At half-time they let us go out on the court to "high-5" the Jazz player as they came back from their locker room. Collin, of course, took the opportunity to try to pump up the crowd. Let's hope the pics of him with his shirt off don't pop up online somewhere, and if you have them, email me for your payment....: )

Collin saw 7'6" Yao Ming shooting around and decided to join him.

I was taking some photos of the other couples in our group when these 2 guys jumped from out of nowhere...Russ, on the right, is my brother-in-law, and his buddy Jace decided to be Time-Out Ball Thrower Guys!

Thurl Bailey, ex-NBA ball player turned Gospel Singer/Alkaline Water Activist...is that Old Spice Mountain Mist deodarant I smell?

When we were walking back from the half-time gig, retired Jazz player, Jeff Hornacek walked by for a quick photo op.

SO COOL!!! i bet that was an amazing experience!!!!
hi liz! so good to read your blog and catch up. it's been a long time since high school and soccer practice. avery is AMAZING, i love how much she and matthew look alike. and i was so excited to read that you love blueprint. i used to work there. yea! there's a really bad photo of me (9 months pregnant!) in the issue with the blue cover. anywho, glad to see things are going great. xoxo kendra smoot (aka livingstone)
Mike is going to be so jealous when he reads this post. While we were trying to make out the game through the fuzz on our TV (we never hooked up our cable because we didn't think we'd be here as long as we have been) Mike turned to me and told me how much he wished he was at the game in person. Way to make him feel bad...just kidding. :) Looks like you had a blast!
man you guys are so living the celebrity life, eh? Are fridays good for you for lunch? This Friday or next Friday... you choose and I'll call Charisse and Jen...
AWESOME!!! You got some great pictures and it looks like you had a total blast. My hubby would love it!! Thanks for sharing with us.
okay seriously... get out of Provo or where ever it is you live. You are so beautiful. You and Collin look like you have sucha great time together. I love looking at your blog.
I love the pics of Collin ad Jeff! That is classic.
Man! Those guys are TALL! Is Stockton still with the Jazz? It's been awhile since I've watched basketball. :)
Guess what? I figured out how to make my name into a blog link! Yay, me!
Looks like you all had a great time. What kind of camera do you use? All of your pics have the best color and are amazing.
Ohhhh! I miss Jazz games and the VIP treatment- I used to manage a Subway sandwiches when I lived there and the owners had season tickets and VIP everything and would let Chad and I go all the time. Sitting in the nosebleeds at a Trailblazer game here in Portland while all the drunk fans cuss at the players just isn't the same! Great pics with all the celebs by the way!
Love the pictures of Collin pumping up the crowd!!Sounds like you guys had a blast. I might actually like a basketball game with access to all those goodies!
Horny for 3! Collin, I could easily see you replacing the great Craig Sager.
Sorry .... I just have to say Go Suns!
Not that I would have turned down this amazing opportunity you had.
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