Monday, June 13, 2011

grow and grow

When I'm not caught with a tub of frosting you will find me neck deep swimming in this bean-corn pico salad... it has yet to be named in our family. My sister makes it for every occasion. My very ambitious goal this summer is to have everything in my garden to make it, besides the black beans. Which reminds me, I need to clean up our garden box and plan my starts asap. But since I can not keep a house plant alive we will see how this goes.
I just kinda make it with what I like and don't really measure things but here's a start to a recipe.
a small can of black beans rinsed and strained
16 oz of fresh corn on the cob or a bag of frozen corn
1 green pepper chopped
a bunch of cherry tomatoes chopped or large tomatoes chopped
avocado cut into bite size pieces
some cilantro chopped
a 1/4 cup of red vine vinegar
a couple tablespoons of olive oil & 2 t Cumin or to your liking
AND a bag of tortilla chips

Besides wanting to grow a garden we are doing our best keeping up with how fast our sprouts grow. Collin measures them on the wall and marks the date. Crazy to see the difference in the past year.

Last night we had our dear family over to celebrate Quincey's birthday! Wow, three years old. As cheesy as it sounds I truly feel blessed to be her mother. Knowing that God trusted me with her. Trusted me to 'lead her, guide her, walk beside her. Help her find the way. Teach her all that she must do to live with Him someday.' Love you! (based on the song I am a Child of God.)

PS If you need a laugh you should check out the video below. Or actually don't do it. Don't click on the link or press play because you actually really don't want to see this. It's pretty looney.
Just know I had nothing to do with it. :)


Alie said...

Yum! My mom calls that "cowboy caviar". We also have it all the time at our home!

Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness - that video is hysterical!

elizabeth kartchner said...

cowboy caviar... I like it!!! :)

elizabeth kartchner said...


haha... seriously, what in the world??

Unknown said...

Oh! My! Gosh!! That was HILARIOUS!!!!! I can't wait to see more!

Kristyn said...

Oh, y'all... that video's just wrong on so many levels :) I feel sorry for the girls when they start dating! I can see Collin answering the door in that outfit!! LOL!

Esther said...

Oh my word I could not stop staring at his teeth! Too funny!

Esther said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Reina said...

OH my I LOVE IT!!! Can we make this a weekly thing! PLEASE. with 4 kids under 7 and it being summer I could use a good laugh:)

alicia king said...

laughing so hard!!! HILARIOUS!

...and my word verification is 'hilibin' which i misread as hill billyin'!!!! guess i got hillbilly on the brain :)

Sheila said...

How do you not wet your pants laughing at your Good Ol' Boy Cleetus?
Were you in on it or did he spring it on you? It must be fun raising a family with such an imaginative guy.
Thanks for the grins Big C squared.
Cleetus is secure in his manhood wearing a had with pink trim and buttons on it. Hahaha! Fun way to start a Monday.

Anonymous said...

yummy. love that too.

Sheila said...

Oh my goodness I forgot to say how cute Quincey is and wish that the sweetest of her Birthday Wishes will come true.

Jen said...

I may or may not have peed my pants watching that video! Seriously , he is a riot!! Darling little "Q" !

taniawillis said... i needed that laugh today. thanks cleetus. liz, you've got a keeper. :)

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

OK, first of all that salad looks yummy! And secondly, your daughter is super adorable. But last of all...your husband is freaking HILARIOUS! I just watched it at work (shhh) and was cracking up! Quietly of course. :)

Shanna said...

OH.MY.GOODNESS this is hysterical!!!! I LOVE it!

Mindy said...

I'm a fellow blog reader and after reading about your LOVE for frosting, I knew I had to send you this recipe... it's HEAVENLY!!!!!

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

1 cup butter

3 cups icing sugar

1-2 Tbsp milk

2 1/2 tsp vanilla

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine butter and sugar. Add vanilla and enough milk to make the icing a spreadable consistency. Continue beating until smooth and creamy. You can add food coloring drops to get the color you would like to achieve.

The recipe makes enough to ice 48 mini cupcakes or 24 regular size. The icing can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container, but allow it to sit at room temperature before using for the best consistency.

Jennifer said...

Did he just have that mesh shirt on hand? Or does he save it for special occasions? Hilarious!

patty said...

O*M*G*! that's all i have to say...

Carola said...

LOL! HIlarious!!!

Jennifer said...

Too funny! Thanks for making my day a little happier.

Sheri said...


Susan R. Opel said...

Yum, yum! Gonna have to try that salad!

And I sent the video to my mother - she was so taken with Cletus at our Halloween party!

kristina proffitt said...

There are no words. Nope. No words. Heehee! ;)

s a n s k u :) said...

Collin, Collin... :D

and i'm glad i'm not the only one who kills houseplants. :) good luck with your garden!

hebejeeby said...

wow! just wow - I have nothing more to add!! fantastic.

caroline hancock / Scrappercaz said...

MMMMMMMMmm that sure looks tasty (the salad of course lol)
quincy is as cute as ever and Collin well he just cracks me up Me and Lucy laughed all the way through it. oh and yay!! i got a mention :)

Heather said...

Thanks for the laughs, that video totally made my day. More, more!

Hollie said...

My neighbors officially think I spend too much time alone- I laughed the whole 4.5 minutes! LOL I'm actually still laughing. :)

jennj42 said...

I loved the video, but what was even better was my husband's reaction to it! He was laughing so hard he was almost crying! He hears me talk about all of those people and knew almost all of them. Thanks so much for the laughs!!

Mooninmygarden said...

Oh my gosh, that video was so funny! Good luck with your gardening.

Sheila Kay said...

So nice to know there are "crazies" that live with you. I have "crazies" at my house too...Cleetus you were fab!

Jennifer said...

I got a fever...
...and the only cure...

OMG...hilarious! :)

Christina said...

I just cant believe you managed to film that without laughter in the background. If I was anywhere in the room, well It would have taken around 14 days straight! to get a video without me laughing.

Teresa said...

OhMyHeck, get crafty w/ Cleetus? More, more more!!!!!

tccba said...

Oh, wow! He really missed his calling. He should be a comedic actor. I am so glad I swallowed my drink first so it didn't end up on my computer screen via my nose!

Celeste said...

we want more cleetus! i can't stop giggling!

Rena said...

I agree, liz, we need this to be a weekly occurance! Good job Collin. You need to call up Kirby Heyborne and get in the acting biz with funny!! LOVE IT!!

Marti said...

Can I book Cleetus for my son's Graduation? What a hoot! My sides ache.

Wendy said...

Your husband should be on TV or in the movies!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet girlie.
Can I just say Cleetus cheered me up after a long, stressful day at work. Hope to see more of Cleetus in the future! LOL

Allison M.

Nancy said...

How HILARIOUS IS COLLIN! It was just the laugh I needed today. Simply amazing it just seemed to flow from him naturally! SOO enjoyable, I can't wait to see more!

Meghan said...

Oh my gosh I love the video. That is so funny. Thanks for the great laugh Collin...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!! He's the best!! So funny!! Thanks

Caddo Mills Texas

Ashley said...

Recipe sounds yummy. Might have to make that for dinner! And OMGee, your husband is something else! Heehee

Tonya said...

That video was so stinkin hilarious! My 6 year old son thinks Cleetus is pretty goofy for removing a tissue from the trash. hehe ;)

liza said...

hahaha... LOL!!! can't stop from laughing hard... seriously, your husband can be an actor/comedian..

mom2h said...

Bein' from Arkansas, as I am, I'm purty sure I know that guy.

Kim Hartmann said...

i'm thinking Collin had a little too much time on his hands. so stinking funny! so are we going to see more of Cleetus or the wide array of Collin's other multiple personalities? ;) personally, i think Gladys would love to do a video don't you? hahaha!

Michelle Burry said...

ROFL! Where does Collin come up with this stuff?! I can't wait to see his next installment! =)

Debra said...

Oh my word! I'm still chuckling...

Anonymous said...

That was freakin' hilarious if I do say so myself ;)

Jamie :)

Tammy Wilson said...

OMG, that video almost made me wet my pants. Too stinkin' funny!

Jill said...


Sharon said...

I am ready to "Get Crafty with Cleetus"! Actually,I feel for you Lizzy having to live with that! What a crack up :)

Tine said...

hahahaha the video :D He is the funniest guy on this world, isnt he?

Diana said...

WOWsers!! i freakin love it!!!

andie said...

wow is all i can say...glad i popped over to your blog to see the video eyes are watering from laughing so hard. i love it! bahaha! xxo andie librandi....

Gwendolyn said...

Oh my gosh, he his hilarious! Do you just laugh your head off everyday?

Kristin said...

THAT was hilarious to watch! Get crafty with Cleetus! Oh, so good!!

Alyjean said...

hilarious!! and sweet words from you about Quincey!

krazgrl said... still my beating heart Cletus you handsome devil you. Who knew you were so in touch with your feminine side. You must have an ephemeara collection to die for. I'd sure love to see your muskrat album. :o)

Liz...I'm a HUGE fan of your salsa. Even better with home grown ingredients. I add Girrards Low fat Champagne dressing to it when I make it. Give it just a touch of zing. YUM-O!

Linda E said...

My goodness, Collin, I mean Cletus is hysterical. I quite impress with his knowledge of scrapbooking terms too!

Anonymous said...

Cletus for President!!! What a hoot!!

Beth Hallgren said...

*WARNING* Do not drink coffee while watching this video! I have tears in my eyes, hwat a pill you have for a husband! My hubby has a similar sense of humor :)

Anonymous said...

That video was OHHHH SO FUNNY! he,he,he...Australia even got a honourable mention *smile* --- see...we too have talented people down here! :)
Happy Birthday to Q --- check out PUMPKINPATCH.COM.AU for some 'cute' Aussie boys shop there - Jo.

Jen K. said...

Collin how are you not famous! You need your own variety show. I LOVE Cleetus! More please!!!!!

MilliD said...

Now THAT was laugh out loud funny!! Made even funnier because Cleetus knows the buzzwords (and people)!!
Thanks for the laugh!!!

Cleetus said...

Thanks ladies, but this was suppozed to be edumacational!

Sorry if you done sneezd yur beverage out ur nose!


Michelle F said...

Oh my this was too funny!! The scary part is that he has us scrapbookers down pretty well. There isn't anything I won't save to stick in my scrapbook. Love your blogger profile Cleetus and I too wouldn't mind seeing Gladys do a special guest appearance.

Annette said...

wowza!!! I sooooo needed some Cleetus this morning :) can hardly wait for his next show!! i cant stop singing i am a child of god!

Carol said...

shut the front door!
Cleetus I want to be just like YOU when I grow up ;)

Iska said...

Collin - I have to say, frightened by these three words - "to be continued"
Seriously - how did you not laugh the entire time?

Tabitha@InspiredByGiving said...

That is one husband to be proud of!!

Kimiko said...

that has to be the funniest thing I ever saw:) I laughed so hard I woke up the baby!!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical! I want some more Cleetus.

Tenny said...

seriously, Cleetus does need to make occasional appearances. i think we all harbor that "inner-oddball" and he just brought it all out. i especially liked the cathy and lisa pictures/anecdotes. yes, there are other people JUST as looney(we just don't necessarily put those videos on our blog). :) i'm glad you did.

Jenna Ruth said...

This is too funny!!! More Cleetus!!

Chris said...

ok, i was having a crappy day til i watched that...thanks for the laugh!!!

Meshell said...

That was the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while! Hysterical!!! Keep 'em coming Cletus!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Frickin' hilarious!!! Colin is a genius! Thanks for the laughs :) My favorite part... the metal plates, "because that's how serious I am about scrapbooking".

Hailey said...

Wow, I don't know either of you but that was hilarious!! Seriously, where does Colin come up with this stuff?!! Made me laugh a lot!

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, LOVE the video. I saved the metal plate from my head also because I am that serious!! Ok, just kidding about the metal plate... :)

SuZeQ said...

Something tells me there is never a dull moment in your house. Lucky you! This was a HOOT!

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Ok that totally turned my day around. That was HYSTERICAL, more videos please! :)

Pegg S said...

Your hubby is hilarious! Very funny video!! Can't wait to see more :) !!

KarynS said...

OMG that made me laugh out loud!!

reese's pieces said...

Completely hysterical! I loved it!

Jennifer Slaugh said...

ha ha that was really funny thanks for a good laugh. Can't wait until you invite him back again!!

HoneyPunches N' PumpkinStamps said...

That was a real treat! Go Collin aka Cleetus! Still giggling. I agree, Should be a weekly segment on your blog.

kristig32 said...

yes, I have the same recipe from a friend and it's called cowboy caviar -- only her recipe uses black-eyed peas instead of black beans, but either way DE-LI-CIOUS!!! It's so addictive!

Suezi said...

HI-LAR-I-OUS! I have no words and will be laughing all day with Cleetus in my mind..those teeth..or maybe the hat...of what is the funniest of it all!
Thanks for sharing Cleetus with all of us. Look forward to more Cleetus adventures fo' sure!

Lucy Newton said...

Liz this video is hilarious!!! You won the fun lottery with Collin! I imagine not a moment is boring in your house with three little beautiful daughters and the scrapbook comedian of the century. Did you show this to Cathy she is going to loove it, another fun lady herself, and one of my favourite teachers!!!

Erica Hettwer said...

Hee!! Love this! We actually have a goat named Cleatus. He doesn't have a rockin' mullet like Cleetus though. ;)

ps-Squeal!!! for the shout-out to my buddy Kay!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, besides the fact that Cleetus was hilarious! omg, he is so good at that!
But best of all.....I made your pico salad.....OMG is that delicious! Holy, I can see why it's a fave at every family function.....It will be at all mine too now! I am going to trying making a lettuce wrap out of it! yummo! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer Fast

elizabeth kartchner said...


I am so glad that you liked it... it's addicting right? :)
and healthy... !

wraps sound delicious with it!

I added some jicama which was good too... cut really small.


Kelly said...

OMG!! That was too funny!!! There's no way I could have filmed that with a straight face...Collin you're awesome!

Steffanie said...

It must be a riot being married to Collin (and his alter-ego)!!!

Corinna said...

I'm so sad....for some reason I have no sound when I watch the video! I've tried watching it here, and over at vimeo site and neither one works. so frustrating to only be able to watch good ole Cletus but not hear him! LOL

Trece said...

OMG!! The day you posted this recipe I made it for supper. It WAS supper. DH and I devoured the entire bowl!! He calls if "Cowboy Crack" because it is so addictive! I looked for your post all over, because I couldn't remember where I got it. I am so glad I found it again!! I just knew, since I subscribe to your blog, that I'd find it again!!!

Angela said...

Too funny! What a basket case!!! Nearly wet myself!!!!