It's always a treat to download the pictures from my camera after Collin has been home with the kiddos. This morning I found this photo. Apparently Avery got into something and there wasn't a trace of her mess when I got home but evidence on the camera.
haha. I'll have to find out more details of what happened. :)
PS The silicon cupcake cups are by Wilton and I'm pretty sure I got them at Target. Happy snacking.
In addition to my comment on the post right before this I thought of another book. It is a really funny take on marriage called...Strangling Your Husband Is Not An Option...it can be found at Deseret book. It is a very insightful, funny, and quick read-enjoy :0)!
I just found my three year old with his feet covered in green finger paint. I then found his brother's room, where the paint came from, where the carpet is covered in..you guessed it green finger paint. Auggh! What a mess.Thankfully it is washable paint.
My mom reads and follows your blog, so as I'm sitting here at work with nothing to do, I thought I'd take a look.. And I'm hooked! You and your family are so cute, and I love every layout you make! I just started getting into scrapbooking (something my Mom's been wishing I'd start since I was 3, I'm sure) and I feel like I can do anything when I look at everything you do! Love it all!!
too cute. sounds like something that would happen around here. happy easter!
Uh oh. Cute pjs.
way to go collin! for having the mess all cleaned up before you got home;) and also props for capturing the moment...that's priceless!
my guess is that avery is standing in the remnants of pancake mix! let us know :)
hmmmmm...if only pictures could talk...
This happened to my sister, except my 3 year old niece (and less than year niece at the time) were in daddys care and 3 yr old got ahold of markers...my brother in law took pictures then sent them to people, and proceeded to not tell my sister. so everyone who got them asked her what she thought of the marker incident when she was gone..busted!
At least he was nice enough to clean up !
Those powdered toe-ies are too cute!
I just bought those cupcake cups myself at Joanns. :)
Hi Liz,
I just wanted to stop by to wish you and your beautiful family happy easter! I love you blog! Thank you for inspiring me. :)
heeee!! so cute! miss avery has such pretty eyes!! love her pajamas!
I think this could be a good story!
Those silicon cups can be found at Walmart too. I bought a set this morning in the easter 50% sale.
After loving on your style (both fashion and scrapbook wise) I thought I would share something that I really think you would enjoy. They are necklaces made out of vintage French wallpaper - made by an artist in France. They are beautiful and something I could totally see you rocking! Check them out at her Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6374013
Can't wait to hear the details!! I have a similar photo of my daughter's little 'Freddie Flinstone' foot engulfed in baby powder...she had gotten a hold of the tiny bottle and poured it out in her bedroom! I think she was about 14 months old...
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