As you can see Collin dressed up as Borat! I was Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas Movie, and Avery was half of her fairy costume. But don't worry-my mom raised me right-and she will be decked out and knocking doors til her feet hurt tonight.
It'll be fun when we go trick or treating because Collin and I will get to eat all the candy. Haha.
When I was little I was the type that hid my candy in a big pillow case somewhere that my sisters wouldn't look. Then in March I would find it and the candy would be old and nasty and I'd have to throw it away. A sad moment for a girl who had 13 cavities in one dentist visit.
When I was little I was the type that hid my candy in a big pillow case somewhere that my sisters wouldn't look. Then in March I would find it and the candy would be old and nasty and I'd have to throw it away. A sad moment for a girl who had 13 cavities in one dentist visit.
I was also the best candy sorter and bargainer. That night no matter how tired I was from running from house to house I had to spread out all the candy on the floor and separate the good from the bad. Bad=smarties, sweet tarts, pennies, and those orange and brown pieces of taffy. Then you start talking your little sister into trading her snack size snickers for 3 of your smarties. Works every time!
I just remembered one year at our condo we ran out of candy, or we were so busy with school and work we never bought any candy. But the 20 minutes we were at home we were giving away granola bars and canned goods. How would you like to carry that around all night!
My favorite Halloween treat: Kit Kat Bar (Haha that reminds me of the last Office episode. "Break me off a piece of that...applesauce...Chrysler car...football cream.")

I hid my candy, too. Sometimes I still have to hide some!
I think I still have some Necco wafers from 1986...holding onto those babies. And in 20 year, I'll take them to the Antique Roadshow to find out their worth millions and retire.
great costumes :)
happy halloween!!!!!!
My favorite is the sixlets, you never see those anymore. Awesome costumes by the way! You guys went all out! Im very impressed!
liz, tell collin if he wants any candy from our house, he will to say one of these quotes...
"In Kazakhstan we have many hobbies: disco dancing, archery, rape, and table tennis."
"My wife, she is scared of men with chocolate face, there won't be any around here?"
The costumes are great! It looks like you had a great time. Have fun trick-or-treating (and eating all of the candy!) I can't wait either!
Liz! I would have NEVER recognized you all in costume! You and Collin are the best! The look on Avery's face is classic! That one is a wall of famer!
Krackel bars are my favorite. And I don't mind the sweet tarts, but I don't like the smarties. But, my kids love the smarties, so it won't be a big deal when I take all of their fun size candy bars and leave them with smarties and tootsie rolls.
My husband hates halloween so I have to take the kids out alone. So, with 3 kids (the youngest 1) I don't make it to too many houses until it becomes chaos. Funny how he doesn't mind eatting the candy though ;P
Your comments are priceless! And I can so relate as my 2 sisters and I did the same candy-trade every Halloween, and I was a bit anal about plotting how I could get their snickers bars. PS - amazing costumes! PSS - I had to hide the candy this year from my husband so he wouldn't eat it before the trick-or-treaters. He found it.
Love the picts!! That was a fun party it was fun to see you guys!!
Liz you look so cute, my little Calvin is Jack Skellington so we will have to get you two together!
You guys look so cute! Love Borat and Sally. I posted some pics from Halloween on my blog earlier today. Check them out if you have a minute :)
I'm confused...how on earth did your candy "get nasty" in just a few months? We would still have ours at Easter, that other great candy holiday! Easter candy is waaaay better than Halloween candy...other than jelly beans, I have a hard time coming up with an example of a BAD Easter candy. Hmmm...I just asked my husband his opinion and he couldn't even come up with one example! That settles it...next year, we're saving our Easter candy until Halloween. We'll be putting the orange and black peanut butter taffys into the eggs for the kiddies to hunt. :)
Glad you guys had such a fun time....your costumes look great!!
We don't really celebrate Halloween down here in Oz, but a couple of years ago we had just moved into this really family-orientated subdivision. That halloween we were inundated with trick-or-treaters. Having no kids, all we could spare were some Weight Watcher choc bars. As you can imagine the kids were thrilled with those. Why didn't we think of the canned goods....
Lol! JK was Borat last year: http://www.flickr.com/photos/snutur/294876540/
This is going to be our first Halloween here in our own house, I'm waiting for the first kids to come knocking soon!
Besides actually getting the candy sorting was my favorite part. I would sort and resort and then put it back in the pillow case and then sort it again each time I took a piece of candy out of it. I always got so excited if I got a FULL size candy bar. I lived for Halloween-I would eat my candy in less than a week. Its too bad my life isn't as simple anymore as being able to spend hours of my time sorting candy...
looks like fun. Your costumes are great. You get so into Halloween. I love it.
I was so excited for Bryn to go trick-or-treating so I could eat all her candy. You guys all look great and I am glad you had a fun Halloween!
Hello, I am a reader of your blog... I have a new scrapbook challenge blog with a contest going on to win a prize pack and I would love for you to check it out. If you like it spread the word. Thanks for your time!
Your blog is so fun! Love it! Your little girl is so cute and you guys are so good to dress up for Halloween! Damon just laughed when he saw Colin's costume. You both look great!
We had so much fun with you guys tonight at the Jazz game! We should do something again...sometime soon!
super good costumes!! My husband got out of wearing a costume by going out of town...stinker! You guys looks awesome!!
Great pictures. Laughing at the little one not to sure of Borat.
Love the costumes.
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