Attended the
Mom's Who Make It conference last week with these darling ladies...
Jefra &
Rhonna. It was a complete blast learning from other moms. Some of my notes include: "Be brave, Challenge youself, Live your goals, Follow what your heart tells you & Be who we were made to be." It was empowering to be surrounded by other women who seek to find balance & although it is a challenge at times, it's important as we strive to fulfill our purpose.

I stayed up way past my bedtime, laughed way too hard while taking photos & dancing. FYI:: I am a really dorky dancer... I should avoid it at all costs.
Speaking of dancing... Jefra & Rhonna started their fabulous class with a trailor for the movie
FAME. How did they connect the dots with fame and creativity...? This quote from the movie below... love it! I remember Jefra having to repeat it a few times because we were so inspired by it and trying to write it down. :)

So sad I didn't know about this, I could have used something like this in a big way! I laughed when I saw the picture. Rhonna is the mother of one of my son's friends from school. Small world!
I have seen the Fame trailer a few times before movies lately. And each and every time it brings me to tears. It was my dream, as a little girl, to be on the show. I never missed a single episode. I can't wait to see the movie. And by the way, you do so much inspiring for others, it was about time you were given a chance to reflect and get inspired.
such a TREAT to be with you, sweets! truly inspired by YOU & all other moms there!
spark it, sistah!
love it. so glad you had fun. xo
yay for you! what a great thing.... you are definetely not alone when trying to find balance between mommyhood and every other thing that is calling. i can totally relate! love your notes, btw. they ring so true!
I am so excited for this movie. I just get chills everytime I see or hear anything from it. I can't wait. Love that quote.
Great picture, " )
I wanted to come to this but we were out of town! So bummed! It would of been so fun to hang out with all of you cute girlies! Let's do it soon okay! Hugs!
Reminds me a little of the Hearts At Home (heartsathome.org)conference minus the business input. An AMAZING conference if you ever get the chance to go. Leave feeling refreshed and ready to be the wife and mother God intended.
What a great group of girlies! Glad you got some time for yourself.
That Fame trailer gives me chills every time. Can't wait to see the movie.
Have you ever attended "Time Out for Women" It's in SLC in November and truly an amazing, uplifting conference. It's fabulous!
Hi Ely, is very fun that reunion, only for girls, so Collin is out... By Ely and say Hi to Collin. Is me Glory from PR.
I can't WAIT for that movie!! I'm such a sucker for movies with song and dance. :p
Speaking of song,LOVING your playlist! :D
Oh goodness! What a small world! I was at the conference too. You don't know me...but I've started designing for your friend Erin's Designer Blogs. My name is Amy. But also Quinn is a good friend of mine and I also help her with Created By Mom. I was there helping with Registration and the little boutique. I'm also the owner of Lexi Lynne Designs, hair bows and headbands I was selling there at the conference. Anyway...such a small world. Love your stuff. I just saw you on Studio 5 too and came over to check out your blog and saw this post about Moms Who Make It. Wow...still crazy what a small world. lol
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