This morning I wondered if Avery would every think it's cool that her mommy can peel an orange in one long strip?
When she does, I will let you know.

Looking at this picture tempts me to put some more wall decals on my Christmas wish list.
With a little camera remote action I captured this quiet morning-listening to this (the first track is heaven for your ears) while I work on some projects, Avery enjoys her yummy orange & Quincey takes a quick morning snooze.
Happy Wednesday to you!
PS I'm no camera pro but some of you have asked how to photograph Christmas lights like the photos in my previous post. Try turning your ISO as high as it can go, then your aperture as low as the number can go. Hold the camera as still as you can and make sure your subjects hold still as well. Hope that helps! :) Let me know how it goes or if you have any tips too.
Well, if it is any consolation...I think that is a pretty cool skill! LOL!
wow, i can not peel an orange like that!...talent, baby!...
love your hair, it looks fabulous...and, you always find the best music!..when i want to listen to something new or find a new artist, i come to your blog to see what you are listening to...
Love the wall decals! Where did you find them?
Hey Liz. I think you are amazing for the orange thing, lol.
As far as the camera trick goes...that is called bokeh (boils down to a blurry background, lol). The lower your aperature the more bokeh you will get. To get it with a portrail make sure that your subject is far enough away from your background, use a low aperature and set your other settings to get correct exposure. :) HTH
Thanks for the music tip!!!! I just down loaded it:)
where did you get your awesome shirt?
Love the wall decals. Where did you get them?
did you ever find out how to get the blog published with blurb?
I couldn't find a place to email with a question without commenting on something else, so here goes, on your most recent blog post. I'm really struggling with printing my photos/images. Can you tell me what printer you use and also which photo paper? I'm on my 5th different kind and am not having any luck. Many thanks in advance for taking the time to reply. PS - You are so inspiring and your pages and music and all around personna make me feel....well, so happy!!! thanks - Jennifer
love your blog...and where did you get those wall decals?...
thanks for sharing your "world" with "us"
Perhpas a tutorial on peeling an orange like you is in order :)
Great lighting in that first picture.
My girls love love love that Christmas mix as much as I do. I dig the first track and Lenka's song...
I got the wall decals from Blik, They have tons of cool stuff!
You cool momma you! :) You have a way with words. Did you know that?
Love the picture of you. It's so peaceful. The wall decals are pretty. I was just admiring some at velocity art & design.
Well hello anonymous friend,
my shirt is from Nordstrom ( A chirstmas present from last year:) But the brand is called "Scrapbook" funny even my clothes have to do with scrapbooking!! :)
They make some cool funky shirts!!
Laura Looooooo,
Blurb works with mine but I guess they changed something and people were struggling I know there's another company called "Blog 2 Books" that's supposed to be great!
Hi! I use Epson 1900 printer with their photo paper but before that I used an HP D7369 with HP photo paper. That printer worked great!
Good luck with that. I also try to print them at my local Costco or Maceys too when I plan my pages more in advance. :) Hope that helps. What part about your printer and paper are you struggling with?
luv ur pix-what kinda camera do you use? and oh yes the music is lvoely...
i meant to say lovely!!:)
Hi! Thanks for getting back to me. The problems I'm having involve so many issues from the color accuracy, being blurry, not being able to print very large, etc. It's a left over all in one printer that's more suited for the "office" than scrapbooking I believe. I also use a Kodak Easy Share camera with the printer dock and when I print there, the photos are much better, however, I can only do up to 4x6. Also, the paper for it is so expensive. I recently downloaded some collage templates which work perfectly in Photoshop but when I print it for my page, they look horrible. I even have a graphic design background, so you'd think I'd know what I'm doing wrong, but maybe it's because I have three kids under five years old, my brain is slightly, can we say, dusty? I've looked in the Epson R1900, and actually have a print out on my bulletin board right now about it. Did you like your HP better? Why did you switch? Do you use any specific Epson paper? There are a bunch of choices. I've heard about specific scrapbook printing paper, but haven't seen it around yet.
Another issue: I want to let you know how much I appreciate you and your blog. Everything about you seems so "SUNNY" and it's so refreshing. You are really inspiring me. I have three boys, and a husband, so I typically buy my scrapbooking supplies to reflect a masuline page, but why can't I use flowers on their pages too? I've also set my mind to start a scrapbook about myself where I can use the flowery, pretty stuff while teaching my boys about ME! Someday they'll enjoy knowing how much I enjoy my new pink retro bike they got for my birthday and how I secretly look at all the little girl clothes in the store and want them in my size. :) I love the rainbow colors and stripes and cuteness you find in the little girl department! I love the colors and paper choices you use on your pages. I can flip through the magazine and pick your pages out without even looking for your name. Your style is very unique and truly beautiful.
Thank you for allowing me (and the rest of us) a little glimpse into your world. I never thought a little paper and some stickers, or your playlist, or just seeing your photos would actually change my mood, for the better. :) Jennifer
Thanks SO SO much for your sweet comment! and everyone elses! It truly means a lot-probably more than you guys realize. :)
You are too kind.
Just got back from the mall. It was madness with my 2 kiddos!!
To answer your questions... I loved my HP Printer I actually was lucky enough to be given the Epson one otherwise I'd still be using the HP. But the Epson one is amazing because it prints up to 12" which is obviously great for scrapbookers! :)
I use the Premium Glossy Photo Paper by Epson. (I think) I'll have to go check on that.
You definitely need a pink and flowery scrapbook about YOU! I love how you said, 'so your boys can read about you...' That's why I scrapbook about me- so my kids can read about my silly antics when they're older. Hopefully they'll appreciate it. I know I would love to have something like that about my mom.
That is one cool skill!!!
I use a Canon Rebel XTi upgraded from the Canon Rebel XT which was great too.
I use a Canon Rebel XTi upgraded from the Canon Rebel XT which was great too.
I use a Canon Rebel XTi upgraded from the Canon Rebel XT which was great too.
Hi Liz - I'm an occasional blog stalker from way back when you got scrapper of the year. Congrats on that btw. I have recently started digi scrapping, which I love probably a bit more than paper scrapping (terrible, I know). There is a new charity kit out for the NieNie family and I posted your blog in my post because that is where I read about it first. Anyway, just wanted to share that info with you.
PS... you updated the music player with new songs... ahh... I am so in love with Lenka, Regina Spektor and Pricsilla Ahn. Thanks for the great songs.
My blog:
great pictures! I was curious how you make your pictures larger on blogger? I have blogger too but can't make my pictures appear large on my blog. TIA!
Oh... I meant to leave this link for a great tut (kinda) on taking super pictures of Holiday lights.
It is from Sugarplum Paperie - which also has cool tuts on hybrid projects.
Gorgeous pictures! How do you get your pictures to post so large? Please let us in on your seceret.
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