thanks for a chance to win those yummylicious goodies!
This has been a pretty awesome summer so far, but the BEST part has been welcoming a beautiful new puppy into our family..little "Memphis Belle"
We're leaving for holidays in 5 days... in a house with a swimming pool... so I think my fave memory hasn't happened yet !!
but 2 weeks ago my baby girl finally learnt how to pronounce her brother's nickname (Kiki) and it was a great time for us... and she was so proud of herself !!! lol
have a nice day
xxx from France
Sitting by the thames and watching the sunset over the London skyline with a cute boy ;-)
my favorite memory so far is watching my three boys fall in love with our new puppy!! boys really do need a dog!
Susan Jenkins
On a whim I took the day off and went to destin, fl a few hours from my house and took my boys shopping and we went to the beach just to hang out. It was so great just us playing and having a good time taking pictures of the day.
We went on a Pioneer Trek. It was an incredible, life altering experience. Watching two of my children feel the Spirit. That is my favorite memory.
My Favorite part of summer was a suprize birthday party we threw for my BF's husband. The look on his face, full of suprize, shock and pure joy & Happiness, it was simply the best!
Summer Memories- Playing put put golf with my 3 boys. We had a blast and took lots of pictures!
Denise Hunter
One of my favorite memories happened today. Of course did I have my camera? No!! I decided to take the kids to the ice cream parlor after a trip to the library without telling them. Their response - Mom, you ROCK!!
I loved wandering around Yellowstone with my kiddos watching the amazing geysers!
my hubby, my two teenage daughters, and i went to a neighborings town 4th of july fair. we all had a picnic and just hung-out together.we enjoyed the fireworks, sweetcorn and people watched.i only took 3 pics the whole day, but when i look at them i feel really good.it was an awesome day!
what yummy stuff you have there!
My favorite summer memory - standing on the beach at sunset with my hubby and 2 girls. Hubby says I want you to remember this and proceeded to kiss me in the most romantic way. What a great reminder of our fantastic beach vacation!
Favorite memory - the beach with the girls this summer. They were finally old enough to really start enjoying it, which meant mommy and daddy could really enjoy it. :)
Hanging out at the pool with my 5 year old boy... watching him jump in over and over and listening to him say "Look at me!"
My favorite memory this summer is the birth of our first baby . . . Grace Addison on June 6th. She is an incredible blessing!
I didn't mean to go ANON.....
My favorite summer memory so far this year is watching Carson learn to drink from the hose. It's hilarious. I have the best pictures of it too.
I just ordered a bunch of items on line from We R Memory Keepers. I ordered a bunch of things from the White Out Hoopla, Frenzy and Explorer line. I just love them. I also finally ordered a Crop-o-dile II Big Bite.
I would totally be the luckiest GIRL EVAH if I would happen to be the winnah to your RAK! hAPPY bELATED to your hunnybuns :0). Your girls are sooo soo beautiful! They look so much like their parents! :0)
My favorite memory this summer is introducing our new baby girl into the family. I'll want to remember how great she smell after her bath, how beautiful she is while she sleeps, how precious it is to share a nap with her, and how her two older sisters are crazy in love with her.
Kendall Brunson
My favorite summer memory... thats easy! It is BY FAR our first beach trip as A FAMILY! Twin girls joined our family in February and we took them to the beach in May. It is my most precious memory ever. It has been followed up by many other wonderful summer memories, picnics in the heat, eating juicy and sweet watermelon, BBQ's, watching and catching fireflys, 4th of July... everything is brighter, sweeter and yummier with my two girls by my side (or in my arms!!).
By the way, love your blog, your creativity and your lovely family!
Some of my favorite memories from this summer are the times I've spent swimming with my 16 month-old son. It has been such fun to see his love of water, and we have had a great time together.
I have loved my time by the water. It has totally refreshed me. Camping by the Chesappeake bay. Lounging and reading by the pool. I've read 8 books this summer!
Thanks for the giveaway - everything in it looks like great fun!
Ohhh... thanks for the peaks.
My favorite memory from summer so far, was getting to spend some time with my good friend from Arizona and her 3 beautiful girls. She battled cancer in April and so far everything is looking good!
Discovering my family is going to get bigger .
Thanks !
Ahhh...summer! This has been the best summer of my life, as I've shared it with my now 3 month old son. We've had our share of tears (both of us), but he has made it incredible for us.
I love your blog...thanks for constantly inspiring me!
My favourite thing so far this summer was taking my little girl to Disneyland. We always have so much fun when we go there and our last trip did not disappoint. She's getting to the age where she gets so excited about everything and she is beginning to recognize characters. It was such a blast!
There haven't been a lot of good ones this summer because of multiple people of different ages passing away, but my ab fab favorite has to be this past weekend. I got to see my niece for the first time since her brothers' funeral and she's just a little chatterbox! She'll turn three this fall and is just be-you-tiful!
the memory is this: we were having a bbq and she was running around having fun when she suddenly grabbed my purse and started to run off, waving 'buh-bye'! it was just the cutest. I actually just blogged it today too.
What amazing stuff you are giving away for us. I have lots of memories of my 2 boys this summer, but for this one so far it has to be the bride at a wedding we went to in her designer (expensive) wedding dress riding the bucking bronco that they hired for the guests - not usual for an English country wedding! Katherine x
Hi Lizzy. Two favorite memories for me. My youngest child graduating from high school and spending pool time with the grandchildren.
Watching my childrens faces as they experience the beach for the very first time. Loved it! It was a great summer!
My favorite memory has been my daughters first day of school, she is so excited and loves school, she cried when we missed the bus last week. I love all the goodies!
A great giveaway--Oh what fun! One of my fav memories of this summer is watching my 2 little girls play (4 yr. old and 20 mo old. No matter where they are--pool, beach, Sea World, Wild Animal Park, on a plane, in the car, a friend's house, or just hanging at home--they are playing together! This is the first summer that they have really done that and enjoyed each other's company! I love it and have gotten so many adorable pics of them holding hands wherever they go!
My favorite memory has been watching my 3 older kids play with their new twin brothers. love your blog and the inspiration it gives me.
Lindsay Jones
I am away at college so my favorite summer memory so far has definitely been having my 4 year old brother & 1 year old sister visit! We went to the beach to play & it was impossible to drag them away from the water. Their visits go by so fast & it's the only opportunity I get to take their pictures for my "Family" scrapbook. Homesickness sets in 5 minutes after they leave, guaranteed!
Love your blog & your inspiration. TY!
My favorite has been swimming in the little plastic kiddy pool in the backyard with my son.
wow, love all the new stuff!!!...i like the clouds, too---also makes me happy...my favorite summer memory is just enjoying the pool, spending time at the beach and the extra mom & me time with my daughter...
My favorite part of this summer has been playing in the backyard with my boys & watching them play with their new sand & water table.
My favorite memory from this summer is going to the lake for the first time with my girls and riding the tube. I was so scared at first but ended up having a blast!
My favorite memory, just one? Well, last week I took my 4 yr old to his preschool orientation and as he was running towards his classroom I heard him call back to me..."I'm so excited to go meet my new friends!!!!" I am so happy that he is really looking forward to this new adventure in his life. Thanks!
my husband and I took our one-year-old golden retriever puppy to our family's cabin for the first time this summer. It was such a blast to see her enjoying the water...I think she had the most fun out of everyone there =:)
My favorite memory so far this summer was the day my daughter declared Uno day. We all sat around in our jammies all day playing card games, laughing and hanging out. It was really cool, especially since I'm the only one in my 4 person family that likes to play games.
Great give away & love your blog!
My favorite memory so far this summer has been the uninterrupted time I've had with my son. I work full-time as a teacher, and feel very guilty during the school year, because I often get home late, or I'm checking papers at home, and I just feel like he comes second some times. So, we have just had a ball this summer swimming, playing, and simply just BEING together. I don't want it to end! = )
love, love, love those new thickers too. and of course, the punches, which i use all of the time. that pottery barn rug is so fun. i have so much to decorate here at the new house... i'm constantly trolling for ideas. :)
My favorite memory has to be hearing my 2 1/2 year old grand- daughter sing Happy Birthday to her Grandpa. So Cute!
i can't wait to get my hands on some of that stuff. My favorite this summer so far. Having my new baby girl. I am in heaven right now. She's perfect and the icing on the cake. When her daddy came home from iraq for his r&r and got to see her for the first time. She was a month old and we got to spend 18 wonderful days together. Now if december would just hurry up and get here so he'll be home for good.
My favorite summer memory can not be narrowed down to just one. My husband and I were able to go on a trip to Nashville while Grandma on my husband's side babysat. It was our 20th Anniversary and it was wonderful to have some alone time. The most special one was being able to tell my Mom how much I love her. She is terminally ill and has dementia real bad. In one of her coherent moments I was able to tell her. At least, I know I was able to tell her this before she passes away. Seeing my two girls have a great time at Wild Adventures to end our summer. School started today here!
My favorite memory of the summer has been watching my 2 girls (ages 2 & 1) interact together on a daily basis- The look on each others faces when they see each other for the first time each morning! It is priceless!
I sponsored a week of Jr. High church camp. I know, you're probably thinking, "Are you nuts?!?" But seriously, it was so much fun.
Camping with my 4yo, he was so excited to be there. Going to the pool, paddleboats, put put golf, and just being away from TV's, internet, and so on for the weekend was great!!!!
Love all that new stuff too! My favorite thing this summer has been getting outside and enjoying the sunshine!
My favorite memory so far this summer was taking my neices to Dinosaur Crossing in Connecticut -- there is so much to do there, between the huge, life-sized dinos hanging out in the woods, the playground/picnic area and then the splash park and digging for gems -- it was priceless watching them run around and have so much fun...and that grandma got to go as well...it was a memorable day!
going to beach at the end of the day with our two little boys and having dinner on the beach. they get to play in the water and my husband gets see our 4yr old try and boogie board like the big kids while our youngest plays in the sand. its so relaxing and great family time!
Going on a cruise with my family, my Mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law and their families. Seeing my kids hang out with their cousins was great!
My favorite memory- is the disaster of our family trip to the beach for July 4th and how fun that trip was as a result. We were suppose to have a great weekend at the beach but immediately after we set up our spot at the beach the wind blew in a huge rainstorm that pelted us with blowing sand and broke our canopy. Instead we had lunch at a local Chili's and went back to the beach after the rain had passed and then hit the zoo the next day. We loved it even though it didn't go at all like we planned.
My favorite memory this summer has been all of the opportunities to go home and visit my family. Lots of weddings, babies, birthdays that give me an excuse to travel :)
Love the give away!
ohhhh, my favorite summer memories are still happening, but I would have to say watching my girls swim at the pool, we are going to be huge pool rats at the end of this season.
Lovin' the new AC and Scenic Route! Can't wait to get my hands on it :) ... Favorite memory so far this summer... Would have to say this past weekend seeing my sister and her sweet little baby girl! One baby born this summer... one more to go... MINE! Just 4 weeks, baby!
Well, definitely not my favorite memory, but one that we won't forget...my 8 year old son broke his arm last week. Not fun in the summer, but at least he was having fun up until then.
My favorite memory so far is still going on. After 15 years of marriage I am on my own...and rediscovering who *I* am. And learning that no matter what I was told, I am actually pretty freaking OK!
My favorite memory was when my nephew was born. He was 5 weeks early but he's so perfect and amazed all the doctors and nurses.
I haven't had much of a summer because my boyfriends Dad was in the hospital for almost the past 2 months..but he is out now, and that is by far my favorite memory...seeing him at his home!
Best moment was during our vacation on the Florida panhandle - Inlet Beach. White powder sand, blue green water. Sitting on our beachside deck. No one else in sight. Just enjoying the breeze, the sound of the waves, feeling full from a great fresh seafood dinner we cooked ourselves and enjoying the company of my husband, sister in law, and her husband and the sounds of our children just inside the door laughing.
I was hopin' you were giving away that cute office! Just kidding.
Ok, my favorite memory this summer was sharing the 4th of July with my hubby. Last year he was in Iraq awaiting a plane to come home for 2 week leave. It was neat to talk about the previous year and then realize how blessed we are to celebrate our freedom together...on American soil...freedom we both have sacrificed for.
Hope I win some new goodies to play with!!
My favorite summer memory is buying the Snoopy icee maker thing and getting to relive a fun childhood memory of mine with my children. :)
Our Mini vacation to St. George! just my husband and me and we spent the whole time just relaxing, it was great. I'm also looking forward to a vacation in a few weeks to California! Lots to scrapbook about so this giveaway is perfect!
My favorite memory this summer, was just hanging out with the family, went to Utah for a wedding and we had the best time "discovering" Salt Lake.
We're currently in Kuwait, and we've had our share of heat! So we've really been loving the great days at the pool and the beaches. But, watching my just turned one year old son learning to walk has been the best! And, he's getting LOTS of love and help from his 4 year old sissy! Hope your summer stays as wonderful as it has been! You've got such a beautiful happy family :)
oh my goodness, I'm totally keeping my fingers crossed for your amazing giveaway! You are full of so much goodness!
I have so many favorites about this summer, so many great things.
-celebrating my 3 year wedding anniversary (still feel like newlyweds and still "broke as newlyweds" :)
-Family visiting from California
-Being here with my sis while she's prego with her 3rd, and first boy for the whole family. She's due any day now! :)
(Sorry to be so long, it was too hard to choose just one!)
My favorite memory this summer was my vacation in Oahu. Just my hubby and I! He had a heart attack in March and I was just so happy that he was healthy enough to spend time away.
I drove to Calgary with my sister and her family. One night in the hotel, we watched a "John & Kate plus 8" marathon. The kids and my sister's husband shoved pillows in their shirts and walked around "pregnant". It was hilarious!
My favorite memory so far this summer. Hmmm....After spending four days driving the hot car with my 2 1/2 year old and 7 month old girls, being followed by the U-haul that my husband was driving. And while driving across the flatness of Wyoming, seeing in the distance the glimpse of a snowcapped mountain. Moving back home to Happy Valley. I've never been more excited in my life.
Girls camp this last week. The girls make me feel young and it was gorgeous where we camped.
I don't think I can enter the giveaway since I am an international reader but I like to share my favorite summer memory. This year my dog, Scooby Doo, has a new thing. Whenever I open the door to the garden he will stand in front of my chair and he will stay there untill I put the big pillow on it and then jumps on it, and rolls over on his bag and just soak up the sun!!
My favorite summer memory (so far) is seeing our friends at the lake for the first time. We each live in different states - NJ, Florida and California; so it's always exciting to finally 'eyeball' each other and all the kids since last year (3 moms, 9 1/2 kids!!) We enjoy lazy days together the whole month of July. But, now that it's August I'm home and furiously scrapbooking again :)
Barb P.
My favorite memory this summer is all the late nights. I love warm summer nights spent, swimming, playing or just hanging out. Of course, this means we don't have many early mornings, but oh well.
I will happily take your stash reductions!!
My fav memory this summer has to be our great 4th of July BBQ. We had such a great time!
My favorite memory so far was the incredible reaction of my dog Cocoa when I first walked in the door after being gone for a week on vacation with my husband in Ecuador. She stayed with my in-laws while we were away and had a blast with them (who love her and whom she loves), but when she saw me walking in the door, her ears perked up, her little eyes lit up and she just gave me the warmest most sweetest hug! Literally she galloped towards me, I kneeled down and somehow she got her paws on my shoulders and laid her head on my shoulder! I couldn't believe it! She wiggled her tail like a maniac and managed to give me a billion kisses all over my face...then she ran towards her daddy-my husband. If she could talk I bet she would have said, "I missed you soooo much! I love you!"...
My favorite memory from this summer is seeing my kids,giggling with each other outside in their swimsuits, their little feet dangling in the pool, hair stringy and dripping wet. Hands sticky and mouths colorful from the loads of otterpops they have been devouring this summer.
that's it. nothing fancy. Just that happy childhood summertime image. that just makes me smile.
My favorite summer memory has to be of me, hubby, and our 2 kids eating sandwiches on a San Fransisco pier just watching the birds, scenery and enjoying all the site of a farmer's market :)
My favorite memory this summer was on our trip to Yuma AZ to say goodbye to my husbands Grandfather. We drove over 1300 miles with three kiddos and when we walked in to see him, the first thing he said to my husband was "Hey, there's my buddy!" It was so great and totally worth the trip! He got to see our kids in person and my husband got to spend four awesome days with him! Totally worth it!!
The excitement on my daughters face when she played T-ball and struck a BIG hitter and got all the kids to home base before the catcher could get any of them out. We both did a happy dance.
Favorite summer memory: moving! We moved into the perfect house (that needs some work) in a little town in ID. Lovin' it. Thanks for the giveaway.
my favorite memory, thus far, has got to be a concert in the park with my hubby. it was such a great concert and the energy was just everywhere. you could feel it in your bones!
thanks for the opportunity to win such amazing sb product!
My favorite memory from this summer is when we visited my brother in Austin. We live in PA, and he's visited us many times, but we've never come to see him (he's single and I've got 2 kids.)
The best of that trip was our day on the lake. We rented a pontoon boat and had a blast!
my fave memory so far this summer is when my son graduated from college with a degree in Culinary Arts. we are so proud of him!!!
My best memory of this summer was berry picking as a family - warm weather, wonderful berries, then making a pie with my 3 year old son out of those berries.
My favorite so far has been watching my kids catch fish for the first time and everyday stuff like running through the sprinkler and Popsicle grins.
The scrappy stuff looks so so fun!!! Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite summer memory - just hanging out with my youngest (23 year old) back from college fixing to start teaching and moving out again soon. Loved having him home again - even for a short while!
Jan (Lafayette, LA)
Look at all that yummy stuff!
My favorite memory this summer was my little girl starting school (kindergarten). She is in a year round school so she started last month. It was a bitter sweet milestone. We are so excited to watch her grow but it's so sad not having her home all day anymore :)
Thanks for a chance to win!!
My fave memory this summer actually just happened this past weekend...a party to honor a high school frined who passed away earlier in the week resulted in many re-connections and lots of great stories, reflections and general peace.
I've 2 favourite memories:
1. Having my wee boy come and give me a lovely big wet kiss on my cheek when I was having a lie-in.
2. Discovering I'm pregnant. How exciting!
Julie G
I've 2 favourite memories:
1. Having my wee boy come and give me a lovely big wet kiss on my cheek when I was having a lie-in.
2. Discovering I'm pregnant. How exciting!
Julie G
MY fav memory so far was taking my 2 year old on the Nemo ride at Disneyland. She was so tired and wanted to go so bad, even fell asleep in line then woke up and said, " I wanna play." So of course we took her and she loved it so much she is still talking about it weeks later.
Oooh, I've got to get in on this great giveaway. :) My favorite memory so far this summer is returning to the US after living abroad in Botswana for 3 years. I can already tell there will be a lot of pages documenting all the transitions I've been going through.
My favorite memory this summer is watching my 4 children organize a snowcone stand in our driveway. They worked as a team making signs and collectiong the needed supplies. They even sold some of the vegetables from our garden.
Fave memory this summer? When my DH's grandma lit up like a sun, gave me a huuuuge big hug and said "Oh, Zarah - darling child!" when she saw DH and me at DH's grandpa's birthday party.
I don't like big gettogehters. Not at all. But I love these people beyond words - and that hug was sooo worth every second of it.
Hey Liz as it is winter here BRRR
my favourite is playing UNO with my girls in the warm with their daddy & drinking hot chocolate & having snacks....hearing them giggle when they make daddy draw 2 & lose the game!!! thanks Melxx
My favorite memory so far this summer, was taking my boys swimming. Especially my 9 month old. It was his first time and he absolutely loved it. Splashed the entire time we were there (with a huge smile plastered to his face). Everytime we stepped outside the hotel room, he would start kicking his legs and smiling, thinking he was going for a swim.
Definitely playing outside with kids. Summer brings out the inner child in me and it's been fun swimming, splashing and even better, going down our waterslide! WEEEE!
My fave memory from this summer so far is having my sister visit us from Canada. I miss my family so much and it was a great week filled with fun and sister time and love.
Rockin out at PIB w/ my Girls, going to OBX w/my guy, dog park w/ my puppy. Wait only one :) oooppppssie
My fav memory so far is going to the tide pools with my husband and daughter. We had so much fun looking for sea life. Then hanging at the beach just walking around and relazing. The funniest part is when my 2-yr old daughter starts making up her own "I love you, I not love you" song on the walk back to the car and continues to sing it for 5 minutes.
Hope I win!!!
My favorite summer memory would be the day spent at a local amusement park (Heritage Square) on the rides and alpine slides.
I just found your blog and am really enjoying it. Not to mention, you've turned me on to some really great new music. Thanks!
My favorite memory this summer was succeeding at teaching my 7 yr. old how to ride a bike. I know. I know.... 7?! But he is just not into outside stuff as much as I would like him to be. His dad and I are divorced, and his dad's influence is video games, and movies, and my influence is arts, outside play, and family time! SOooo... it was breakthrough for him and for us! It's great to see his face light up when he is traveling as fast as "The Flash"!
Everything looks great! I would love to encounter some new scrap stuff, especially since I am grounding myself from buying! I am currently saving for a good camera, up to this point, I have only owned a point and shoot!
OOOOOOOH!!!! Pick me! Love it ALL!!! Happy day!!
Love all the new lines!!!
My favorite summer memory was going to see Glen Frey (Eagles) in concert in a small town in Minnesota. Was the best concert yet and loved every moment of it.
Thanks for all the fun stuff on your blog!
Love your blog! My favorite memory would have to be finding out my last baby will be a girl (due Nov. 30th). Now we'll have 2 boys and 2 girls. Perfect!
going to the coast! it was our first time since moving here, and we had a picnic, shaved ice, and lotsa sun! :]
complete with a ride there and back in my hubs convertible! yea!
I love all of the new releases too! :)
I have to say my favorite summer memory is camping in the living room with my boys. That is usually their thing with Daddy but with him in Iraq, they have let me in on the secret and let me tell you...It is magical!
Hope all is well with the girls! ;)
Sarah E.
I'm begging you, PLEASE pick me! Looks like some positively fabulous goodies!
See what happens when you give such great stuff away....you get tons of comments you get to read through. I love your blog by the way, your children are adorable....okay onto my favorite summer memory. I would have to say family birthday celebrations at the park. We just had another one this weekend. Being with family and friends always make for great memories, whether it be summer of any other season.
My favorite summer memory would have to be visiting with family and going to a GREAT children's museum! I have had so much fun with my kids this summer! Too many memories to list! Now I'm sad that its almost over!! :(
Love all the scrapbook goodies and LOVE your blog!
I absolutely LOVE summer - having my 4 kids home with me and being able to sleep in and plan out our days at our whim. Best memory thus far was a family reunion at a beautiful lake where the kids could kayak, fish, crawdad, and swim with their cousins to their hearts content! Bliss! Treasuring these last four weeks that are left!
I loved and still do love turning cartwheels on a greener then green freshly cut lawn.
Oh, fav memory, right. Spending time with some of my favorite people Sylvia and Mark, holding their precious newborn Samuel!
My favorite summer memory is the fireworks I saw over the weekend. What a dazzling display of color!
My favorite summer memory is the way my twenty month old says "Mommy, hold my hand!"
Have a good day!
Leslie M.
spending time preparing for baby #2, all while enjoying #1 more and more each growing day!
My 5 yo ds by my side riding his first big roller coaster. Watching his face was the greatest! After that there was no stopping him. Finally, someone else in the family that will ride the cool rides with me. :)
My favorite part about this summer is taking note, on a daily basis, that I DO NOT have homework! I recently graduated with my masters degree, all the while teaching full time, and raising 3 kids under the age of 7. So reminding myself that I am officially on summer vacation has been the BEST this year!!!!
I loved hearing my sister (who has stage 4 colon cancer) whistling and singing as she was putzing around her house on a day when she actually felt decent. I will always remember that!
My 2 yr old daughter has a very mild case of chicken pox right now and after a few days is feeling better. I thought I'd go crazy not leaving the house for 10 days but we've had so much fun being creative together. We've made a train out of diaper boxes, made creatures from playdough, stamped together in my craft room, etc. It's been the most fun, creative, relaxing time together.
Seeing pictures of Avery climbing around in your studio has inspired me to invite my daugher into my space. I'd love to play with the giveaway goodies with her in there too!
Thanks for all the inspiration!
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