Saturday night was date night.
Which means that the couple short hours where we are not taking care of kids is an excuse to act like kids.
Hence, taking photos with Strawberry Nesquick & a pineapple.
We choose the less trafficked aisle... the juice aisle. Only a few people came through to pick up their prune or apple juice. I don't think anyone noticed my camera mixed in with the Hot Cocoa but I did get a couple strange looks. Which actually was nothing compared to the strange looks we got when Collin was blaring Lady Gaga and driving through the parking lot 3 times with the windows down hollering, "where da club at?" to a group of teenage kids. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was worse. When it came down to it, it was much easier to ask him to pose at the grocery store after the crazy parking lot episode. Yes, I was ducking and hiding in the passenger seat at the time.
We took three quick shots at different levels of the shelves to get the whole dorky scene. Then layered them to create one dorky photo. Definitely fun because I will never forget this night.
Tweet #936: Then I hitched a ride to the car... that's what happens when you go grocery shopping in heels.

TOO FUNNY! Sounds like a night of lots of LAUGHS! Love the pic!
haha you guys are 2 cute! Adorable Picture. Grace
LOL, love it! You two win for cutest couple ever. I was taking a drink of my soda and choked on it when I read what he was doing in the parking lot. Awesome idea!!! haha
you guys sound like Jason and I. Our dates are always dorkish, but that's how I like it. It's how I fell in love with him. lol
PS love the red shoes ;)
Oh my gosh, so funny!! That sounds similar to us. The last 2 Saturday nights we've gone out with our besties, and find ourselves at restaurants laughing, talking WAY too loud, giggling, getting lots of stares. And then the same at Target. lol.
Glad you caught it on camera. And so cute!
I laughed out loud when I read this, that is awesome! I love how you guys have so much fun together..I would pay to watch Collin do that again!! Thanks for sharing Liz ;)
Thanks for sharing such a hilarious night!
You've such a fun husband, how can you ever get sick of each other?!!
Too loving for words!
thank you for the smile and the chuckle!! :)
who does not love date nights?!
I am laughing so hard at the parking lot story!!
You guys are such a fun couple!
Oh how I wish I could get Dr. Hubby to act like a serious ALL THE TIME! On date night in December I couldn't even get him to take a pic with me and I know the pineapple is out...bummer.
I love how much fun you two have...ah to be young(er) again!! great shots...thanks for making me laugh this morning!
you guys are hilarious!!!! hey i think it sounds like a fun date night :) Is that a red box movie in your cart??? love the heels!
That is hilarious! At least you only had to deal with Lady husband will yell across the isles at the drug store, 'hun, did you get the diarrhea medicine,' and then he'll duck and leave me stranded with rosy cheeks as the passerby's giggle and stare! That's why I always try to take the kids with me when we go, because he is less likely to pull a stunt like that ;)
Isn't it funny how fun date nights (and time without the kiddos) can be even if you are just grocery shopping!? It always brings me back to our time before 3 kids and boy were those some crazy times! Not that it's not the best time of our lives right now...but you know what I'm saying, tee hee!
Jamie : )
Sounds like fun!
Love the red heels! :D
PS. I wouldn't have looked at you weird.
Okay I think you 2 get the cutest couple award. I thought my hubby and I were the dorkiest but you guys are soooo sweet. I love it.
such a comedy team you two...
giving Chelsea Handler and Chuy a run for their money, for sure!
I just loe you two!! You make me smile! :) And I can totally picture Collin and the parking lot excitement! Definitely made me LOL!!! :)
This is completely awesome. You are so creative - I can't stand it! My photos didn't happen, but I will try again this weekend!
So funny! :D
You guys are too stinkin' CUTE!
You guys are so funny! "Where da club at?" haha So awesome!
HOW fun!!!!!
How could you possibly take those pictures and keep a straight face? Priceless!!
If only everyone knew how to have this much fun!
you guys are so fun and silly! gotta love it! ;D
Hilarous! We usually end up at the grocery store at the end of all our date nights too but we do the boring thing and just shop. I'm gonna have to forward this to the hubby and let him have a chuckle
heee! love you guys!
You guys are too funny! I'd love to hang out with you guys, but my husband might be a little too uptight for these kind of hijinks. ;) Here's to staying young!
i love how ya'll can make a date to the grocery store look like the best idea ever!
and you always have the greatest shoes! love these red heels!
Dear Lizzy,
I just bought your entire line of scrapbooking goodness! :) aka: I'm now poor.
OMG! You 2 are insane!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Glad you liked my card.
I can so see Collin yelling "where the club at" Love it!
P.S. I just got my Studio Calico kit and I was THRILLED to see some of your Dear Lizzy products!! They are ADOARABLE! It makes this months kit extra special! ;)
this cracks me up! forever young. :) sounds like the most fun date night ever.
aww that is so cute! I love the self timer shots!
I love the dorky photos and love that you flaunt it on your blog!! You may have me beat in the dorky dept. - although I recently purchased a copy of "Labrynth" on DVD....
I seriously laughed all day about this. I used to do that kind of stuff, and it reminded me so much of it! I can just see the looks on the kids faces. It reminded me to never take life too seriously. A lot of my old ways have calmed down as i've gotten older, but it's nice to see that you guys still have fun like that (not that i'm saying your old), and even better, you do it together! Too cute!
If you can't laugh and have fun together...what's the point, right??!! Strawberry Quick....yummm. You guys are too cute!
PS Did you ever find "da club"? Lol!!
What a crack up!! I couldn't stop laughing. You made me feel alot more normal. My teenagers are constantly embarrassed by my behaviour. You are only as old as you feel and in that case I think Im five years old. Anyway thanks for the laugh and the constant inspiration, not only in scrapping but in living life to the fullest. Take care and enjoy the snow as we are melting here in Australia.
Gina Baj guys are just too dam "CUTE"......yes have fun and stay young.....forever!!!!!! Keep smilin!
Laurie VF
that's just awesome that you still know how to have FUN! and just be free and laugh! good for you both!
i love the parking lot scene -- super fun! :)
Such a fun and silly story! Thanks for making me laugh Collin!
Love the picture, wish I could get mine to do that. " )
sooo loving that you guys did that! Last time I acted crazy at the grocery store I went there in monkey pajama pants, a reversable mickey mouse pajama shirt and a goofy pajama hat (you know, the pointy ones that flop to one side???....hahaha) then I ended up in the freezer stuck behind the door with the frozen pastas and a cucumber in my hand...LOL I still can't believe that happened..and I have the photo to remind me for life. PS. Why I own those pj's is beyond me...hehe =P
You guys are awesome!! So funny..totally sounds like something we would do!
Can we come with you next time?!
You two are my new favorite!
Hey Liz...just wondering what widget you used for your playlist?
You 2 are so freakin' cute. I could never, I repeat never get my hubby to do something so fun and silly like that. Too cute.
You two are so stinking adorable! <3
Who knew red heels, a pineapple and a camera could come in so handy at the grocery store?!
How fun!! One of my fave dates with my husband was when we went to Salvation Army and picked out each other's outfits. . .the dorkier the better. We went out on the town dressed in the outfits and ended up at a roller skating rink where all the kids thought we were the hired entertainment. ;-) This was a few years before we got married, but still in the date hall of fame! =)
I nearly had soda come out my nose when I read what your husband was doing in the parking lot! That is really funny!
I totally love's very American Grocery Gothic...
Love it!!! What a great grocery shopping trip!
Hilarious! I love hearing about your date nights. What a cute couple the two of you are. I can't wait to find a guy like Collin to make me laugh like that. It's like that new Daughtry song: "All that I am after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you". I LOVE that song, and that is what I am looking for...know of anyone on the East Coast? LOL!
Again, thanks for sharing your fun stories and photos!
love the pics and stories! the hubby and i LOVE going to the grocery store (alone) and be silly, like we're on a first date. ahh marriage... :)
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