Cuddling up and putting up the lights.
I've been wondering what was in the turkey this year that caused Collin to suddenly be obsessed with playing in photoshop and taking pics! Usually I'm the one making him pose in pictures and he was the one annoyed-oh, how the tables have turned! But he did capture this one so you could see my darker 'do. It's lightened up a lot!! I will let you know who has more fun-blondes or brunettes!:)
Off to Creating Keepsakes for a quick hello and meeting!! Speaking of CK-did you read the December Ed Note? I just wanted to thank my friend Britney for all she's done as the Creative Editor. She's amazing & one of those girls who inspires you even when you're just sitting next to her. I'm glad she'll still be doing some 'fun things' for the magazine-there's no way she's getting away that easy!! ;)

I LOVE the new do. Brunettes definietly have more fun, but then again again I'm incredibly baised.
How lucky that Collin is taking pictures and fixing them up. I wish my hubs would do the same!
The darker hair makes your eyes pop even more than before! Wow. Stunning!
I LOVE your white green and yellow top, where did you get it!?! I agree with Whitney, Brunettes have more fun! : )
Don't know if you know about this but I took my girls on it right before thanksgiving. Talk about feeling like you were really on the polar express train.
Song titles.. or lines from songs.. they make fun title posts... confuse everyone! Love the darker hair! It brings out the color of you eyes even more...
great pictures collin. can you send some of that "special" turkey our way so stan will take more pics! lol.
your tree is so pretty - makes me want to put up more lights!!!
What a great weekend. Collin is into making other husbands look bad I guess... taking pics, the birthday post, going to Twilight.
Happy holidays!
Nicole the top is from THE cutest boutique in Mesa, Arizona. I was there for a CK convention. I can't remember what it's called but I can find out if you are around there!! :)
Jasey, hahaha! Actually I think if Collin had enjoyed Twilight it would be a different story! It was our first date night in a while so he was happy to do anything! :)
Happy Holidays to you!! :)
I have been both blond and brunette. I have to be honest...I think a beautiful brunette is a lot harder to come by then a beautiful blond. Personally, I like you dark. We have a joke in our town that we are so diversified...we have blonds and brunettes. I think you can pull of dark. I would do it. It makes your eyes just POP!!!
Your new "do" looks beautiful. I also love the picture of all of you watching the movie. Great shot, love the lighting...such a sweet,cozy, christmasy pic!
Hi Lizzy..I love the Xmas pics..You guys did a great job capturing the ambiance. I am struggling w/ the settings on my camera to get some great Xmas light shots without a flash> Any tips /what setting did you have your camera on??? Thanks!!!!
LOVE Collin's pictures! Is he a photographer by trade, self-taught or did he take some classes? He does great work! Do you two use the full edition of Photoshop or the simplified Photoshop Elements version to get some of your great effects?
love the hair...
I am going darker this Thursday!
new to your blog, and a fan:)
just wondering what kinda camera you use, ur pix are awesome?/
Beautiful Christmas decorations!
Beautiful Christmas decorations!
How fun. I love getting all cuddly. There's never a better time too than Christmas time. We're listening to Christmas music around the clock and Brian got out there on the ladder to get the lights up. I love it. Your girls are beautiful. Quincy is getting so big. I love your hair dark too. Looks great.
I am curious about the camera settings on the Christmas pictures too. What kind of camera do you use and what did you have it set on for the picture with Collin hanging up the lights?
Liz- You look so cute! as usual! I love all the christmas decos.
Hi! First, exuse my English) I've found your blog during my looking for scrapbooking) So now I'm your big fan! Your pictures are GREAT! mmm much more than great! And your family! Beautiful and talented mom! Wonderful doughters!
My name is Natalie? I'm also mam of my little Daniella - she is just 8 months) We lve in Moscow) I've save some of y photoes in my dairy because they are great! THANKS A LOT!!!
the photos are incredible!!! Wohoooo!
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