What was that bright light in the sky over the weekend? Oh, that was the sun... I've missed it. We headed over to the farm to enjoy the nice weather. Which was fun except I learned not to buy a treat to eat there... unless you like the delectable scent of cow manure. ;)

This hunk... yes I said hunk.
Which is short for hunkalicious. Anyways, he has a mohawk. I styled it the other day with my flat iron.
haha. Funny that he let me do that since my own daughters won't even let me comb their hair. Not even when I offer yummy bribes.
Clearly, I am not the best blogger when it's past my bedtime... I should post when I'm a bit more coherent. Then I would be less apt to share this next fun moment at the farm-- when a goat whom we'd just fed a fresh handful of corn... & the only thing between us was a wire gate... sneezed all over me. I screamed because I was frightened (goats sneeze rather loudly) then wanted to die when I looked down at the treat he left on my coat and camera.
I did get the shot though.
Happy Monday!
Too funny! Sounds like a fun day. :)
Oh yum, goat boogers. Sounds like a lovely day, boogers and all.
Hilarious!! Can't stop laughing. Sounds like you had a fun day despite the goat boogey!!
love collins hair! I have been trying the hawk for a while but the bf wont give in. At least he is growing his hair out now.
great photos :-)
funny story! i just found your blog...and i LOVE it. I love reading about your adorable family and I love all your crafty tips...i just bought your book, so i plan on doing some of your challenges...thanks for being so awesomely you and so very inspiring :)
so, where's the picture. You can't not show it now that we know it exists.
mmm...feeling hungry now! ha ha! funny story and cute phototies!
Made me laugh out loud! I needed that! :)
How funny! I would have loved to see that! Thanks for the giggle!
Great pictures, love the one with you and Quincey on the horse, she is adorable! Don't you just love the first sunny days after winter is over? Happy spring to all of you.
What a fun day! And there is another yucky truth about male goats...but I will spare you the details. My Niece's didn't spare me. ha!
I took today off of work to scrapbook... Im at a loss. SO I thought I would look to Lizzy for inspiration. Winner winner chicken dinner! You always make me smile. Thank you for sharing
Well that left a good visual! Thanks for the monday morning laugh
Bwah ha ha ha. Been there. Except I left with goat slobber and chewed up food in my daughter's hair since without realizing it a goat was gnawing on her piggy tail. Gross.
Oh, GROSS! Poor Liz! Love the faux-hawk :)
Too cute! I love all of the great pics!
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I assume you meant 'gesundheit'? Or did I miss a play on words somewhere?
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