Woke up to SO much snow.
I know it is crazy that I'm about to say this but... I like the fluffy, white stuff.
Which leads to our next topic of conversation. How big of a nerd I am for making a snow angel while the kids were napping. But the snow was beckoning me...
The girls are going to be jealous but we can play when they wake up. Because let's face it, this snow isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Collin would have gasped had he seen my jimmy-rigged tripod to our front banister. You should take a self-timer shot this weekend. You don't need to risk you camera's safety like me. ;) They are freeing and fun. I have a remote but there's something about the 10 second run to get in the frame that adds to the excitement-or the dorkiness.
I love you, love you! NOT dorky, cute:)
i LOVE you!
now you know why it kills me when you text about 80 degree weather!
There's nothing nerdy about looking that cute in the snow!
Glad you love the snow,we have had enough here in GA. We are over it!!
Not a nerd at all. I am quite a bit older than you and would do it in a heartbeat! Never to old to color, blow bubbles either!
Cute pics! love them
How fun...and spontaneous...and totally inspiring!! Who says we have to wait for the kids to play? I love it! Happy weekend!
I love it, great post!
Super CUTE! :)
What's nerdy about having fun??? I hope your Uggies survive!!
That's beyond awesome! :D {says the girl who jumps into leaf piles every chance she gets in the fall}
That is so cute! Love self timer shots. We did them for our Christmas cards. I could not stop cracking up because of our theme and the overall amount of fun we were having
I LOVE spontaneous, childlike FUN!
As a matter of fact, just this morning I was shampooing my hair and I remembered how I used to sculpt my soapy hair into fancy hair-dos when I was little! You know, when you roll it and pat it and it stays in a bouffant? I actually found myself smiling out loud...Can you smile out loud?...in the shower and delighting in being little again for just a moment. Try it! :)
Thanks for sharing your moment and giving me the opportunity to revisit mine!
You are so funny! I like that attitude - find happiness in everything!
Love it! Embrace the dorkiness! Wish I had some snow to do that.
oh man that's funny!!!!
haha! I know what you mean about the self-timer fun run. ;) I totally love how you like to take pictures of your shoes...you are too cute, Liz!
PS - I also LOVE, love, Love the Laura Jansen version of "Use Somebody" on your playlist. So awesome...I keep coming back to your blog just so I can listen to it again.
So stinkin cute Liz! How exactly did you get this pic with your self timer? Where is the camera? Hanging, on a table what?! I need to know, LOL!!
Love it, Liz!
I read the post and all the comments and I am still giggling - I totally love the spontaneity of it all.
I think I will take you up on the challenge to use the self timer on my camera this weekend.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Geekiness rocks - and so do these photos! :D
LOL So fun! I love snow too, but having tons of it since december...well, I must admit I long for spring. But, living in Norway, I guess I´ll have to wait a while ;)
Love your happy photos, your happy posts and great work :) Enjoy the snow!
lol...you are so funny...xxx
You are all inspiration.... and beautiful!
Well...if you are a nerd... you are the BEST kind! :-) darling photos...love them!
P.S., I love how you take photos of your shoes... my middle daughter (since she was old enough to work the camera) always takes photos of her bare feet... I have several scrapbook pages of her self-portraits of her feet... it's so darling and I will always treasure each and every one of those photos... (she's 20 and STILL takes pictures of her feet to this day!) ;-)
Gotta love the 10 second run!
Snow is so awesome...God is amazing! I love it. We've had the best winter ever here in Ohio...and I hope for more snow, it's still winter for 2 more weeks!!!
That's what I do and feel so dorky...run with 10 seconds to spare. Self-timers!
oh, how fun!!! See, I miss the snow. But I DO love the warm weather here. :-) And you are so funny using your self timer for this! LOL! Cute. :-)
you are seriosuly too cute for your own good ;)
I am one of the few Utah "nerds" who love the snow in March as well.. I will have to ry the self-timer shot this weekend! Spice it up.. ya know? ;)
liz- seriously, GORILLA POD! My hubby got me one after several precarious situations with the standard pod. I took an awesome photo of myself on my 2 level deck with my camera on the bannister above me! So go get one!!! And dork angle is super cute!
so so lizzy of you...i love it...
miss you...can't wait till Monday!
loves loves loves you...
kiss kiss
I'm 31 and the mother to two children. We have goofy fun all the time and sometimes the kids aren't even around and I have goofy fun! Like you, I love my self-timer and use it often! I feel my most relaxed when I take pics of myself! It's good to let the child out in us every now and then, it reminds us to play and have fun, age is so relative and does not mean that because you are an adult you have to act in a certain way and be this stuck up, prim and proper prune! ha ha. It's important too for our kids too to see us having fun, letting loose and just living in the moment. there is a quote something about how kids remind us how to be children all over again...it's good to know i am not the only one that does crazy things! ha ha.
How can anyone not love that fluffy white stuff? I wish we had some here in WA, its been a very snowless winter for us... :(
I like being a dork sometimes too! It makes life more enjoyable! :)
Those fun spontaneous moments by yourself can be the best!!! I like that you captured it! Looks like a great idea for your next page..spontaneous everyday moments!! Hmmm...I think I've just figured out MY next page!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!:)
So fun!!!
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