Some pictures from an eventful day of eight hours of teaching classes, hundreds of awesome scrappers, 2 diet cokes, and plenty of paper.
i need a photo with my new friend Andi & Kelly Purkey and i jumping on our hotel beds!night night.
Some pictures from an eventful day of eight hours of teaching classes, hundreds of awesome scrappers, 2 diet cokes, and plenty of paper.
i need a photo with my new friend Andi & Kelly Purkey and i jumping on our hotel beds!night night.
must be incredible to go to these classes, come to Spain :)
Wow, you and Kelly Purkey in the same place.
If you just had Mou Saha there you'd have my three favourite scrapbookers on the planet all together!
Wish I was there... sigh... .
I´d love to go to your classes, as Ami said, come to Spain :)
How funnnnn!! :)
What a blast. Soak it up!
fun fun fun! :)
I am going through withdrawal already-- I can't make it to the Buffalo CKC this year, and its such a happy time for me when I have attended in the past. You and Kelly Purkey in one room-- bottle the energy and creativity and you can sell it on etsy!! :) Have fun... do you think you'll ever make it to the East Coast to teach??
Ahhh! I finally figured out who you remind me of! I hope this doesn't offend you, I think it's a good thing since you're both gorgeous, but you remind me of Giulianna Ransik from E News. I know this is random, hope you're having fun at CKC!
Oh, I wish I was there with you :)
Looks like fun! I can't wait to see the jumping pictures!
Your girls are definitely in good hands--I witnessed the Collinator in action! He has it together, girl! Miss u! XOXO
Thanks for the fun class and the great prize! I was in the Friday 12:30 class. I didn't know for sure until they changed the sign in front of the classroom that you'd be our instructor. I was so excited! LOVED the no pressure, relaxed environment. It made my year to be in your class and I was so mad I that I forgot my camera at home - grrr! Thanks again!
Looks like so much fun! Wish I was there.
It is so wonderful to TA for you on Saturday! It was my pleasure even though I forgot my camera to take our photo!
You are a very beautiful lady inside and out!
So, Now I will be following you on your blog. take care Liz!
And nice to meet you!
Aaah, you are in AZ?! I've been so out of it...I totally could have come down & stalked ya. ;)
I am so glad I got a chance to meet you. My husband totally made fun of me and saying that I had a girl crush when I told him I meet you. I must have been really excited. Thank you for posting my pic on your blog!!! I do have a question for you. The stamps we used in the class 1 stamp, 8 techniques...who makes that stamp?
As promised, I'm home now so here is the link to my blog with our picture. It was so cool to get to meet you and take some classes from you! I hope I'll get to run into you again somewhere soon!
Your darker hair color look's fabulous!!!!!
Of course I zeroed in on the King Triton...where did you find that?? My Sophie would love to add to her Little Mermaid collection...I've never seen anything other than Ariel (which she has a zillion of - small, big, etc.).
By the way, there's nothing better than digging into your purse for sunglasses only to find a handful of kiddie stuff :-)
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