Thursday, August 5, 2010

this calls for some celery!

If you watch Wonder Pets you'll understand exactly what I mean about celery. You know, after something totally awesome happens, like when a baby hound dog gets rescued or a Bengal tiger gets a thorn pulled from its paw, celery is just what you need! And since I've spent hours upon hours cleaning my office I'm definitely celebrating. This room is 4 big boxes and 2 loads to the trash lighter. Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself. ;)
How about I send a US priority mail stuffed-full-of-cute-product box to one of you...!! Including one of my favorite new Shimmerz Vibez spray inks.

Leave a comment about something you're celebrating or just say hello and I'll pick a random winner.

PS Did you see all the new Dear Lizzy fabric paper and pretty, ruffle rose ribbon at Two Peas? delish.


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Maren said...

PS- I am celebrating all of the fun collections unveiled at CHA!

Alicia said...

I am celebrating that I have made it one month in H-O-T Phoenix after moving from gorgeous San Diego--and not cried. (much...)

Lila & Anna's Momma said...

Currently I am too tired to celebrate. The kiddies are in bed, the hubby is sleeping on the couch and I am just trying to stay awake long enough to see what is new in the scrappy world so I guess I will just say... hello :)

nsmerkt said...

We're celebrating DH's 35th birthday here! That's pretty big!

You've given me a nice nudge to clean out my office/craft room as well. Thanks!

Blossom inch said...

yes, I want....please!!! I want your stash so that I can use it to scrap about my late mother.

Anonymous said...

We're celebrating the fact that I've recovered from chickenpox and my 10 weeks old daughter escaped unscathed! Thank God!

Kasondra said...

I am celebrating a renewed desire to truly live and document my life after the devastation of losing all my belongings and my home in recent flooding. I am remind that all that truly matters in life is how we impact others and what we live behind.

Leash42 said...

I'm celebrating the fact that after ingesting and then throwing up a 1" fish hook, my little Silky terrier is still alive and kicking!!

Anonymous said...

We just celebrated my daughters
10th was a special day.

Anonymous said...

We just celebrated my daughters
10th was a special day.

Melissa Minor said...

I'm celebrating the completion of a craft project that I've been pickup up, working on, and putting down for 2 months. Hooray for crafting inspiration!!

Jen said...

I am celebrating the fact that the Dr. was wrong and we are having a another sweet little girl! (Not that a boy wouldn't have been fine but I'm all about pink sparkly paper and dresses!)

Alyssa said...

I am getting ready to celebrate our anniversary... I think we'll go to the temple we were sealed in.

Missy knits said...

I LOVE your striped pants--they look so comfy. Hoping some of your cleaning mojo rubs off on me. I can't even walk into my office right's that bad!

Scrappy Girl said...

I am celebrating spending a week without my hubby and kids at my Lil Sis's home in NC with my mom. Girl time. A much needed break before the school year starts

Maria Krumbaek said...

Im celebrating my graduation and my 19th birthday :)

Melissa said...

im celebrating my 3 kids and their awesome strength in the face of crippling muscle diseases. They don't let anything stop them from what they want to do.

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm celebrating Monday and the beginning of a brand new week!

Unknown said...

I'm celebrating the life of my grandma by starting a quilt in her honor!

Anonymous said...

Celebrating going to spend a month with my daughter, she is having a little baby girl.
Thanks Jan

pinksuedeshoe said...

Celebrating a delicious new kind of pie!

Amy said...

I am trying to celebrate the last few days of summer around here. It's come and gone so fast. Trying to take it all in...

pulverschwein said...

Holy Spikoli! Only half a zillion celebrants! Glad that SO many people have something to celebrate!
Celebrating things is actually my hobby.
I frequently celebrate breathing!
But for the firswt three weekends in August, I am celebrating
"FISKUS" a holiday that requires being celebrated near a body of water, if not within said body of water. It also requires frolicking and splashing, wetting a line, and like all celebrations a toast is this case, several toasts. We are hoping that it shall become adopted as a National Holiday and require at least three day weekends in AUgust (paid, of course!) Sign the Fishkus petition! Relax,unwind, splash and be merry!

pulverschwein said...

Holy Spikoli! Only half a zillion celebrants! Glad that SO many people have something to celebrate!
Celebrating things is actually my hobby.
I frequently celebrate breathing!
But for the firswt three weekends in August, I am celebrating
"FISKUS" a holiday that requires being celebrated near a body of water, if not within said body of water. It also requires frolicking and splashing, wetting a line, and like all celebrations a toast is this case, several toasts. We are hoping that it shall become adopted as a National Holiday and require at least three day weekends in AUgust (paid, of course!) Sign the Fishkus petition! Relax,unwind, splash and be merry!

Summer said...

celebrating bright colors and little things that make the world a prettier place to be.

Antoinette said...

Wow, over 1200 comments! Here's my shot at luck! Liked your post photo :-) so sweet!

Nora Carpenter said...

I'm celebrating the fact that I am 52 yrs old and have the official title from my family as "The Keeper of the Memories" in our scrapbooks that I make! I really enjoy your blog and seeing what a loving and blessed family you have.

Auntie Em said...

Celebrations are what summer is all about, it seems! :o) My DH and I are about to celebrate 35 years of married bliss...oh, all right, 35 years of trying to get it right and not botch things up too bad, at the end of this month! :D
Not sure where the time went but we are now each married to grey haired, middle aged folk and wouldn't have it any other way!
Thanks for sharing!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for a chance to win! Well...I'm celebrating having such a wonderful husband and 2 little kiddos! Life is good.
Cheryl P.

Liz said...

Holy giveaway! I'd love a chance to play with your trash!!!

Susan said...

We're celebrating the last couple of weeks before everyone is back at school. Thanks for the chance to be a winner!

EmmaJ said...

Getting ready to celebrate my little girl turning 3! Can't wait to have her friends over, hang her banner, and make cupcakes.

Kelly said...

I am celebrating the day!

My lovely daughter is home from cheer camp!


Pickerington, Ohio

Kelly said...

I am celebrating the day!

My lovely daughter is home from cheer camp!


Pickerington, Ohio

Kelly said...

I am celebrating the day!

My lovely daughter is home from cheer camp!


Pickerington, Ohio

Paula said...

I'm celebrating my son's first birthday. I'd love to celebrate by starting his baby book and I imagine there would be all kinds of lovely trinkets in your grab box to use. Thanks for the opportunity.

AmieeAya said...

oh no, have i missed it?? i'm celebrating, well, nothing but the dog days of summer. a month or so left of Popsicles, afternoons at the pool, fresh produce from the garden, beers on the front porch with neighbors... there is nothing better!

closetscrapper said...

I'm celebrating a succesfully finished summer class in grad school and now 3 weeks of lazy time with my 2 little monkeys and hubby. Love summertime!!!

jeans said...

Celebrating my niece's first birthday today!

Lesley Oman said...

goodness, that fabric paper is making my knees feel like jelly. i really have to get some of that.

PhelpsPhan said...

15 years of marriage to a groovey and wonderful guy...should be a memorable celebration expecially since our children will be a part of the big day!!

angela e said...

I'm celebrating friendships with a roommate reunion weekend in Dallas!

Jennifer said... it too late to enter? I would love to win a box of product goodness!! Please pick me just for being the last commenter?! :)
Jen S.

Jennifer said... the way, we're celebrating new beginnings around here.

Fran Siquierolli said...

I'm celebrating my trip to Buenos Aires next Thursday! It will be exating! Have a great week!!!

Pearl said...

Im celebrating that I too cleaned out my scrapbook room and recently did a post about my scrapbook room in my blog

I'm super excited to share my scrapbook layouts soon.

And I might be seeing you in Utah in September..cant wait! :)


Pearl said...

Hi again,

Oh and how can I almost forget!
I'm celebrating my son who is 8 months is finally crawling!! He also is saying "Oh Oh." SO CUTE!!



Unknown said...

I am celebrating getting engaged and planning my own fun, vintage wedding blast! The photos of your little bros look amazing. Thanks for the chance :)

michelle said...

oh my gosh that is crazy 4 boxes out... I hate to part with something that I may use..

Kelly DeCourcey said...

i/m celebrating my little baby being registered for pre-school!! bwahahaha

lohersh said...

Probably too late, but I'll jump in anyway!

Anonymous said...

Would love a box of cute products from you! Eye ye ye, it's like winning the lottery.

Amy said...

We are celebrating our 3rd sons birthday. the Big 7. He is the cutest thing. But I am pretty partial. have a great day and congrats on the clean office!!!!!! I wish mine was clean. Seems to be an ongoing process for me. Thanks for the chance to win.

jen said...

Celebrating the super yummy sugar cookies I made. Want some? I'll trade ya cookies for your big box of treasures :)

Margie said...

We just celebrated my baby sis's wedding on sat!

Loren said...

Celebrated our 13th anniversary this weekend. I totally get what you said about "beaming from every inch of your being" - that was totally my husband 13 years ago today <3 (oh, well, and me too i imagine, but i wasn't looking in a mirror ;)

RiNNE said...

i hope you don't mind. posted your picture on my blog. just finding your studio so magical and inspiring! i gave you credit. lovely room!

Nancy said...

Celebrating my mans return from a summer away working at a cadet camp!

Norma said...

I too am celebrating a freshly cleaned studio. Also, celebrating the fact that I just dropped the Christmas cards off at the post office.

cindyj said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I just wanted to say hi and that that you look as slim as ever!
Happy Holidays!

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