This little angel slept through the night last night. She's done this a couple times in the few months of her existence but last night I didn't hear a peep. It's funny that even though she slept I was still up... putting my hand on her tummy and listening to hear breathe. She is growing so fast that lately I've felt this urgency that if I blink I'll miss some momentous part of her life. But I just push that aside and instead take in every bit of her I can-like her giggles and her smile that beams across her face. She looks just like daddy when she does that.
She's growing out of her clothes like they're going out of style.

Love this font!
I can't believe it's already fall. We went up the canyon with some friends over the weekend and it was gorgeous! The leaves are changing and it had just rained so the air was fresh and renewing. Not to mention we had the most delicious dutch oven peach cobbler I've ever tasted! It was heaven! I wish I had some visual aids to share but someone (me) forgot her camera. Can you believe it? I noticed my bag was a lot lighter as I was getting in the car but thought, "I'll just enjoy the moment instead of worrying about taking pictures at the same time." Well, I've regretted that irrational thought process ;) ever since. I also realized something about myself, I can't sit back and enjoy the moment unless I'm taking pictures at the same time.
Instead envision this with me... colorful trees, the sound of the river, the fire crackling, the smell of the peach cobbler, Avery (covered in mud) running around non-stop waking up every woodland creature within a 10 mile radius-it was a great day!
Sounds like a fun hike! There is something about taking toddler/preschoolers into the woods and them HAVING to make noise. We went on an owl hunt this morning for the kids park pals class and of course we weren't expecting to see any owls but they couldn't stop making noise.
She's so beautiful! I love how her arms are put together so delicately. I totally know what you mean about having to take pictures or you can't relax and enjoy the experience. I forgot my camera when my sister went to the MTC and I think I was more upset about that, then her actually leaving for 18 months!! Thanks for your posts on motherhood, they mean so much to me!
What an adorable pictures. I have one just like it of my little guy. I wish you had had your camera with you. I bet pictures of Avery covered in mud would have been so cute.
What a great photo of that cutie pie!
I soooo feel your pain on forgetting the camera! Last year we went to Payson Lakes for the first time...Fall colors were starting to pop up everywhere...it was our first official camping trip, and that lake is the prettiest I have seen...and I forgot my camera...it was killing me for 2 nights and 2 days!
I know exactly how you feel. If you figure how that whole "slowing time thing down", please let me know. OK?
I can completely identify with the anxiety... my husbnd teases me that my camera is an extension of my identity. My problem is I can't relax with or without my camera!
I can totally relate... my seven month old is inflicting the same kind of torture on me! She's crawling and has even started pulling herself up to, well, EVERYTHING!!! I had to lower the crib mattress again last night :(... good luck with what's to come.
Gorgeous photo of Q-Biscuit.
She is so beautiful!
I am the same way with my camera.
"Relaxing without taking pictures" usually means complaining that I forgot my camera.
I know what you mean about not wanting to miss a moment. I find myself up at extra times during the night just to watch my baby sleep. She is already a month now and I want her to stay little forever so I can keep her in my arms.
What a great picture of your sleeping beauty! And that hand on the tummy thing, I think that will never go away! I still trek into their room, half asleep at night just check on them and watch them sleep! =)
Ohh, those baby days. With my last baby, I treasured those nighttime moments, knowing they were numbered.
Sometimes don't you wish you could just put the brakes on, just for a few moments?
Your weekend sounds divine. I love fall, and can't wait to enjoy hikes and apple pickin' and cooler weather (still in the 80's here in Ohio).
OMG!!!...those little Vans are too stinkin' cute!!!...now, i want a pair!...the 80's were great!...glad you had a nice weekend!...and, soon the little sweetie will be sleeping thru the night every night....
I know exactly how you feel about your baby Q. My little B just turn one and I have no idea where the year went... luckily I have about 10,000 pictures and a couple of scrapbooks to show for it.
And the canyon sounds beautiful. I miss Utah in the fall, and dutch oven peach cobbler.
Mmmm... peach cobbler. :) So many happy thoughts that you mentioned - hooray for the fall! Those are the cutest little Vans I've ever seen. Thanks for the font link - I loved it on one of your CK layouts this month! The froggie one I think...
Great photos! Did you run an action on the first one...it's priceless. And I'm with ya on needing to experience things through the camera, it's not quite the same without it!
Some of my best memories were unphotographed. Check out this webiste http://www.unphotographable.com/index.shtml
I have started to sit back at times and just enjoy the moment and then journaling it all later. It makes me practice my creative and descriptive writing.
Sometimes the most memorable are those with no photos! Its nice to step back. Glad you had a wonderful weekend!
I have just started thinking about decorating for the fall and Halloween at home and since you are so creative I am wondering what fun things you are going to be doing for decorating. Would you be willing to share:)
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