Being the good mother I am ;) I sucked all the bribery out of the reward, "if you clean up your toys you can have a fish... if you eat all your dinner you can have a fish." Then I knew I needed to fulfill my end of the bargain.
So, finally, yesterday she became the proud owner of Doedee & Matthew. She carried her fish bowl around everywhere so I took an instax photo of it so she could carry that around. That was a good solution for her... and the fact that the fish bowl splashed in her face once. yuck.
The clerk at the pet store even had Avery sign the dotted line for her pets. ha!
Oh My Gosh! I love it! That's awesome that she had to sign on the line. Adorable!
Oh my heck that is soooo cute!
For some reason I thought you already had a pet - a dog. Pets are really great for children.
Last year I got a Golden Retriever for my 03 kids and they just love him. But to be honest, I'm the one who fell in love with him the most. Who knew?!
Hi Ana,
you're right... yes and no. My brother adopted Mookie. He's not very good with kids (snappy.) But we still love him and my brother LOVES him too.
I know Stef, we were laughing when she handed avery the pen. haha.
COllin got it all on video. heehee.
Hey Liz,
Now...I really HOPE Doedee and Matthew make it, but speaking from dead fish + toddler = tears experience, if they don't make it may I recommend an African Dwarf Frog or two? They live exactly like goldfish do...completely underwater. They are much cleaner than goldfish, are tiny, cute and much lower maintenace (only need feeding twice a week and only need a bowl cleaning every other month). They sell them at any pet store.
(A very ominous comment indeed.)
If they make it today I will be surprised... ;) I keep catching Avery's hand in the water... :/
I know the life span is short and there may be tears. She's been really interested in talking about my dad lately too. I hate when they are sad so thank goodness goldfish are cheap. But thanks I am excited to check out those other fish! xo
What wonderful photos! I'll tell ya...we're at the pet store at least once a month buying new fish...but the kids still love them and still get excited every time we bring home a new one! We get bettas (females) and they seem to live pretty long (at least a month or two...;))
Congratulations, Avery!!!!
Dorothy on Elmo's World is always rockin out her crib. How did you leave the pet store without having to buy stuff to decorate the fish bowl? Our episode today was about dogs. They actually had a small ceramic dog in the Dorothy's fish bowl! By the way, you got off easy. They are cheap to replace when you have to flush one at night and replace it before morning. Yes, do that, I don't want one lecture about foolin the kid. If you do get caught and have to fess up, call it recycled gold fish. I do see how she can be swayed. Who didn't want to go buy a clown fish after seeing Nemo?
I love that she signed the receipt and I love the pink rocks!
Love it! Fish are the perfect first pet. And we once had a goldfish that lived 5 years. And a beta fish that lived almost 9. I have no idea how they lived that long.
Love the small food=small poop. Isn't that the truth! Especially with 3 kids!
emilie thanks for the frog idea. My 4 year old loves playing pocket frogs on my ipad so maybe that would be a fun Valentine's Day gift for him. I'm sure my husband won't care ;)
awww... so sweet, love when they are old enough to take care of something, makes them feel special. My daughter had a Beta for three years in a bowl...she named him Sapphire.
My son's first pet was a goldfish, too, and he also had to carry it around from room to room. When it was finally nap time I even agreed that the goldfish could take a nap, too. Imagine my surprise when he reached his little hand into the bowl and tried to pull out his fish--so they could cuddle! I hope Avery enjoys her fish!
how sweet is that? I love that the clerk had her sign the dotted line:) how very very fun!
That is about all I would allow my daughter in our home. Cute idea, but is a fish a REAL animal like a cat or a dog?
I wish my daughter would be that happy about a F - I - S - H !
Liebe Grüße Kerstina
What a good mom you are...Avery will always remember her first pet :)
My little girl has some fish and we always forget to feed them. (yet they live on...) The other day I threatened to get rid of them and she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "But mom, they love me because them licked me once!" Looks like shes's been sticking her hands in the water too. :)
when i was in 3rd grade i won a goldfish at a school carnival...and much to my mother's dismay, that thing lived until i went to college!
You will be surprised how hearty those fish are. My youngest came home from a "circus" themed birthday party this fall with a goldfish (it was the parting gift). I bought a one gallon tank w/filter for "John" and he is fat and happy. I am shocked. I forget to feed him sometimes and wait too long to change the filter sometimes, but he is still going and he's gotten big. good luck with your fish!
congratulations Avery! My one word of advice for Mommy - when you clean the bowl, don't refill it with warm/hot water. My daughter decided to clean hers while I wasn't home. Poor Frodo and Sam didn't survive Bowl Doom.
This is such a precious post! Thank you for sharing. Avery signing for her fish is just too cute. Hope they're with you for awhile!
is that cool that he made her sign!!!makes it even more special, so nice!
OMGoodness! What sweet memories! My son's first pet was a goldfish too! Named Dorothy after Elmo's fish! Too cute!
oh my goodness... are they still alive now? haaahaaa!!!
Hi ! Lizzy, is Lulu from Puerto Rico, I meet you in the scrapbookevent 2009 & 2010 by memory box and her owner Yamille. I love your work, dedication & consistency in your blog day by day...Thanks for that and your inpiration. I love that...Successful always...
cute! What a good mom. I was forced to take home 15 of them a month ago from a birthday party, my husband's cousin used them as center pieces on the tables - who does that. Needless to say, there are only 2 left. I really hate fish, after 2 days the water isn't clear anymore and mommy is the lucky one who get's to clean it out. Maybe if i had been the one to decide, but I have not had an enjoyable fishy experience. I do hope Avery does though!! And have fun cleaning that stinky yucky bowl :)
That's so cute!
So cute!! I love the photos and your telling of it! Love that she had to sign for it too - she's so responsible! :P
AW how cute! we had a goldfish for a while - his floater was broken so he would float upside down. every morning we thought he was dead but when you walked by or put food in his bowl he would wiggle right side up. tragically our boxer accidently drank him one hot summer day when we werent home (i dont think the dog even realized he drank up the fish!)
glad Avery was willing to give up carrying around the bowl!
have fun!!
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