Thursday, September 23, 2010

note to self: don't forget this (Giveaway!)

Leaving at the moment to teach at Inspiration Unlimited in Las Vegas. yay!

Uploaded this picture from last night... don't want to forget this moment! Collin recently learned one of Mindy Gledhill's songs on the piano. "All About Your Heart" it's actually dedicated to my sweet friend Stephanie ... whom I'll see on Tuesday. Can't wait!

I also have a giveaway... A gorgeious necklace from Stella & Dot, Art journal & Embellishments from Evalicious & a fabulous scrapbooking kit from Scrapbook Circle...! Leave a comment & share a recent moment you captured that you don't want to forget! I'll choose a winner on Saturday.

Stella & Dot is no ordinary jewelry company. We are a company inspired by & created for smart women—who happen to have smashing taste. Yes, we are a jewelry company with an irresistible collection. We offer it with business savvy. Our designs are fresh, fashionable, fun and right on trend with classic pieces mixed in as well. Whether you are looking for something for your 17 year old niece, your 32 year old sister in law, or your 80 year old grandmother, we have you covered! Our prices range from $11 to $248. We also have many pieces under $50 so you can treat yourself as well without feeling guilty! Every piece in the photo above is less than $50! My Stella & Dot blog. Join my team and become a Stella & Dot Stylist! For more information Check out Tahnie's Stylist website.

Tahnie is giving away this beautiful turquoise necklace on the left!!

Evalicious specializes in making handmade art journals, memory art kits and scrapbooking embellishments.
Eve is giving away a whole prize pack of her fabulous handmade embellishments and an art journal!
Pre-order your Christmas Art Journal. I use her journals every year and I love them... They sell out fast!

We've been creating monthly kits for over 4 years and love getting to share our excitement for scrapbooking with others. We are committed to using the newest products, providing daily inspiration on our blog and treating our customers just as we would like to be treated. Join us onFacebook or Twitter where we love to interact with others. We're going to giveaway one of our September kits featuring Crate Restoration, Sassafras Mix&Mend and Cosmo Cricket Togetherness.
Check out their great kits here!!

Leave a comment with your favorite thing about the Fall season... I'll choose a winner on Saturday, gotta run!


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lexsmama said...

Can I please move to Utah?? So many wonderful things going on at once!

Safe travels!

Avital said...

There comes a time when you figure out how madly in love you are with your husband (or life partner). It need not be extremely significant or earth-shaking. It doesn't have to be grandioze or enduring. It takes only a small gesture to get you overwhelmed with emotions of love and gratitude.

Gladly I experience such moments often with my dear husband and the one I especially remember is the moment he took my parents and me to San Francisco, knowing that we are all going to have good time - just because he was there with us.

heidi said...

gorgeous jewelry! all beautiful things!

Hanna said...

Wow what a fabulous kit!!
I like the colors and prints.

Unknown said...

Wonderful photo. My fall favorite is Halloween. So much fun!

tccba said...

I captured my son crossing the finish line in third place in his first ever cross country meet yesterday. Then I went on to snap pics of my other two boys as they were called on stage at a jump rope expo to help lead the crowd. It was a good day for memories! Thank you!


Unknown said...

What a great picture. I captured a pic of my son scoring a run in baseball, and I love the look of pride in his face. It's something I hope he always has. Thanks for the chance to win!

Frances said...

Every year we rake leaves and I have a photo shoot of my kiddos playing in them...I love it!

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Sada said...

I am not sure Fall exists in Texas but hopefully it means temperatures going below 90! I grew up in Albuquerque, NM and used to LOVE the changing of the leaves, a cozy sweater, and being able to wear sweatpants to bed and not actually sweat!!

elisa said...

going pumpkin picking while drinking a pumpkin spice latte is my fav fall thing.

Scrappy Girl said...

I recently captured my youngest daughter watching very intently as a nurse removed her sister's cast from her leg. She told the nurse "be very careful with her." Touched my heart.

I love fall...all the ORANGE makes me HAPPY!

Have fun in jealous.

Kim Hartmann said...

I love everything about the Fall! the colors the clothes the cooler weather and esp the holidays! And let's not forget pumpkin...i love EVERYTHING pumpkin. so ready for this season!

Anna said...

I captured my new baby cousin Graham dressed up in his tiny little suit when he came up to visit us! Thanks for the awesome giveaways!

Andrea said...

my favorite thing about fall is the weather!! i love jeans and sweaters - unfortunately its 100%!!! here today in kentucky!! are you kidding me?? bring on the football weather!

Ginny H said...

I want to capture my sons working on science experiments together. Great giveaway!

claudia shadler said...

I really like a pic that my hubby took of my parents on their first visit to CO .. we went to visit a national park, and there it was a pic of them, looking so serene and admiring the natural beauty, something they had never seen before in their life! mountains, many of them ... fav thing about fall? well not much of a fall season here in CO but I do love the nice temp, just rite for those fall outfits!

C :)

dawn said...

i recently caught my son and i biking together. with summer pretty much gone in mn, and him getting so big, i couldn't let the opportunity go by! and i love autumn - especially the pumpkin spice lattes. mmm!

elisa said...

I love fall.... the colours, the pumpkins, the cool and crisp mornings. Pumpkin pies, apple harvests, kids in hallowe'en costumes. There are so many great things.

As for a memory I don't want to forget....recently my husband and I went on a mini vacation where we took a horse drawn carriage ride around Stanley Park (a beautiful big park in Vancouver BC). It was wonderful. It's amazing how times like that can remind us why we first fell in love with each other.

Sabrina said...

I love to go up to Cascade Springs on the Alpine Loop and see the leaves.

Laura Hall said...

Sweaters, scarves,tights and boots, layers. Hot chocolate, warm bubble baths, heat on in the car. Crisp cool air, changing leaves. Holidays, cinnamon scented candles. Oh I love it all!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

Love this kit!
My favorite thing about Fall is the beautiful colors, the smell in the air and the wonderful weather that cools my soul!

Anonymous said...

I love Stella & Dot, great necklace! My favorite thing about fall is the colors.
Thanks for the chance to win

Jung A said...

love going to the pumpkin patch in the fall with my daughter and hubbie! This year we'll be going as a family of four! :)

Denise said...

My favorite thing about fall is leaving the house open all night and feeling that chilly air first thing in the morning! Makes my cup of tea taste even better!

Chelsea said...

Pumpkins! I love the cool breeze, the color of pumpkins, and the smells of fall - dry, crunchy leaves, cinnamon, pumpkin, spices.

Dori said...

I love when the leaves start to change but the weather is still warm. Saw my first orange and red leaves this AM on my way into work.

Jackie said...

my favorite thing about the fall would definitely have to be the crisp cool dry air. i just love the way the air feels as it hits my face :D

love your blog btw <3

Rebecca said...

crisp, cool air. My fave.

Crystal said...

I love all the smells of fall - leaves, the earth while digging vegetables, apples cooking, cinnamon, pumpkin - it's comfort for my senses.

Something I want to remember always are the sweet voices of our grandchildren as they learn to talk and express themselves. The little squeals of excitement at so precious!

Thanks for sharing beautiful treasures.

P.S. I should get extra points - the word verification is "colin'!!

Unknown said...

On Tuesday morning, we buried my grandpa. After the service we all caravanned out to the old ranch where my dad grew up and my dad and his brothers stood around telling stories about the things they remember about it. It was a gorgeous fall day, full of family and memories and I don't want to forget it!

Jennifer Cowan said...

I captured my daughter holding a trophy from the tractor pull last weekend. She was so proud of her cousin for winning!

I love Fall because of pumpkin flavored everything... bread, muffins, concretes, etc. YUM

Have fun with Theresa!

Ashley Michelson said...

What beautiful giveaways!! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

It is hard to name just one special moment recently captured. Between family weddings and family gathered together for my grandfather's recent funeral (my Uncle and Aunt came all the way from Mali, West Africa where they are missionaries). However, I think I would say the most special moment for me would be getting together with 2 of my best friends for 2 weeks. We had not seen each other in 3 years so it was such a blessing to be in the same room as them! :)

Best of luck with the last few weeks of your pregnancy and as you prepare for your newest little blessing! :)

Ann Marie said...

Favorite fall moment: that moment you step outside and you feel the crispness in the air, the leaves are on the ground and you hear the wonderous sounds of football in the background. THAT is a perfect day. A warm Starbucks wouldn't hurt either.

michelle :) said...

i do not want to forget the moment when my oldest son (age 7) was teaching his little brother (age 4) how to tape a picture to the glass door and then tape another on top of it so he could trace the picture.....

so creative and willing to make things work when there is no ink in the printer to copy a picture to color :)

and favorite thing is the feeling of rest - of preparing self for the winter season to come - and it all begins with feelings of hope planted during general conference :)

happy changing of seasons to you!

Stacy said...

Cooler temperatures!!!

Christy Carlson said...

We had our engagement pictures taken this week and I can't wait to get them back to see what our photographer captured!

Cassaundra said...

As a first time mom to a 9-month old, there are so many moments to capture. A few weeks ago, we had him laughing so hard he fell backwards (no injuries, just more laughing). I managed to catch him just as he started to tumble. For my birthday last Wednesday he started standing on his own. Have a few of those pictures.

My favorite thing about fall is the colors. So amazing...probably b/c I don't get to see them in Texas.

Evelyn said...

August is the month of birthday's in my family. This year when we all got together for my younger brother's birthday we took a bajillion pictures in the front yard. In all of them we are completely goofing off and looking ridiculous. Its a moment to remember, all of us happy and celebrating.

Cardigans are the best part of fall. Hand down, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a librarian.

mamamuniz said...

We don't have fall in AZ, but I love when the weather drops below 100 (mid October), and I love jeans and sweaters, when we can wear them! Love the giveaways, so cute.

Miss Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miss Smith said...

My autumn favourite is that indescribable feeling you get from holding a hot cup of tea, leaning on the door frame of the front door first thing in the morning and breathing in. The air is colder and it smells better somehow!

Oh, and you can put nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger in everything!

Jennifer said...

I recently captured pictures of my friends participating in a triathlon - so fun! I'm walking 60 miles in the 3 Day this weekend, so hopefully they'll return the favor. ;)

Fall is my FAVORITE season ... love the brisk wear, warm clothing, ahhh!!!

Stef said...

I caught a picture of my husband watching "Nadia" with my girls the other day. It was my favorite movie when I was little and I thought it was awesome that he was sitting there watching it with them - all of them mesmerized.

Love the cooler weather in the fall - it's still in the 90s every day here, but the mornings and evenings have cooled off and I can open the windows in the evening.

Great picture of your sweetie. You're so lucky to have him playing you songs! Have fun in Las Vegas!

Elizabeth said...

Recently saw my daughter cross the finish line at a school cross country meet...first year on the team. Oh, did I mention she's a five year cancer survivor?? What an amazing moment I don't want to forget.

Nicole said...

My favorite thing about fall is apple picking and all of the delicious things that come from apple pie.
Thanks for the giveaway

Casey said...

A moment I recently captured is on my blog from 9/20 entitled "Pictures of the week, no words needed" where I took some family portraits of our dear friends. I live overseas in a country where many humanitarian workers sacrifice their time and love in order to make a difference, no matter how small. I voluntarily take photos of these expat families who are working in this country and could not otherwise afford top-notch photography for their family (they aren't even back in their home countries very often to get updated family portraits anyways). I do my best to capture their precious family moments, and spend much time editing the photos as I possibly can. I want these families to have the best, because they give their best, even though they might not have much to offer in return. I love it. Love your blog- it's very inspiring to me. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Manda said...

Here in Washington we have a big fair every september. Unfortunately I've moved so much over the last 7 years that I haven't been able to attend. Well this year I was able to go and take my three year old niece with me. The look on her face when she saw the giant mama pig feeding her baby pigs was priceless, like she never knew such a thing could happen in this world. I will always remember it.

Sara Ancich Photography said...

decorating the mantle. pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. heading to the apple orchards for picking, apples, and memories. Football games. scarves. boots. seeing orange everywhere.

oops... is that more than one?

The Bashams said...

My favorite captured moment recently was my son on his brand new birthday present skateboard at dusk skating off down the street. I love the Scrapbook Circle kits and Evalicious goodies!

Jessica Miller Kelley said...

I love fall, but one of my many favorite things... eating chili with shedded cheddar and sour cream, while football plays in the background.

Beatriz said...

A moment I will allways remember is when (about a month ago) my mum laughed really hard for the first time after my dad passed away a year and a half ago. It was a so special moment to us :)

Thank you for the chance Elizabeth and I was thinking... When are you coming to Barcelona (Spain) for a course? It would be so cool!


Kelley said...

Living in Texas, we don't see big 'change of season' weather around here, so my favorite part about the start of Fall is knowing that the holidays are right around the corner, even if the temperature is saying it’s still Summer. Plus decorating my front porch is a total bonus!

Esther said...

I captured a moment this morning that reminds me a lot of your photo. My 2 year old boy loves to play the piano. He was born blind so music is everything to him. This morning I stood and stared in awe as he played such a beautiful little tune with his chubby little hands. I'm amazed at what he can come up with on the piano. I'm a proud mommy!

s a n s k u :) said...

i'm very picky with my jewellery but i must say that necklace is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! please let it have my name on it. :)

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

I miss FALL--I live in FL and it never really changes here. I do enjoy the cooler weather--but I really like the sun in the morning coming through the window. Something about the "light"--it looks and feels like FALL. It's more orangish--I know that sounds weird....but love waking up and seeing this orange light shining through! I also love the colors of the leaves--beautiful! It's a great time of the year:) Thanks for the chance to win!

ingrid said...

What I will remember about this fall is that my sweet dad was just diagnosed with lymphoma. He begins chemo tomorrow. I pray for strength to support them through this time and that by *next* fall, he will be cured! Thanks for the fun giveaway - love Evalicious.

Deanna said...

Just one thing about fall? I can name 100 reasons why I love it. The cool crisp air, the beautiful leaves, football, sweater weather...I LOVE fall! And what a great giveaway! love them all!

Nicole Garner McConkie said...

The jewelry is to die for. Alright, One of my favorite things about fall would have to be peaches. I love eating peaches for breakfast lunch and dinner. My sweet aunt taught me how to bottle peaches. I think of how much I adore her, a damp apron around my waist, the sweet smell of the peaches and after the canning is all done the rows of beautiful jars on my counter top. I almost leave them out for a few days just to look upon my work! Happy Fall :)

s a n s k u :) said...

ps. the necklace has MY colors too! i'm in love. if i win the necklace, i'm going to have to order the cortez cuff to go with it....... i'm in love. :)

Brenda Weaver said...

Great giveaway. The necklace is gorgeous!
I've been capturing my kids enjoying spending time with their friends.

Aubree said...

Sweet picture and a wonderful memory you will have forever!

Thing I look forward to most about fall is the turning of the leaves and the return of pumpkin scones!

Karen Williams said...

i captured my son running up the beach towards me, hair flapping in the wins, both feet of the floor, so cute

Anonymous said...

My brother recently captured an action shot of my little daughter streeking in her birthday suit from one hotel room to another. So her personality.
thanks for the opportunity.
Lisette Czarniewski

The Weidners said...

I love the Fall season because I know the cooler weather and the holidays are on their way!

Jennifer said...

My oldest child is a high school senior so right now every moment I capture of him is special because for some of them, it will be the last time I'm there for those moments - first day of school, etc.

Amy C said...

My daughter blowing out the candles on her 4th birthday cake this past Saturday. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

I captured my daughter rolling on to her side for the first time! I love the joy in her eyes!

gssfam said...

Such a great giveaway! The most recent thing I've captured is my lil one starting preK...such a milestone for us and it was such an important day and I'm glad I have the memories to keep!

thearthurz said...

Wow - fantastic giveaways! One of my favorite "captured" recent moments is of my littlest daughter and her first pig tails (or the one of her wearing my underwear) and my oldest daughter starting kindergarten! They are definitely both looking way too old in their "pictures" lately!

marianne said...

i love fall..and i'd like to leave in US....light is different ;)

Emily said...

What a great photo! I think the transition of seasons from summer to autumn is one I don't want to forget. It's such a lovely time of year!

hchybinski said...

hard to pick one favorite thing about fall - i love the nip in the air, the colors, the sweaters, tights and boots. . .fallen leaves = PUMPKINS!! =) Thanksgiving. . .so many wonderful things. . .


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite "captured" moments of late is that of my 4 year old playing dolls in her room. Baby Girl #2 is due in 12weeks and she was mothering her doll as if it were baby Madeline.


Candace said...

My little one had her very first ballet class yesterday, I have been so busy with work, and life I havent had time to put to extra curricular activities for my little ones. I captured her 1st big beautiful smile as a real ballerina!

What an amazing giveaway!!! Love Evalicious!!!

Kathryn said...

what a great giveaway! my favorite thing about fall this year has to be the recipes. im getting super into baking and i love trying all the crisps and apple recipes!

Michele Bailey said...

I love the Fall season ever since I can remember playing in big piles of leaves as a child. I just captured my oldest daugther trying on her new pointe shoes with a huge smile on her face. She has finally earned them after many years of practice. I am so proud of her. Thanks!!

RachelG said...

My favorite thing about Fall is the trees, oh how I love the trees!

mandi said...

I am glad I took a photo of my dog well he was sleeping on a toy I made for him.

Cheri said...

Oh wow! Such a great giveaway! I love Fall and one of my favorite reasons is it's my birthday (Oct 2nd)!!! :)

Brandi said...

I am looking forward to cooler weather and the colorful leaves!

Great giveaways - thanks!

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

Oh my goodness I'm drooling over that necklace! Love the photo - it is great to catch moments like that. :) My favorite part of fall is the cozy feeling of it all - the colors, smells, sounds. By far my favorite season!

Mandy @ This Girl's Life

Heather V said...

I recently captured my friend marrying the love of her life. It was a great moment!

My fall favorites are hard to narrow down, but I love the crunching of leaves under foot and the taste of fresh apple cider. Thanks for the chance to win!

Paula said...

Scarves & hats! :)

Valerie said...

My favorite thing about the fall season always depends on how harvest is going. My husband farms and this year things are going extremely well. What a blessing that is, because last year was just the most awful ever.
...and this giveaway!!!

Liz Nicks said...

pumpkins. my fav. but family, food, weather and shopping are next in line!

Unknown said...

I'll never forget my sweet daughter picking out a sequin skirt to wear for picture day and swirling and dancing in the dressing room! She is a precious 1st grader!

Meghann Andrew said...

My favorite thing about the fall season is the food...I love apple pies, pumpkin anything & casseroles!

traci in virginia said...

I love fall...sweaters, crunchy leaves, hot chocolate and pumpkin muffins. So many things really!

Grace said...

What I love about the fall? pretty new sweaters, pumpkin picking and hay rides and lots of family gatherings. Beautiful givaway...would look great with my new sweaters! Grace xoxo

Molly Morris said...

Wow.. love the Stella and Dot and the great journals! Now.. need to find the time to look hot and write in journal!

MelM-K said...

Fall is the most wonderful time of year. The crunchy leaves, the pumpkins, sweaters coming out of the storage bins, pumpkin spice latte's and family traditions of apple picking, going to the pumpkin patch, dressing up for Halloween! Love it all!

Wendy said...

I LOVE the art journals. Thanks for the link.

Vanessa, Florida, USA said...

I recently captured many special moments at SPARK that I won't soon forget :) I wish I lived in Utah!!! My favorite part of fall is the somewhat "cooler" weather here in South Florida and the family gatherings!!!

Thanks for the giveaways and have a great trip!!! xo

Wendy B said...

My favorite thing about the fall season is the cool, crisp air and wearing warm, comfy sweaters. And pumpkin spice lattes!

A captured moment that I don't want to forget - my little pug sitting in the sunshine. He looked just like a little kid. So cute!

rachael.lynn said...

my favorite thing about fall is the beautiful leaves. They're absolutely breath taking. Oh, yes and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies:).

Jen said...

My favorite thing about fall is sweater weather. As another commenter mentioned it could still take several months for autumn to truly hit Texas, but I'm giddy about finally taking the pricetags off some ultra soft Old Navy sweaters I scooped up on clearance a month ago.

As for memories, it's been almost a month since we shipped my sister off to college halfway across the country. And though the Facebook/text message updates keep me feeling close to her, I am also so glad to have written a story that captures what life was like her last few weeks at home.

It's so easy to get rushed with daily life and forget to capture simple, precious moments like eating cupcakes together. But those are the things I miss the most, and I'm so glad to have a reminder of them and her. :)

Shanon said...

I love the cooler weather, fresh apples, beautiful colors and sweaters!

Arrica said...

I 'captured' a letter my daughter(8yr) wrote to me after I scolded her firmly for the first time. In it she explains how I hurt her feelings and should apologize for making her cry. It is so well written and she expresses her feelings so clearly in it that it deserves a place in my memory box, as well as my heart.

PS- i did carefully apologize to her for hurting her feelings, but also had to explain that her behavior was not acceptable.

Maggie Massey said...

The other day my three-year-old was in the sweetest mood...he wouldn't let his older brother or sister leave for school without kiss after kiss and hug after hug...that moment is burned into my was so wonderful to see all the kids getting along...;)

Thank you so much for the chance to win one of these fabulous gifts!!!

Have a great trip!

Libby said...

Love the crazy beautiful colors in the Wasatch mountains in the fall!

Recently my daughter's BFF was taking some photos at my younger daughters birthday (she's trying to build a portfolio for when she gets out of high school) as sh captured an unbelievable picture of my 3 year old boy. It literally brought tears to my eyes! He looks so genuine and pure and beautiful. Mot a moment I captured but one I don't ever want to forget!!

Keri Piercy said...

Thanks for the chance to win these awesome goodies! I recently mentally captured a moment I hope I'll always remember. I didn't have my camera handy (gasp!), but the memory is still fresh in my head and heart. I took the kids to a local pool. My daughter was afraid to go down the slide. My son (her twin), simply took her hand and lead her toward the slide and said "don't worry, Faith, I'll be right beside you". So lucky that they're so close and so sweet toward each other.

bellablue said...

I recently captured my daughters first real failure, I took a picture of her bringing me her swimming report card, she had not passed the class, and was utterly heartbroken...I thought she had passed...poor thing!

Heather said...

Fall=sweaters, boots, gorgeous fall leaves, homemade hot cocoa, and so many fun holidays. :)


julie.schellin said...

Sweet! I love the cooler weather of fall, and all the fun activities: hay rides, bonfires, pumpkin patch, apple picking.

Jeanna GT said...

my "captured moment" was a visual moment, no camera on hand... it was me buckling my sweet 3 year old in her carseat and me realizing how much i love her. she's been a challenge for me and lately i've had several of those "oh i love you" moments with her, realizing how truly blessed i am to have her.
fall is all about coziness. and i love the word cozy. the air seems to be cleaner, crisper and the color around is so beautiful.

thanks for sharing all your awesome ideas with all of us!

Martina said...

niiice :) buuut, I do not have a favorite thing - I LOVE FALL .. Sept./Oct. are def the best months of the year :) it's not hot and not cold, the sunlight is so special, pumpkins are ready to pick and I love homemade pumpkin pies and pumpkin spice lattes :) I love the colorful leaves and just everything :)

have a great time in Vegas :)

xx Martina

Unknown said...

What a great memory! Something that has happened recently that I don't want to forget is what I just posted about on my blog ( My 3rd daughter just turned 18 months and was out mowing with her daddy. She loves to be outdoors and spend time with her Dad so she was in heaven. So precious!

Jennifer Slaugh said...

Dear fall,
I love you because, the air is a little cool and it gives me an excuse to cuddle my hubby(not that I need one). I love the leaves changing colors and then falling gentle from the trees(but not in my yard). I love the pumpkin patches, corn maze and trick or treat parades with the kids. And last but not least I love the harvest and caramel apples!!!!

p.s. Please stay a while I don't love the dreaded Utah winters that follow.

only nine weeks Liz you look Wonderful!! I have three kids right now and my oldest little boy who is 5 prays every night that Heavenly Father will send him a little brother!! You girls will LOVE LOVE LOVE their new sister

shelby valadez said...

my favorite thing about fall is that it finally starts to cool off here in California! :)

michelestamps2 said...

watching my 7 and 9 year old dance freely in the family room

Jessica said...

The crisp, cool air and gorgeous leaves!

Krista Hutton said...

I love the changing, falling leaves. Fall is so refreshing!!! I love the chill in the air and being outside with jeans and a sweatshirt.

Gingersnaps said...

I captured my recently widowed 87 year old Grandfather teaching my own children how to work, just like he taught me when i was little! Yep, helped me do 40 bags of freezer corn, you better believe i captured it for the future ;)

So fun, love you and your blog Lizzy!

Amanda said...

My favorite thing about fall is the beauty all get to see God's hands truly at work with the turning of the leaves and the awesome smells ( may sound weird, but I think fall smells amazing :) and I love that I am able to enjoy this season with my husband is always extremely busy during the summer, we are lucky to get to see him at all, but he always makes a point to make up for that in the fall by spending as much time as he can with the girls and I...we go to the pumpkin patch, feed the squirrels ( my 4 yr olds favorite), we jump in the leaf piles, all those wonderful things that you can only do at this time of year.

Hanna Long said...

I love the cooler weather and spending more time outdoors.

Cass said...

Um, wow, what a giveaway!

Fall around here brings all the birthdays! My boys turn 1 and 2 next week, only 2 days apart and so all my projects have been focused on those celebrations. We are having a family photo shoot this weekend to commemorate our family at this stage in life ... don't want to forget all their wonderful-ness at this age!

CreativeChretin said...

favorite thing about fall in AZ is cooler weather. Today is only 94 degrees. :)

ahappygirl said...

Hi Ladies!

This wasn't included in the post but I am offering 15% for Dear Lizzy readers until October 6th! To receive the discount you just need to:

Go to my Stella & Dot website here, Next, in the upper right hand corner, underneath StyleWatch, there is a link that says 'Can't make it to the trunk show? Find your hostess' click on that.You will then put in Dear Lizzy for the hostess information. Dear for the first name and Lizzy for the last, click search. It will say the party starts on September 22. Go ahead and click on Dear Lizzy, click continue and pick out some new jewelry!

The 15% off will be reimbursed to them after their order because we don't have a way to set up coupon codes just yet!

Theresa said...

I captured a picture in my head of my newest niece, only 5 pounds in the ICU when we went to go see her (and of course, forgot my camera).

And fall, welcome. I can't wait to see your colours.

Sara said...

Moment to remember - the first morning waking up with my boys in a tent. Camping with the under 5 set... not really condusive to sleeping.
Love the giveaways.

Unknown said...

My fav thing of the day was reconnecting with a friend...going to complete some scrapbook pages for her parents 50th anniversary.

My fav thing about fall...the colours, the scent of pumpkin, apples and Thanksgiving (in October for us).

Vera Matson said...

My favorite thing about Fall is the cool, crisp weather and the intense fall colors. Thanks for the giveaway offers!

Jen said...

I was so lucky to walk into the room and catch my daughter(5)curled up next to her little brother (18 mos.) reading to him. He was listening so intently & they were snuggled up under a blanket. I had my camera set to B&W, which was perfect!
Thanks for a chance to win!

Make My Day UK said...

My favourite is the colours! yellow orange and red, yum!

Kerri Henness said...

Gorgeous necklace!!!
It's often the everyday "small things" that cause me to pause and say to myself, "Don't ever forget this." Most recently I've taken mental pictures of the way my two little kids' faces scrunch up as we pray before meals cause they're so focused on closing their eyes.

Kelly Massman said...

I love fall because I feel like I can get outside and enjoy the weather without the sun beating me up! I also love the fall colors! Great giveaways! Thanks!

Randi said...

I love love love the feeling of fall! Leaves turning beautiful oranges and pinks, sweatshirt and jean weather, football games, and turning on the fireplace and cuddling up on the couch for a movie night with my daughter. Fall is definitely my fav season!!

Emily said...

Well...I don't want to ever forget the day my niece was born...such a joy to see my brother turn into a father.


My favorite thing about the fall season is hot apple cider and the chilly nights. I am ready...Bring it on!

pieces of us said...

Fall...what's not to love? Its my favorite season with all the warm colors, cinnamon and pie smells, caramel apples and a visit to the orchard to pick our own apples, & then going to the pumpkin patch...I could go on & on.
Your pictures are such wonderful pictures of moments in time, always inspiring.

Unknown said...

The sound of the leaves crunching under my feet, the colors, the smells, the pumpkin flavors and being outside in all the nice cool fresh air.

Karen said...

i love all the holidays and family time that comes with the fall/winter season :) and all the colors :)

Valerie said...

My 2 kids playing in a cardboard box and laughing so much! I had to get the camera out.

Rachael said...

both of my sons (4 weeks and three and a half) snuggling on either side of my youngest sister. The sweet moment of the three of them together touched my heart, and made me grateful all over again for the closeness my family shares.

Scrapamum said...

I love it when you can capture a special moment on camera. Going back to that photo can bring you back to that moment. This morning I captured hubby and little one having cuddles while eating breakfast. As soon as I spotted that special moment I ran for the camera.

Leslie said...

My husband and I recently went to a hot air balloon festival and I want to remember that excitement we felt watching all the balloons together. It was so magical!

Anonymous said...

Oh jewelry! It's my achilles' heel! My recent faves are the collar necklaces! So chic! Love the one pictured here! Safe travels to Vegas!!

Tiffany said...

I love everything about fall!!! But one of my most favorite things is the apple cider and sweaters.(ok I know that's two but like I said I love it all)

Engelsal said...

Captured my son playing CandyLand for the first time when he actually "got" how to play it.


My favorite thing about Fall is the sights, sounds, textures, smells..... love it all. Recently I spent time with my husband and son, before our next little one is born on Wednesday. Although I am 38 weeks pregnant and feeling quite was a memory I definitely did capture.

Barb at Thoughtful Images Ink said...

I just rocked my grandson before his afternoon nap and sang him songs that I sang to his momma-my baby! his soft curls and baby blue eyes are written on my heart.

Brianna B in AZ said...

I love the changing colors of the leaves-and the smell! MMM! also, a recent thing i've captured is a story my girl was telling my boy about what happened and if he remembers(Nate she said, you say yah!) I love little girls and boys :)

Stubbart said...

My favorite thing about fall is the food! Pumpkin cookies, chili, cornbread, and root beer! Oh, and of course the beautiful weather we get here in Arizona in fall! You can't be that!

Alena said...

Our 6 month old son sitting in his jumper and staring out the window at our dog. :)

thedoodlegirl said...

EVERYTHING about fall is my favorite. I love the smells, the anticipation of the holidays, the beautiful leaves and sky, and the colors. I feel so rich this time of year: full of love and friendships.

Alysa said...

My children (4 and 8) are at each other constantly. No, seriously, they are. And yet, this past Monday, they were actually getting along. And my son, Jackson (4) leaned over and said, "Maddie, I love you too much!" And Maddie said back, "I love you, too, bud!" And they gave each other a big hug.

Talk about a rewarding moment. I hope that in the daily grind of sibling rivalry, that I can remember that moment of tenderness. They really do love each other!

Anna K. said...

What a great giveaway! Most of the "captured moments" photos I end up with are of my cats! With no kids, my life pretty much revolves around my fur-babies :)

Rachel Cobb said...

The many moments I have with my family are always captured in my mind. But, most recently is a moment when I'm in my hemotologist's office and he says to me, "You are healed! Get out of my office". I am in complete remission from my blood disease ITP. What a reason to celebrate! Last year this time, I had no idea what was about to hit me like a brick wall(my diagnosis). So thankful for another year with my family. I LOVE Fall, but now I have a new reason to love it all over again!

Dana Rae said...

I love taking my daughter to our favorite Pumpkin Patch and taking tons of fall pictures.

Give Steph a big, but gentle hug for me. I think she is the best!

Anonymous said...

My most recent moment, was a picture o our dog Sadie, relaxing.

Jocelyn Lord said...

Ohhh so many goodies. Now to pick something I love about fall. At the moment I really love all the squash and pumpkins that I was able to harvest from my garden. At the moment they are sitting cheerily on my deck in the crisp air.

Raimi said...

I love the cool, crisp weather...can't wait for it to get here.

Anita Apostalides said...

Recently I took some pictures of my son painting, not scribbling and getting paint everywhere..but actually trying to make something. The concentration face was priceless!

In fall, I love the CLOTHES.Cute layers, cardis, and boots to match everything! Here in AZ its still in the 90s to I have to wait a while but I'm ready. And this Thanksgiving, we are expecting our 1st little girl so I'm sure that will be the #1 favorite fall memory for this year.

Love the giveaways..LOVE LOVE LOVE Evalicious. First time to her store..swoon.

Michelle said...

My hubby walking down the path in Central park, he turned around to look back for me just as I snapped the pic....NYC is a special place for us...and we had such a wonderful trip....and now I have the pic to remember that moment

Hot Wheels and Glue Guns said...

One memory I never want to forget is playing with my nephews (twins) last weekend on their first birthday! We had so much fun playing witht he box one of their toys came in!

jill said...

My son is especially gracious when it comes to others in so many ways and I am so incredibly proud of this. As a parent, you want to instill morals & values in your children (and just hope and pray that they will catch on and use them). My son uses his graciousness every day of his life -- and he is only 9 years old.

JennC said...

I captured the image of my daughter dancing around the livingroom. Nothing brings my heart more joy then seeing my girl so happy.

Bridget said...

We just went to the zoo today with friends, and I got a picture of my son and his little friend walking in front of me with their arms around each other's shoulders. It was so sweet that they can still be so unselfconscience about being friends. As for my favorite thing about the fall....everything! I love the fall, the crisp air and cool weather, wearing jeans and sweaters. Everything!

- Bridget N

Dani said...

I love capturing the little moments just me and my husband and the fur babies, they are memories that tend to get forgotten and I don't want to forget them.

I love Fall, I love decorating and everything pumpkin!!

Marina said...

hola, un momento capturado recientemente que no quiero olvidar...mmm...aprendiendo a coser con la máquina hice mi primera diadema yuju!

Laura R. said...

I love the changing leaves of fall, caramel apples with lots of chocolate drizzled on them, our annual trip to the pumpling patch, layering those clothes (gotta do it while I can in CA!), all the fun Halloween decorations, burning all those yummy fall candles, and doing all of this with my sweet honey and our 3 little cuties! OH, and of course taking lots of pictures and scrapbooking them all ;)

melyssa_marie said...

I captured a very serine moment of tranqulity by myself at my favorite park the other day. Perfect lighting on a little waterfall during the golden hour. My favorite time of day!!!

My favorite part of fall is the smell of firewood burning wafting from back yards and chimneys! I love pumpkin picking. I love fall leaves. I love cool nights. Also love the Halloween decorations and beginning to plan for Christmas!!

Jasey said...

Love these fleeting moments.... like when my 2 year old willingly shares with her big brother. Love the giveaway.

amandajane said...

So much to love abut fall, I love all the celebrations, including my sons' and my birthdays.

Stacey said...

I am so glad I captured my baby going to kindergarten a month ago...that picture is priceless and makes me happy/sad to see him so big and proud! Oh my gosh, I'd love to win this (who wouldn't?)!


Heather Innusa said...

Some cool pics I recently got that I'm LOVING right now, were of my son (5) and daughter (2) cheesing it up together (AND NOT FIGHTING - A MIRACLE). Life can be so short. Nice to appreciate those moments! have a nice time in vegas!!

Baird Family said...

My favorite thing about fall is the chill in the morning air. Love it! And the excuse to have hot chocolate for breakfast doesn't hurt either :)

Traci said...

I caught some wonderful moments on camera when I attended Spark No.2 a few weeks back as well as some fun moments with some friends this past weekend as my hubby and I traveled to Oklahoma City with another couple where we captured more photos having a great time.

My favorite thing about the fall season is that the weather is cooler and living in Texas I can't wait for that to happen. Being a northern girl (South Dakota) I love the change in the leaves but don't get to experience that much anymore since our fall to winter experience here is sort of quick and without event.

Have fun at IU. So sad I had to back out. Hopefully my replacement will have a great time!

Christine said...

Terrific photo and beautiful giveaways! I love being a proud spectator at my sons' soccer games and cross country track meets. There's nothing like wearing a cozy sweater and sipping hot coffee on a brisk, colorful fall day while cheering my kids on.

tara said...

Fall: pumpkins, Halloween decorations, candy, spiced cider, my kids decorating the house.

mandi c said...

I've been taking photos of our house as it was built, and now with the lawn starting to come in! We'll look back years later and be amazed!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Recent memories that I don't want to forget are when we brought our 3 year old daughter to Storyland (a kids amusement park. I hadn't been there since I was 3 or 4). Fave things from fall is the hayrides & baking apple crisp (new traditions for our family).

Alexandra said...

My favorite thing about fall is the annual festivities that my family does. We carve pumpkins, make caramel apples, and a lot of other fall themed crafts. It's such a fun way to celebrate the season. We just made "spider cookies" and they tasted so yummy!

Gina said...

My favorite thing about fall is making stuff cozy and pulling out everyone's sweaters! I love some pumpkin patch time too and falling leaves....

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Beautiful giveaways! Thanks for the chance!
A moment that I really need to scrap came during a short visit to Niagara Falls this past August. We'd traveled quite a ways to get there, and my 8yo daughter was crabby. We were on the Maid of the Mist, about to go close to the falls, and my daughter said, "It's just a bunch of water." (what?!)

My hubby snapped a picture of her scowl during the boat ride, so it's the perfect shot. (BTW, the rest of us really enjoyed te ride!!)

And...fall just happens to be my favorite season. The lower temps and humidity are such a relief after a long hot summer!

Jessie Larsen said...

What an awesome giveaway! I just snapped a great photo of my husband with our kids at the zoo. Thanks!

Danielle G said...

I recently got a new puppydog and I just fall more and more in love with him every day! Yesterday I couldn't find him, and I found him IN my laundry basket with a very sheepish look on his face, chewing on my favorite bra!! He only got in trouble AFTER I went and found my camera and captured the moment. :)

AllyW said...

We've had a crudy summer here in Seattle this year but i'm secretly excited to break out my fall clothes. I love the colors, the textures. I love getting all bundled up and going to my sons High School football games every Friday with some hot chocolate. It doesn't get much better than that!

Elisa said...

I can´t believe I lived in Las Vegas for 2 years and you are going now :( I´d liked to meet you and got inspiration from you :)
A recent moment I captured was my husband singing me a song that i love

jessica gebhardt said...

my little baby boy actually turns 4 months today and as you know-every photo we snap of him is precious & memorable! we take pics of him in his rocking chair each month. so for today, i would say those!

ang :o) said...

a recent moment i caught on camera was my 22 month old daughter's first time out. after time out when you ask her why she was in time out she always tilts her head to the side, squints her eyes and says, "um" as she thinks real hard. sometimes she answers correctly, sometimes not. "puh hair" "peench" "ouch" "uh-oh" any of those answers are typical. it's all just too sweet!

Suzy said...

My favorite thing about fall is my November anniversary - loved getting married in the autumn leaves! :) Thanks for the chance to win! :)
~Suzy suzyq28024 at gmail dot com

maryjo said...

the crispness in the air.

the colors.

the smells.

the onset of holiday season.

Amy said...

I love fall because it's not 100ºF +++ out everyday and the mornings start getting cooler.

Kristy Hansenwi said...

I love this time of year. Bringing out the overloved sweaters from last year (or some year and I just can't ditch them) and opening the windows and seeing each of my 3 cats in the window loving the feel of the air. THank you for the giveaway! kh

Anonymous said...

Recently I captured my best friend in her wedding dress, it's been a pleasure to shoot her wedding pictures, I don't want to forget the awesome experience!

Emily L said...

I recently scrapbooked a christian music festival-- it was SO amazing and it'll be unforgettable. :)

summer said...

what isn't there to love about Fall?! I think my favorite part of every fall though, is back to school, meeting my kids for the first time, seeing the excitement and nervousness in their eyes and all the awesome school supplies! and pumpkin spice lattes certainly don't hurt!

Ashley said...

Recent memory I don't want to forget? My husband climbing into our golden retrievers' cage with two big dogs. Too funny! Favorite thing about fall? The colors, for sure! (Too bad we don't have fall in Hawaii... I just decorate inside like we do. Teehee!)

Christi said...

On our last trip(California In July), I had our tour guide use my camera to take a picture of myself, my sister and one of my cousins. The last time the three of us have taken a picture was when we were 6,8, and 12.

Janette said...

I adore wearing sweaters in the fall, or cuddling up a blanket =).

Unknown said...

Oooh! My favorite thing is definitely the weather! Thanks so much!

Mooninmygarden said...

Oh I love that necklace. Fall is my favorite time of the year, I love the colors, I love the crisp cool air, the longer nights, the smells of the dried leaves, pumpkin everything, the halloween and thanksgiving holidays, there is just so much to love about fall!

smahrty said...

sweet picture! i love when my hubby plays his guitar quietly around the house. Thanks for all the sharing today.

Kristen said...

Favorite thing about fall?'s my favorite season! Mostly I love the cooler weather which means cozier clothes and longer runs.

Mandi said...

My favorite thing about the fall season is that my favorite person was born it! My daughter's 5th birthday was yesterday! She is also an Avery!

Danielle said...

fav moment i captured lately was when i had been gone all day and came home to find my sweet baby girl quietly playing in her room... she turned around to see me and i caught the moment on camera ;) so sweet

lisa k in tx said...

My son and daughter's first ever soccer game! Adorable! Lisa K in tx

Miss Tami said...

Thank you for the giveaway! My favorite memory to capture of late is my husband's face when I came out of surgery last week. It is one of the first "crisis" that we have weaathered together and the love in his eyes was priceless!

Brad and Meagan said...

i captured one last week of my kids and i love it!

MeganKP said...

pumpkin spice lattes from starbucks, favorite part of fall! and the leaves changing and the beautifu scenery and all that but lattes the most!

megan P

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