Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Daily (Shabby Chic Crafts giveaway)

Last night I put together the cover of my December daily album under the lights of the Christmas tree. For some reason, I felt it was more important to create in the right ambiance than being able to actually see my project clearly. But it was fun and I guess that's all that matters right?
I first saw the concept of having an album ready to capture each day of the month from Ali Edwards blog. It's such a great idea to have the pages ready to go since December is usually a busy month as it is. I have a page for each day then all I'll need to do is add a little embellishing, photos & journaling. The journaling, for me, is the best part. There's so much to write about when it comes to this magical holiday... our traditions, memories from when I was a girl, our simple everyday moments or how Avery reacts to all the fun. Last Christmas, I was happily working on my book that I couldn't focus too much on my album; but I did do some pages & used the remaining spots to hold the Christmas cards we received. You can see it in the December issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine.
Two things made it easier for me this year:
First, there's a super cute art journal etsy shop online called, Evalicious. Eve he puts together a unique assortment of paper, cards, envelopes, ribbons, stickers, buttons etc. She does all the hard work for me. The Art Journal kit also includes a list of journaling ideas and lots of goodies.
The second one is Shabby Chic Crafts. Veronica has a fabulous online shop full of tags and journaling spots that are perfect on pages and mini albums. I used one of her tags below to hold the "25 days of magic" title.

I am so excited to work on this each day... Are you playing along too? Maybe you need a jump start... Leave a comment to win your own stash of 68 tags!

Are you local in Utah? Don't forget about the "52 more Scrapbooking Challenges"
Book Party this Thursday.


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Mel said...

Oh I'd love a chance to win some goodies! I've been wanting to put one of these albums together for a while now..but some how things get in the way!
BTW: Thanks for so much inspiration! You rock! :)
Melissa OKC, OK

Dani said...

I would love to get my hands on that tag set!! Love the cover of your album!

michelle said...

I Love,Love, Love the way you inspire me to get busy! you must promise to never quit what you are doing. I have read your book 1,000 times and I am still amazed how I get butterflies every time. Thank you!

Jessica said...

This sounds great. I'm actually doing 25 love cards for my husband to journal what we did each day up until Christmas. I have all the cards done and ready. These tags would make great little embellishments though!!

CreativeChretin said...

Sweet giveaway! Love those tags!!!

JennC said...

What a wonderful idea. I'm a little late to start this year but definitely next year!

joanne h. said...

thanks for the chance to win this wonderful set of embellishments. i enjoy your blog so very much, have a great day!!!

mercedes said...

hey, lizzie! thanks for yet another giveaway!;)

Valerie said...

ha, I'm sitting at my desk staring at Eve's art journal right now. Looking forward to my first attempt at a December daily album

Katy said...

What a fun giveaway to get us all in the holiday mood. Keepin' my fingers crossed! (pssst...reading your blog tonight under the light of my Christmas tree, too!)

Tiffany said...

I totally need a jump start...to scrapbook period! Your journal looks darling! I adore it. And I love those tags. They look so fun!

Sarah Stegall said...

I have done my December Daily album too... Ok- well I have to put together the cover ;) in between running after a 21mo old while 8 mos pregnant!! Yes, I know, call me "crazy"!!
These tags would be a great addition for journaling :)
Thanks for the chance to win.

Diana Martin said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for this giveaway!!! I love your cover, it is gorgeous! I am using Eva's Christmas Journal and took my first photos yesterday for December 1 now I just have to finish the journaling. Thank you so much for this chance to win!! xo

Julie said...

I hope to follow through and complete my December daily journal this year. Thanks for all the great inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Your album is exquisite and I can't wait to see how you fill the pages! What a beautiful start. I am also participating in (my first) Christmas Journal project and have found so much inspiration already! Part one is my blog posts at http://nolatari.wordpress.com. As time allows, I will be converting these posts to digital scrap pages to peruse in years to come. Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win some extra embellishments for the album. Happy Christmas to you!

Alison said...

It's super giveaway week! Fingers crossed for cute tags. Thanks for the chance and for sharing your inspiration with us.

Anonymous said...

Love the cover of your Decdaily album! Gorgeous...just like all you are creative with..... !

Allanah Davies

Ashley said...

Love your cover! Thanks for the chance to win!

Scrappy Kind Of Girl said...

Those tags are too cute!

Jingle said...

This is such a fabulous collection to create this great album.

kimmi said...

I've got my album all ready to be journaled and added too.. those tags would be perfect! :)

Melinda AKA medialady said...

Love these great tags and would love to win!

Hanna Long said...

what a generous giveaway - can't wait to get started on my Daily Dec.

Janessa Cowan said...

Oh how yummy those look! Thsnks for the ideas. Keep up the good work in the next year!

Janessa C.

Anonymous said...

I am doing a December Daily album for the first time this year. I love the idea!

Gloria said...

I love the cover of your book, it looks amazing. Thanks for the great giveaway, those tags look really cool, I will keep my fingers crossed ;)

Dawn said...

I'm going to attempt to do a journal after the fact... my little girl is about a month old now and I hope we're settling into a routine so I can get back to crafting. The tags would help a ton!

anniekate said...

Beautiful book! Your work is always so amazing :)

kristen davis said...

oh! i'd love to win!
these would be perfect!!
i started my album last night...still have a few more pages to go! :)

Unknown said...

i'm so excited to start my december journal today!

Mary T said...

Yes, I'm playing along with Ali too. I've had my pages done for awhile and today the fun begins. Your cover is beautiful - can't wait to see the rest of your pages.

Melissa said...

Finishing my december daily as we speak! I'd love to add some new tags to it!

Anonymous said...

What a great opportunity! I started a dec daily last year and didn't see it all the way through. I'm hoping this year I complete it! Thanks for the chance to win some great help!

Color [Me] Happy said...

oh la la...or fa la la....love it!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh! I love the cover of your book!!! I'm doing a December Daily too and would love to win those adorable tags. <|:o)

Sara Ancich said...

I am up for making life easier...I can barely get my Christmas cards out the door. A pre-assembled book is a great idea.

Amanda said...

Oh la la! Would look so beautiful put together!

Stacy M said...

I've already completed the pages for my December Daily. It would be great to win these tags to add each day. Thanks for the giveaway.

Kelly DeCourcey said...

i would LOVE to add these yummy pieces of goodness to my book!!

Jasey said...

OOOOH. Pick me.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Your cover looks beautiful! Looks like you don't even need to see your work to have it turn out great! ;)
Thanks for the chance to win these goodies!

Jamie said...

Loooove the tags!!! And your book cover is gorgeous!!!!

LindaH said...

Don't you think Christmas is all about recalling old memories and creating new ones? Love that! Love the tag set too. BTW, just finished reading and perusing through your new book and I am so inspired! Thanks for all your creativity...

Carly said...

Such a cute album & I love those tags! Thanks for the chance to win!

Baird Family said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Just put my little, fake, kids tree up today and decorated it during preschool. So much fun!

Gwen Lafleur said...

I just did my first December Daily last year and it's such a great keepsake... I'm definitely doing it this year! I wish I could come to your book party - I got the book and I love it! But I have class on Thursday nights :-P Sounds like fun, though!

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the December daily....and I would LOVE those tags!!!!

Carol F

mikeamanda said...

How's this for indecisive... I'm not sure if I'm doing one or not.
I've taken a pic today, hope to keep it up - if I don't flounder I would love to put one together!

tccba said...

I had a group of friends over last Saturday night to put together our own December Daily albums. I would love to win these tags! Thank you!


**mbsnotes** said...

love love LOVE the tags...and all the motivation for my first December daily :)


Tales of an Alaskan Housewife said...

Those tags would make a great jump start....nice giveaway.

Sara said...

My Daily December album is all ready for holiday memories. Gotta take a picture of the first advent ornament going up today. Love love this project (did it last year with Ali too). In fact, the little boys and I looked at last year's DD album today to get in the holiday mood!

Nicole & Brian said...

I just looked through Ali's December Daily 2008 album to get some ideas! These tags would really help too!

Jen L said...

I've got my December Daily all ready to go - but I'd love to win something extra to go in the pages! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'd really like to win those beautiful tags! I really need to start my Dec. Daily! thanks for the chance & the inspiration Liz ;)

Lori said...

I've started my dd album today also. i love your coverpage! i'd love to win the journal tags :)

kim a. said...

super cool- I can see using these for a fun Christmas mobile!

Anonymous said...

I just love the tags! Thanks for the chance!

Kristie said...

Fantastic cover!!! I am busily working on keeping mine up to date, hubby thinks I can't do it...that's all the push I need! Pages {chipboard} are covered with patterned paper but that's about it.

Anna B. said...

These would come in so handy! Thanks for the opportunity, and I hope you enjoy the holiday season with your sweet family!

Sara said...

Love your album! It's so Christmas-ey!

s a n s k u :) said...

love the key on the cover. i hope you'll share some of your pages when they get done.

fun tags. i'd give them a good home if luck for once favored me. :)

Liz said...

love, love, love those tags! DD album looks great Liz... obviously the Xmas lights worked out well! :)
how Merry!!

Mrs. Brightful said...

Sweet tags! Love Shabby Chic...

Beth Jacobs said...

LOVE your album... awesome job!!! I would LOVE to win this!! Pick me, pick me... great work!

Jessica said...

yep! I'm playing along....oh but I'd wouldn't mind some fabulous goodies :) Thanks so much!


pretiflowerliz said...

been really excited to do my december daily for the first time this year, but im still waiting on my album to come in the mail...:(

TracyGirls(Jill) said...

Ooh la la!!! Looks like fun!

Unknown said...

Thanks a ton for the chance to win. Have fun at the book party tomorrow!

Ellen said...

What a practical way to actually get some scrappin done in Decemeber!! LOVE these tags... perf.

Jessica said...

So cute! Love them!

julieann said...

I am doing my first December Daily this year!! I am so excited to have a little piece of my fave month of the year to look back on:)
I so wish that I was local and could go to your book signing!!!!
Good luck & don't forget to enjoy your moment:)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win some December goodies! :) Wren

Aubrey said...

Thanks for the cool spots to get cool stuff for my stash!

Barb said...

Love your cover....and the tags are awesome too. Maybe I'll be the lucky one!

miss k said...

I am playing along - ordered a copy of Eve's kit and I love it. By the way - I love your book! It is like taking a class with you at Scrap Etc or CKU Nashville all over again . .

Ally's Corner said...

Oh my how cute are those tags,to bad you are not including your album!

smahrty said...

love that memory key on the cover! Thanks for sharing your beautiful creation.

Katie said...

beautiful tags!!

Lisa G. said...

Great looking Dec.Daily you've got there :) Great tags too!

Cindy B said...

I LOVE those tags and would LOVE a chance to win them! I've started my Daily Dec. album...the challenge now is to remember to take a photo every day and do the journaling! But, I'm determined to do it!
Your book is sooo cute!!
Hope I win!!
Cindy Baker

Cass said...

I love Veronica's tags and those would be the perfect start to my album. :)

sylv said...

those tags would look fabulous in my Christmas journal!

Abbey said...

I am working on my December Daily too. Love these.

amyp said...

I love your cover!!! I am also doing a December Album and am sooooooo excited about it!! This is my first time doing the album so I am really excited to document our life and memories from my childhood as well for my kids later on down the road. Thanks so much for the chance to win such a great prize!!

kerry9657@yahoo.com said...

Love those tags - and love the cover of your album!

Hannie C said...

I'm trying to keep up with my December Daily too, but without getting ready the album, 'cos I wanted to use my zutter to bind it later, so I'm keeping the option free.

Shawnna Samples said...

whom ever wins this is one lucky gal :) Fun goodies - thanks for letting me play along :)

Jessie Larsen said...

I love this idea and the cover for your journal. I don't think I can tackle it this year, but maybe if I win those tags... ;) Thanks!

Krista Wells said...

beautiful cover...i am also doing the December daily! I'm so pumped. We did our tree tonight so i know what's going on December first!

kraftyladyincali said...

love em! your album is beautiful just like you! thanks for the giveaway chance!

letter A studio said...

I'm sure the inside of your journal is just as fabulous as the cover. Those tags are calling my name!!

Pugs said...

I was visiting family in Utah for thanksgiving and wished I could extend just to attend the "52 Party". I so wish I could be there. Love the tags. I would love to have them in my stash.

CindyML said...

I would love to win the stash of tags for the December Daily. I decided today I wanted to put this together. I have been gathering my stuff and plan on 'throwing it down' tomorrow. these tags would be great!! Thanks for the chance to win. CindyML

tracie vanwechel said...

Super cute! I'm playing along but could always use some extra flair.
Thanks for the chance

🌈🌈🌈 said...

i {heart} the cover of your december daily! I just finished mine under the tree while watching Happy Feet with the kiddos! Great minds think alike...;)

Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS LIZZY!!! Talk about insiped!!! Even though it is the 1st of December, I have to make a book, too!!!

l. c said...

Your cover looks great...it inspires me!! I love reading your blog!

Brenda said...

Your December Daily looks awesome! I hope you'll share some of the inside pages soon.
Great giveaway! I'd love to win!

addisonsmommie said...

I am documenting the Christmas season - and love your giveaway - thank you! Happy Holidays!!!

Amanda said...

Love that book, especially that glittered polka dot paper. Those tags are great too!

Cassie said...

pick me, pick me!!
love that you created under the christmas tree - i'm sure the magic of the season is captured in your book!
cassie l.

Andrea said...

I love the cover of your album!! So cute!
I'd love to win that stash for my own Dec. Daily album! :)

Anonymous said...

Wishing I was in Utah this time of year close to my family! Oh well, sure would be fun to win! Thanks for your great inspiration!

Unknown said...

I am getting a late start on my December Daily album...these tags would make my life so much easier & fun! :) Love the look of your album! Thanks!

Stephanie said...

Your mini is so great! I'm in the process of printing my Dec 1 picture now. How fun!

jesslea said...

It's first year doing the December Daily. The tags would definitely come in handy:)

clippergirl said...

Fabulous cover...can't wait to see more....love the giveaway too!

Jocelyn said...

Winning some fun tags would definitely help jump start me making a christmas album:-) Such a cute book...can't wait to see more of it!!!

Jacy said...

Wow so many giveaways!! I'd love these cuties!

Michelle Vandepol said...

inspiring album. will have to add it to the list. a grownup advent calendar :)

Gwendolyn said...

Your album is way cute! I promised myself I would for sure do December Daily next year (I love Ali's blog too). Those tags would be super cute for the cards I'm (hoping to be) making this year! Thanks for the chance! Have a great day!

Jill said...

Love the tags. So cute! Your album is just as adorable!

KimS said...

I've just finished my 1st ever! December Daily. I'm sooper excited to be journalling and taking note of those special moments throughout the month of Christmas! Bring it on Santa...=-]

OMGosh - my verification word is 'kisms'...that's exactly how my 6 yo son used to say Christmas!! awwwww

PhelpsPhan said...

The spirit of Christmas is alive and well with a beautiful album & treasured memories!

jill said...

Wish I lived close so I could join the book party. :) One of these years I'm gonna start my Daily December -- have wanted to for some time now. (sigh)...where does the time go?!?

Doreen K said...

WOW these tags are wonderful..would love to have them for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Your album is adorable, just like you!

kim and frank said...

I just started my December Daily today! I love looking for new inspiration though!

Thanks for the great giveaway.

[A]rtistCrowdedBrain said...

I would love a great stash of goodies! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Melissa (profiler_mar) said...

So fun Lizzy! AWESOME giveaway!!! I'm doing the challenge too- just digitally! Looking forward to seeing your album in progress! :D

Kim said...

Playing along this year. This is my second year. I grabbed some December Daily templates (not Ali's) from Designer Digitals and the Ali Edwards holiday number digitals. I would love to WIN!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This looks fantastic! I keep thinking I'm going to start getting everything ready for the December album...I'd better hurry!
Theresa L

Tiffany said...

I have always wanted to do an albumn like this! This tag set would be just perfect!!

Jenn A. said...

Oh, what a fun giveaway!!! I would love to be one lucky lady. :)

I really love the cover of your December Daily! I especially like the key you tied to it and your idea to capture some old family traditions as well as current ones.

Kelly said...

I would love the tag set...I need some inspiration! I am sitting here staring at my book all put together with no idea for day one of December..this could be a long month!

Brandi said...

This would be perfect for me! These are the little finishing touches that would make my pages complete. Thanks!

tchrtiff said...

Oh how I'd love to win such a great prize (just like everyone else!)! Can't wait to see the insides of your journal as the month progresses, I'm sure it'll be amazing and full of inspiration for all your blog readers.

DeniseHunter said...

I took my first picture tonight for our advent calendar. I can't wait to make my album. Thanks for the give away!

Julia said...

these are awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Your so creative......love reading your blog.....we are finally getting some snow here in Saskatchewan, so it's starting to feel more like Christmas.....


Wendy said...

I would love to win those tags! I'm so happy it is December!

Grace said...

I kept saying I was going to make this album this year and no time and had strep and now when will I have the time??? I can still make it right? Great giveaway. Grace

Nicole Renee said...

Oh, love those tags!! Would look great in my December Daily! ; )

Joli said...

After looking at our calendar for December I decided that I NEED to start my own December Daily. I am anxious to draw some inspiration from you!!!
I am coming to Dear Lizzie Thursday!!!! I can't wait!!! I think it will be the best night ever!!!

Maria said...

These tags are so cute! I love them! Have a great time documenting your December memories!

shortandsweet said...

These tags are wonderful, and they make me want to wrap up a gift. Ann T.- South Jordan

Renee Zwirek said...

WOW! Another great giveaway so soon...you spoil and I'm excited. teehee :) This is beautiful. I would love to win this! Enjoying your book and this X-Mas Album idea. YOU ARE MY SCRAPBOOKING INSPIRATION. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love, love those tags! They'd be perfect in my album!

Ashley said...

Would love to get inspired by those tags!

Rhiannon said...

This is my first year to put together an album for Daily December....I would love to win!!!!

Conway, AR

Haley said...

I certainly could put these to good use! I LOVE this idea...probably should get started on it now for next year!

Jen said...

I love your boook! Love! This is fun!

kelsey said...

Love the book. Love all the tags.

Catherine Reum said...

I am so excited to start my December Daily. Unfortunately I have to wait until the semester is over (1 wk), but I am pumped and ready to go! Thanks for the great giveaways!
Catherine Reum

Maureen F. said...

I finished my book on Sunday - but just finished the cover tonight - which turned out awesome, I do say so myself. This is my first time doing this book and it will be a great memory. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies

Kari M said...

Your book looks great, I can't wait to see more of the pages inside as you do them. Thanks for the chance to win a great prize.

kimdanielson said...

I love my December daily album, it is a work in progress. Those tags would be a perfect addition for numbering and journaling during this busy, busy, busy time of year. I love your Dec.daily album cover, Love your blog, keep on inspiring us and lets put together a "SPARK" event in the altanta area, looks like a very moving event, wow! Kimd

Vintage Love & Photographs said...

So much pretty!

Marti said...

HI Lizzy!

I love my art journal from Eve...she's the best. Happy December Daily to you!

Jen Moyer said...

SOOO cute!

Mandy said...

me me me!!!!how cute! Thanks!

Potters said...

Thanks :)

Rachel Cobb said...

I have to do my Christmas scrap book under the tree lights, too! SUper cute tags- would love to win them!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Would LOVE to win;) Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Sweet stuff you've got there!

Michelle Price said...

Those tags are adorable! I so wish I could come to the book party-I'm sure it will be a night to remember.

Taci said...

So cute! I would love to win! Your book is awesome!

Bridgette said...

Love the idea of December Daily.:) I hope I win!!

Megan said...

I love your album! I would love to win those tags!

Darin said...

Just what I need. I should really be better at keeping a journal. Why is it that the things that we should do are the hardest?!

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

I really need to start scrapping and journaling! My peanut is getting bigger everyday!

Winter said...

You are such an inspiration to me! I love this little book! It makes me want to start one now, and it's time for bed! :) I got your book in yesterday, I love it already and thanks for the cute tag! :)

[Stacia] said...

What a fantastic idea! Would love those tags!

Heidi Y said...

I'd love these tags!!! For Dec Daily album, gift tags, and albums I'm making as gifts!! So many uses! Thanks for the chance!!

LisaW said...

That cover is just gorgeous!! Can't wait to see what you fill your album with Liz.

niki said...

super cutie tags!!! i'd LOVE 'em!

just me said...

i am ready to start! who loves holidays?? i do!!!

Dina said...

Very cute tags! Your album looks great! Just finished reading your book - I absolutely love it!! So much inspiration in there!!

Elisa said...

Hi Lizzie,

I did the December Daily album last year and I love the results. I struggled a bit toward the end but stuck with it and when I pulled it out this year the delightful memories came rushing back. Best of all my kids LOVED it. I am thinking of having them participate this year by adding Xmas lists and notes to Santa. So much fun. I love your blog it puts a smile on my face. Keep up the great work.
Thanks a bunch

melissa said...

oohhh! how pretty! these would be perfect in my journal!! Off to check out those links!

Smitten Smith said...

You are an inspiration to me!! Congrats on the book. I am hoping that Santa will leave it under me tree... he he.

Thanks for the oportunity to win these journaling tags. They are awesome and would come in handy for my journal!

Kimberly C. said...

That cover ROCKS! Thanks for the chance to win some fun goodies for my own book.

emily said...

gosh, you are so creative and such an inspiration for me! love the tags, too! thanks for another chance to win a super sweet prize :)

Unknown said...

Cool idea.

Anonymous said...

I am playing along!
And I love all that stuff--deLICious!


Glynis said...

I so wanted to do this project, but Isa (my 6 month old) takes up much of my crafting time. I'm really enjoying following along though and would still like to try to create this project. Love the cover - off to a great start. Would love to win this assortment of tags!

Tanja Westwood said...

What a great idea!!

Mandy said...

It is so hard to scrapbook as a student with a low budget! I love this kit so much!

Natalie Elphinstone said...

loving the classic color scheme in these tags.

Abby said...

I haven't made my album ahead, but I did start taking my pics today! LOVE your album! tfs, b/c it sparked some mojo!

Shirley said...

Ooh, I'm inspired! I just have to work up the nerve/commitment to keep up a December daily album.

Unknown said...

The cover of your album is so adorable. I am also doing a December daily album. I would absolutely love a chance to win these awesome journaling cards. They would definately help in my album. Thanks for a chance to win!

Megan said...

Ooooh, me me me! :)

Kevin, Amber & Jake said...

love it!

Lorrie Spotts said...

I am very excited to be receiving a copy of your book any day now!! (Plus two for my friends' Christmas gifts!!) I love your Christmas album, can't wait to start on my own.

Linda E said...

Those tags and your mini album both look great! hanks for the chance to win.

Two Little Tots said...

oh, how i love the december daily and i have just started one too...would love to be a lucky winner.

HB Crafty Lady said...

I would love to win this package of so cute tags; I've never done a Christmas album and I just got married so that would be a great way to start our story. Thank you as always for your inspiring projects.

Virginia said...

I would so love to win! :)

Melanie B said...

I would love to win, but am sooo wishing I was in Utah so I could come to the book party!! I will be waiting with baited breath till it arrives in OZ!!! You rock.
Mel xx

Amber Filkins said...

I love Shabby Chic Crafts! And I love Veronica! Annnnnnd...I'd love to win!!

Auntie Em said...

I LOVE it! Beautiful

Latrice said...

I could totally use a jump start on my december mini book. Yours is super cute BTW!! Thanks for the giveaway hon.

Unknown said...

Speriamo che arrivino da me in ITALIA!!!Grazie dell'opportunità.un bacio Laura-ITALY

Lindsay said...

Your album is so cute! Christmas is my favorite and I would love to get my hands on those fun tags! Thanks!

Anastasia said...

The cover of your album is so great! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful set!

Anonymous said...

Oh, pick me! Pick me! I need some inspiration this holiday season!

T. Wolfe

Amber said...

Such a fabulous idea for a busy month! Would love to win the tags!

Michelle Laulu said...

I love December. How did you get your tree up already? I could definetely use some cute holiday tags!

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