Sunday, July 5, 2009

live on channel 13

Collin and his Grandpa got their interview skills put to the test while we were setting up camp down at the Provo parade. Turn off the tunes on the sidebar ==> Fast forward til about :45 seconds.


katie said...

oh my gosh, that is hilarious! i love the folding chair action and wish i'd gotten to see the llamas...

Kaylyn said...

LMAO!! folding chair action!! said...

How great is it to be an american. Love the video, thanks for sharing. Love your pictures too.

Sara Ancich said...

llama people? hmmm...

Jane said...

Love it :)

Happy 4th!!! (a day late lol)

Jenna said...

hahaha tooo funny! I wish we had star wars and llamas in our parades!

Hallie Weibel said...

Man, I can't believe Collin is more hilarious on camera than online. He should seriously do some stand-up on the side. "Hello Kitty...Llama people," where does he get this stuff?

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I didn't realize that Collin's hair was curly. That's cool that he was on there.

OohLookBel said...

That's a pretty funky news report. And all because of Collin - he's a natural!

Skippen said...

Karyn and Ashley here! We came. We saw. We loved.
You are one talented woman!

heather telford photography said...

Collin is so funny!! I might join ya next year my family wont go to the parade anymore..

Lisa Lew said...

LOL!!! Wow! That must be some parade! (That, or you have nothing else to do!) Too fuNnY!!

Traveling Mama said...

How fun! Did you guys get any of the barbecue and tootsie roll action? :-)

Emily Frame said...

ahahah. i love it! did grandpa get choked up about the parade?

Just Rhonda said...

heehee love the folding chair :)

Shanna said...

Collin is funny!

hchybinski said...

love the fact that he throws in "and there's nothing else to do. . ." LOL


Unknown said...

..."and because there is nothing else to do."

Mindy said...

Could Collin BE any cuter?! ;)

Lizacamellia said...

hahaha, "the Llama/Star Wars people" now I understand the camp-out!