Flippin' excited for my baby sis who has a sweet pea growing in her tummy! Remember that anxious feeling of the unknown? I do, so I try to share some tips from my experience of mommahood as much as I can. Can't wait for Baby Miles coming this Fall. 10 bucks says it's a girl.
And here are the 3 lucky winners of blog makeovers from Designer Blogs!
Alena Honeycutt
Carla (Creative Organization)
Zarah in Sweden
Ladies email Erin at designerblogs[at]gmail.com to get the party started! Excited to see your cute, new blogs.
What? Is he like 2 feet taller than her? So cute!
they are too cute. very exciting for your expanding fammily.
so cute! what fun pics!
btw-where did she get her shirt? its adorable.
yes he's 6'11"
she's about 5'4" or something... :)
Hi Kara!
i'll find out about the shirt!
How exciting! It will be great to add to your family. I know I can't wait to add to ours! 8 weeks to go! Love these pictures too. They are going to have a tall kid. LOL!!
Thanks for sharing your news with us.
Yeah! Congrats to your family! Where did your sister get her shirt?
Congrats to your sis!!! When is she due? We are due September 18!! :) And find out Thursday what we are having!!! :)
Congrats!! you girls are all so cute.
I know the excitement of having a new niece(or nephew). My brother and his wife just had their little girl on Wednesday. Savor the fact you live near each other - we are on opposite coasts so its killing me right now!!
Yeah oh yeah I made it on your blog that is awesome! Thanks Liz you're the best sis every thanks for always calming my nerves LOVE YOU!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I've never won anything from a blog giveaway (I know, everyone says that....but it's the truth!). I'm so excited!!! I can't wait!!!
XOXOXO, Carla G.
Im so happy for her! I will take a gamble and say your right about it being a girl! What cute parents they will make! I can't wait either!
Congrats to them!! she is so cute and sweet looking
Congrats on the news. What fun! That baby is going to be beautiful. And spoiled from a certain aunt I am sure....Enjoy!
Your sis is gorgeous! Yay for you auntie liz! ;-)
She's so pretty - and you two look SO much alike! I thought it was you at first! :D
...and YAY!! I won!! *does the happy dance* Thanks!! :D
They are so cute together! The baby will be beautiful! Congratulations!!
Congratulations and good luck to your little sis!
i love the coloring you used in these pictures, can you tell me what action you used or how you got that?
Katie Rasumussen
i think its a boy. :0) Either way, Story can't wait for her new cousin! so excited for them!
You look so much alike. Got the sister love goin' on!
Love your scrapping style and choice of girly names. I too have a daughter named Avery (Avery Rose) and when we picked that I thought it was so unique. Now I am seeing it everywhere, even on "samples" in catalogs. So far she is the only one in her Kindergarten class with the name, though.
Thanks for your daily inspiration.
your sis smiles that glowing smile just like you......could you pleeease (with sugar on top!)share how you do your photos......I just looove the text along side of you sis's pics.
Yay! :) Congrats to her, and you too Auntie! :)
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