I wanna fly mommy! I wanna fly... is what she calls out as she flaps her arms and jumps off the couch! Wishing so much that I can say,"Yeah, you can do it." But since I don't have any pixie dust and you can't just
think of a wonderful thing I have to explain to a 3
¾ year old the facts of life... that only birds, airplanes & pteranodons can fly.
Thank goodness
Daddy's good at pretend flying her around the house.
That is so sweet! Our 'daddy' is good at helping them fly too, tee hee.
Jamie :)
That's an adorable picture! I love the wings you added also. My little girl is the same age. Its so fun!
yes. Pixie dust would be nice. For mommy too. But I can't make my 3 year old actually fly either. :-(
Sweet photo :) Love how you've added the wings.
wow! what a cute picture!
LOVE the picture!
This is so precious!!! What a great photo!
so sweet.
i do so love the fun pics of your sweet fam you put on here. so cute and inspiring. miss avery has such a sweet smile.
thanks for sharing!
Great pic, Liz!
Truly love that she's missing one of her shoes on her flight!
do you guys watch dinosaur train? that's the only way i would know what a pteranodan is!
way cute pic.
I just love this picture! What true smiles they both have. And I love the wing you added. How did you do that??
love those leg warmers...is she taking dance class?
awesome photo - and something tells me her sprit will fly her into any direction she wants
I love this picture... Such fun!
I love that she's missing a shoe :) So sweet.
Love that you caught this moment on camera! It seems to be a fav of all little girls.
What a precious picture!
So cute! Such a sweet picture!
And I just wanted to let you know that your "Find You" blog post inspired me to create a mantra/wall decor to hang in my scrap room and inspire me daily. Thank you!! :D
(It's on my blog today if you wanted to see: http://sunshineandwonder.blogspot.com/2010/03/creating-mantra.html)
Somebody's been watching the dinosaur train! lol. Great picture.
Ha........I love the dinasour train :) Do you know about sid the sience kid.....I love how they groove ;) Very cute pic and I love the overlay.
What a sweet pic! Love the added wing. Daddy's make the best pilots. ;-)
such a cute photo. loving seeing it again
Thats the cutest picture ever! ♥ the wings!
Fantastic photo...love how you added the little wings...she looks so tiny up in the air like that...FuN!!!!
Love this picture! Is she missing a shoe? Ha! Love it!
We're in a let's wear a dress phase even though it's freezing cold outside.
Such a fun picture! She's going to love looking back on that one!
ну просто потрясающее фото:)
Love it... they grow so fast... I remember when my three daughters were that little and wanted to fly...now they just want to DRIVE :-)
Love that pic, so cute!
It's okay, Q. I want to fly, too.
Just wondering if you and Colin received the e-mail i sent to Pixel Pop? I've sent 2 now over the past month about doing a photoshoot for me in Seattle. I'm Australian but visiting family in Seattle mid-march and would like some photos taken of me and my nieces.
In the second e-mail i asked for a reply ASAP as i'm leaving soon - could you please check to see he got it? I did get the automatic reply e-mail both times.
Oh my goodness! My 3 1/2 yr old and I just had the pixie dust and why-she-can't-really-fly- conversation last week! I completely fumbled over my words!
My boys jump off the couch yelling "To infinity and BEYOND!"
Love cute kid stories!!
This photo is simply ADORABLE!!!!!! suzy
Gorgeous pic Lizzy! Avery is such a cutie patootie!
Super cute picture!!
Totally off topic but I just HAD to ask if you have heard of the singer Meaghan Smith?? I've learned a few new favorites from your play list on your blog and I thought you would enjoy her. I just heard her music for the first time last week and thought you would like it too. Anywho, http://www.meaghansmith.com/
Oh, I love this photo and also the LO in your book using this pic! :D
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