Yesterday at 11:45 on a Tuesday in the middle of the road.
A stolen moment in the snow.
Pretty sure my neighbors think I am crazy but it was too beautiful to watch from inside in my slippers, I wanted to sludge through it in my uggs & feel the snowflakes tickle my cheeks.
That's how things work lately. These quick, stolen moments.
Like last night, tweet # 1,537 'Never underestimate the power of a bubble bath.' Another such stolen moment that Collin, bless his heart, was trying to keep Lola happy so I could enjoy the bubbles longer but those few minutes were enough. And throughout the day when I steal a moment to work on a scrapbook page or send an email to a friend, or hum and sing to Lola in her room with just us. Not only do I strive to make time for these moments but also to notice them. Whether you work, go to school, or a mom... the things we do all day can be a bit monotonous but it's up to us to find the spectacular... somehow.
Leave a comment with your name and, if you want, share one of your spectacular stolen moments then you will be entered to win a necklace from Shop Ruche. They are one of my awesome blog sponsors. Ruche is where I got the coat I'm wearing in above photo and the boots, dress, belt, sweater I was wearing on our date night. Needless to say, I like to shop there. So if you want a chance to win the necklace below leave a comment and I'll choose a random winner, or I'll get Collin to choose the lucky lady... or man. Do any men read this blog? ;)

1 – 200 of 515 Newer› Newest»Ooooooh, I'm the first one - yay! In that same snow yesterday I found the spectacular in the absolute quiet the snow brings. You walk outside and for a moment do not hear the hustle & bustle that goes on around you. Its.perfectly.still. Not a sound! Love it :)
ahhh liz i LOVE ruche.
also, i go to school in connecticut, where we're currently on our fourth snowstorm of january & prepping for two more this week. i can relate a bit, i think ;)
This photograph is amazing! Just so beautiful! My days of needing to steal moments are behind me now as my daughters are both grown. I sometimes wish that I could shrink them back if only for a day so I could appreciate their youth all over again. Good for you for finding the spectacular in even the dull moments. Yes, it can be monotonous but enjoy every second because it seems that we blink twice and they are young women themselves. Have a great day with hopefully another bubble bath!! :)
I love when I suddenly realize the house is quiet, so I go to the boy's room sure to find chaos. When instead, I find them sweetly playing together, deep in pretend, fighting imaginary bad guys or doctoring sick stuffed animals together. It makes me thankful for my life and those kiddos. :)
My favorite moment in the snow was watching my daughter experience it for the first time! It was amazing to her since we are from California and we moved to Connecticut!
as I sit here at the kitchen table with my laptop, my 5 year old daughter is sitting across from me coloring and telling a wonderful made-up story about robots and colors, and curtains? :) I slyly got up from my seat and grabbed my Canon Powershot Elph, set it on the table next to me and hit record in video mode. She had no idea what I was doing. And now, that stolen moment is recorded on my camera for me to look at later when I need a smile. :)
Beautiful picture by the way!
Being a working mom it's hard for me to sometimes just slow down and enjoy the moment. I always feel like I have to be prepared for the next day and am constantly cleaning or getting things together so we won't run late. I too enjoy a bubble bath every once in awhile even if it's 5 minutes before the kids come in and say, "mom!".
P.S. you look like you were totally soakin' up those snowflakes! Love the jacket too! :]
My stolen moment today was being home an hour before the kids were off school, climbing into bed with a good movie, a cup of coffee and a very affectionate kitten. I've gotta start looking at snow the way you do though - when it's piled up higher than my car on the side of the driveway, it loses it's appeal a little :)
12:47 am.. Silent sleeping House. Giggles by myself watching Jimmy Fallon after my usual Hectic Full Busy Days....But I wouldn't change them for the world because if not because of it I couldn't have Blissful Moments :)
My stolen moment is ALWAYS when I pull away from the Starbucks window and take that first sip of beautiful foamy chai .... just me and my drink and it's just HEAVEN every single time. (Awesomely cute picture too btw).
I am a working mom, but ever since I started to read your blog you put so much perspective in my life. I try to make the time with my kids letting them blow "raspberries" on my belly even though it tickles, but all three of them giggle and giggle and think it awesome!
Thank you for all your perspective and UMMM HELLO awesome picture!! I love to watch the snow fall like in a snowglobe!!
This photo is just pure joy! I love snow so much and rarely get to see it. It is wonderful to experience it through you!
A spectacular stolen moment for me is when I hear a piece of classic music that just makes my heart swell. I go to another place for just a second. It is pure magic.
I also love Shop Ruche! And crazy thing: I have that coat in lavender. I found it in a store in LA a few years ago! The white is beautiful!
Have a great day,
Kelly Marie Alvarez
My stolen moments happen when both boys happen to be asleep at the SAME TIME. The oldest rarely naps these days - and though I often regret letting it happen when it does because he becomes a fire-breathing, angry monster when he wakes up - those few moments when I can just enjoy a quick breather sure make for a more happy momma.
And I'm sure there is a some man out there who reads your blog because he genuinely appreciates all things scrapbooking. There are guys out there that quilt. When I learned that, I realized - you really do learn something new everyday.
beautiful necklace!
Love your stolen moments. I need to do that more. So need new jewelry and be half as stylish as you Liz. ;) Thanks for the giveaway ... PS doing a haircut giveaway on my blog. Great local op for ya :)
OK...I do not know where you are, but here in MN I have seen enough snow, so how 'bout we make a deal and you take all the rest of the snow meant for us K????
BEAUTIFUL PHOTO! I don't have any one spectacular moment to share, I get so caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle and get swept away by it all. Then something happens (a song comes on, I take a deep breath, etc.) and I remember that every moment we have is a gift. I suppose the reminder of this is my spectacular moment. :)
Thank you for sharing yours and for sponsoring this amazing giveaway. I LOVE shop ruche.
hijacked by Dusan:
my stolen moment is catching up on ESPN and Sports Illustrated magazines while soaking just my feet in the tub after a long day on the the football field. It never fails I end up with both my boys sitting on the edge with me. 6 stinky feet and the best recaps of the day happen right there.
Not sure if that necklace would fit around my neck, but it would look hot on Sara.
snow would be so fun! none here in gilbert az right now - i'll smile at your moment and then savor in my own here in the sunshine..... :)
My stolen moments happen when I take time away from the many piles of homework and projects I have (as a senior in college majoring in Elementary and Special education) and take time to be creative and make anything crafty! I am currently into making flower headbands!! :)
I just LOVE reading your blog! You inspire me SOOOO much & I appreciate it!! Whenever I need a break from school, I go to your blog for a break!! Thanks for this opportunity for a giveaway!!
Beautiful! I might've just had a stolen moment, involving a frappuccino from Starbucks. :)
I love escaping to your blog :). Thanks for reminding me to find the spectacular in my every day! :)
Mine is when my busy 1yr old rests his sweet head on my shoulder and lets me just hold him. I want to take those few seconds and save them. He is growing up to fast! It kinda breaks my heart
Oh how I wish it would snow here!! Glad that you are enjoying those normal moments most people miss!
I try to start off everyday by curling up next to my daughter before she gets ready for school, and me for work, and by finding any moment I can to read a book with my son. I feel like I miss so much of them growing up with my crazy work schedule, so these little moments with them make it a little easier to get through the day/night. Cherish all the little things in life.
P.S. thanks for being so inspiring!
you have me & my sister totally hooked on Ruche.. i just purchased a sweet dress for a bridal shower i will be hosting soon..
Such a sweet moment! We dont really get any snow here in southern AZ. I am so in love with the buttons on that jacket!
My stolen moments are when i can actually get a shower without a kid or 2 popping in for this reason or that! I have 3 sons who only need me when I am on the phone, in the shower or on the toilet! haha =]
I love sneaking up on my kiddos when they are engrossed in play. I have to cover my mouth not to giggle sometimes.
Sometimes I go to my bedroom, shut the door, turn the ceiling fan on low, and lay on my bed with my eyes clothes enjoying the breeze.
I wish it was snowing here.... but it is so hot hot hot lol
anyways my stolen moment is a pot of earl grey tea in a teapot made with real tea leaves a proper pretty tea cup and saucer and then I sit hiding with a book... sometimes I just read one page or one chapter before I hear screaming... but that page and that tea get me through the rest of the day...
ohh love that picture of you - darling! I just enjoy stealing kisses from my little crazy 2 year old! Or stealing a moment to eat a spoonful of that chocolate ganache in the fridge that I'm not suppose to eat!
I couldn't love this post more!! ♥ I LOVE the moment captured in this photo! The snow is so so pretty!
My stolen moment is a cup of hot coffee in the morning. I sometimes read, or pray, or just think. In my fast paced world, any idle time is precious!!!
I work full time, go to graduate school in the evening, and have a husband and two awesome kids..stolen moments...even being at the bus stop with them is an experience I don't want to miss!! Thanks! Amy E. in Windber, PA
My stolen moments are usually at night, after the girls are asleep. I read a few pages in my book or soak in the bathtub!
I just LOVE your pics! Darling as usual! Would LOVE to win the necklace! Thanks
Stolen moments... yes that is what they are... and its right now... OH NO they found me....
Such a pretty photo. My stolen moments occur in the car waiting for my son to get out of school. I sit and read and listen to my music. Kinda sad, isn't it? :)
Beautiful moment! My stolen moment (if lucky enough) happens on Saturday mornings when everyone else is still tucked, cup of coffee, and either crafting or reading. Awww how I cherish the quiet but I love the noise makers more!
my stolen moment:
quietly untangling my mothers hair, while she was bed ridden in the hospital. I found immense joy in the fact that I was bonding with my mother by doing such a small task.( it was one of my most special moments) I love her, and she is one of my rocks in life <3
Not sure how I was introduced to your blog, but I'm glad I was. Love all your layouts and love, love, love your fashion ideas.:)
I like to sit by our huge front window in our living room with lots of natural light coming through to steal a few moments alone to read.
Mine would be at carpool. No laundry or household chores to do. No computer to distract. I read a book or a magazine. Sometimes I get there early to get a few extra minutes.
Secretly watching my 2 1/2 year old daughter have a full on conversation w/ her food as she eats it. Funny and cute, just like her.
What a very beautiful philosophy! I love all the precious little stolen moments life has to offer.
Mine would have to be early in the morning before anyone gets up with a cup of coffee and the newspaper.
I had a snowflake moment myself yesterday:) As I was walking to my car, HUGE snowflakes were falling, and I stopped to snap some pics as it fell through the street light:). We don't get many big snowflakes here in Memphis, it was so quiet and beautiful!! ( all snow is now melted... So it goes in the south)
Thanks for a chance to win such a cool prize!!
My favorite moments are to watch my kids sleep for a couple of peaceful! I use to take photos of them when I found them looking incredibly cute or even a couple times when I found one of my daughters with an eye mask on! I had to stop with the pictures though because the flash started to wake them up :)
If my husband was a blog reader, I'm sure he would leave a similar message as mine!
Love that picture! My stolen moment is the last few sips of chai before I go in to tend to my one year old twins. Even those precious few moments helps me be a more patient mommy!
What a great giveaway! Pick me, pick me! 8 )
Wow - what a beautiful photograph! Wish we had snow here so that I could recreate it!!
My stolen moments happen when I am on the way to work in the morning. It is only a 5 minute commute to my little elementary school, but if I time it just right, I get to hear my favorite song in the local radio station's playlist. When I wake up, my husband is usually asleep, as are the dogs so I get ready as quietly as possible. That moment in the car, when a favorite song comes in allows me to put a little pep in my step or belt out the lyrics in the privacy of my car :)
OMG Lizzie! Your post reminds me of something I did a couple of weeks ago. It was around 9pm, and I walked past the window and noticed it was snowing (huge flakes). It look so beautiful on that clear night, so I slipped on boots and went out in my pajamas in the front yard and tried catching snowflakes on my tongue. I'm pretty sure my husband thought I was crazy, but I couldn't resist! I didn't care who saw me, it was just too fun. :-)
that necklace is awesome, I would love to win it ;)
i had a fabulous "stolen moment" last week, it's a long story but it involves gorgeous snow (big puffy flakes coming down so gently) by lake michigan and a surprise cup of coffee in the morning from our hostess.... i felt such peace and warmth in that moment :)
My stolen moment of the week came in the carpool in So Cal we don't have snowflakes, but we are enjoying absolutely beautiful weather...and I arrived at the school a little early just so I could turn off my car and roll down the windows and soak up some rays while I listened to some Lenka...ahhhhh...
My stolen moment is when my hubby takes my 18mo. son miniature golfing so I could do a little shopping....glorious! :D
You know, funny enough, reading this post was my stolen moment for the day. I can feel the love you have for your family so strongly. It makes me tear up a little bit. Your blog is such a happy place. Thanks for injecting the peace into my day. I just thought you should know what an impact you have. :)
Here in So. Cal. we have been enjoying spring-like weather so I spent yesterday afternoon out under the sun. Simply beautiful! :D
Your happiness is like a breath for me. Thank you!
Not been very well lately so my stolen moment today was a few minutes sleep on the bus home once all the other passengers had got off.
My stolen moment today was to sneak a Lindt white chocolate truffle from the pantry and tell my sweet kiddos that Mommy needed to put some laundry away. So, Itook the laundry stack up, sat on my bed and ate my truffle in peace for about 1 minute. Then there was a crash and the moment was gone! lol! Thanks for sharing the snow with this Floridian!
I take my moments while having a cup of coffee early in the morning before anyone else is awake and walking my sweet dog. And I love Ruche now too! Thank you!
first - i hope collin does read this and know that i think his little comments are HILARIOUS on this, and I think if we lived in Utah my hubby and him would be great friends! Now, as for stolen moments -- i LOVE that my little sir #2 is a cuddly, snuggly baby. And I love the moments where he has fallen asleep in my arms and I can hold his little hand in mine and look at his cute chubby cheeks, delicate eyelashes and innocent little face and feel his sweet spirit and think about what his life holds. I can't wait to hear what he has to say and see more of his personality come out, but i try to keep each of those stolen moments in my mind and heart because time will go too fast and his 6 months has already gone way too quick. I love the way these little spirits make the house different, more peaceful (altho not always) and more heaven like. This picture is spectacular and is great on today when as i look out my window here in VA we are also getting large snowflakes and I am getting to just enjoy watching them with my 2 boys while sipping hot cocoa and eating cupcakes - yet another great stolen moment for me! I love LOVE ruche - so maybe that should mean pick me to win! haha! if not - i love this post and will try to keep these moments and make more of them! thanks
stephanie (rosen) brown
Love the photo. My stolen moment was the 5 minutes in my hot tub today. It was 3 degrees outside & snowing but I went in anyways. I didn't take a pic though lol
Stolen Moments are by far the best.
Love the necklace too.
my stolen moments are so few and far between since i have 3 little ones, 6, 3, and 2 (her name is Avery too). Anyway, right now i'm stealing a moment as dinner is in the oven and the kids are all playing quietly, all of them, this is a really rare moment. i'm catching up on a couple blogs I follow, like yours. Thanks for the quiet moment and the chance at a fabulous pick me up for this stay-at-home mom.
Tara from Ohio (we have a lot of snow, and I LOVE it! I always hope for snow days for my daughter just so I have an excuse to go out and play in it)
My 8 year old boy is a cuddler. But, don't tell his friends :) He likes to crawl into our bed a few times a week, oh about 2 am. This has been going on since he was 3. We have been working with him to stay in his own bed. He is down to abut 1 time a week. this morning he came in about 6 am and cuddled with me and asked me to rub his head. All I could think of was, How much longer will he do this? Humm . . . not much
super cute necklace!! I love you blog by the way! Not too many stolen moments around here lately, getting ready to have baby number 2 here any day now!
Stolen moment today was when my almost 3 year old feel asleep in my arms! HEAVEN!
Love your blog Liz!
I love when I get up before my 3 year old and she comes downstairs to find me. As soon as she sees me she bursts into the biggest grin and comes running to me with wide open arms. Seriously, how does it get any better?
Love it! One of my stolen moments was this morning, seeing my little girls' face sleeping. So peaceful, beautiful and precious. I can't believe how time slips away from us. It seems like yesterday I was able to hold her in my arms for the first time. It made me realize that even through the bustle of life, we need to take a step back, and see it through the eyes of a child. So careless and free. Everything is so new and exciting!
I love that moment just before bed, when I am snuggling a small person and reading books! Absolute bliss! Thanks for the chance!
I would have to say it's a tie. I love sitting with my latte in the mornings after my girls are off to school and after they are in bed and I have the remote and good glass of wine.
I do miss the snow.....we live in sunny San Diego.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
The moment I love each day, when time is all my own, when everyone has gone to bed and I am in my little craft room, the house is quiet... the silence is blissful.
thanks for the chance.
love me :-)
That is such a beautiful photo! i live for those little moments. Like this morning when I convinced myself to drop everything when my son said mommy will you play with me and climbed painfully into his castle tent to play knights. Clean dishes are just so unimportant when there are dragons to fight.
My most precious moment lately has been during my afternoon class when the 17 preschoolers are there and no amount of my skills can help them find a quite voice to talk with and they all want my attention at the same time. Sometimes I sneak away to the ladies room... for just a moment.
I have 03 kids, work part-time (sometimes full-time), have a husband and a dog. It's hard to find stolen moments but it's possible. More than that, it's extremely vital to keep going without going insane. It can be a moment with kids sharing sth special that they've just done; with the hubby on a rare date; at work while stealing some minutes to take a look at your blog or even just by myself, reading or watching a great TV show or mivie. But what you said about making these moments spectacular is what makes all the difference. Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts and creativity.
By the way, I'd love to win because I love Ruche as well.
i love that moment as my head hits the pillow and I'm curled up with my fabulous husband in bed.
Cute necklace!
Everyday I look out my office window and try to find something interesting going on or something I haven't noticed before. This makes my day a little better each time!
p.s. I'm not complaining about our lovely 75 degree weather in sunny so cal, but I wish I had some snow moments right about now!!
~Gloria Gomez
I LOVE that photo of you! It looks so peaceful and... well... just lovely!
Thank you for the reminder to see the good in all. I am 21 weeks prego and it hasn't been an easy time for me. I have a 2 year old and my morning sickness still has not gone away. I'm trying to see the little things in life that will make me happy at this difficult time.
I adore seeing snowflakes flutter down from the sky. Here in ND, we have had a TON of snow lately...I love it! :)
Today I took a moment to sit down with a cup of coffee. It is one of my last days as a college student (I start Student Teaching on Feb. 7) and one of my last days off for a long time. It was simple, but divine! Thanks for the chance to win! (Hi to Collin!)
Good for you! And such a wonderful husband to help you like he does. My girls are now 21 and 24, but I can still remember when I just needed some "ME" time. Take it..... and RUN!
I have to say I love it when I get to take a shower. Really it is the only place I get to be by myself and take a me moment:)
I actually had a stolen moment with my four year old cousin Alex while putting on his snow gear. While I was bent down helpping him with his boots he rubbed his hands on my shoulders and played with my hair. He's not a cuddler and likes to be busy, so this moment of affection warmed my heart. "I wish I could go home with you." he said.
Love the photo!
Hi Elizabeth and Collin,
A sweet moment to cherish is going on a date with your hubby(not your hubbie but mine)and spending alone time not matter what you are doing. I don't get much alone time with him since we work opposite shifts. So when we get time I cherish it.
Hey Collin pick me pick me!!!
the first cup of cofee - in the quiet and dim morning.
my stolen moment is right now ... both of my girls are napping and I have a chance to catch up on some blogs and emails.
My stolen moment of the day was taking some gorgeous pictures of the songbirds outside our apartment! Apparently, the area we just moved to is known for its many kinds of birds, and it was really relaxing to watch them all flit around the new birdfeeder as I snapped shot after shot.
Awesome photo, Elisabeth! I have lots of stolen moments.
I love walking back from school after walking my son there. I love really absorbing my surroundings. A beautiful blue sky can bring tears of joy for the immense beauty of life.
My stolen moments are very early in the morning before work. I love the quiet! Sometimes it's quilting or reading blogs or taking a picture of the day. Ahhh, so nice.
I just had a stolen moment, the sun was shining here in Seattle (yes! it's really true - no lie I promise) so I went outside and enjoyed a piece of dark chocolate while marveling at that bright ball in the sky!
What a beautiful photo Liz! My stolen moment happened today. I had one child at school, one taking a nap and the middle one was quietly playing in his room while I was ironing. So, I dropped the iron for 10 minutes and looked at part of a magazine I've been trying to read for weeks now. It was just the break I needed to get through the rest of the afternoon. Thanks for the chance to win. And Collin....I think you are the funniest man in Utah! You are an amazing dad, husband and Spark assistant! Meeting you in October was definately one of the highlights of my trip. :)
I never knew about before until I kept seeing all the cute clothes you were getting from there. I love it now!!!
I'm pretty sure men read this blog… i just don't think they appreciate it quite as much ;)
Beautiful jewelry...and the snow picture is awesome. Your snow is so white...unlike Missouri where it snows white and turns grey right away.
I love the moments where I lay on the couch with my kids, now almost 13 & 10 yrs. old and they hold my had while we watch TV! I LOVE these memories! It brings me back to the days when they were just babies! :)
And I LOVE that coat! Too cute! :)
My stolen moment is an evening spent perusing books at Barnes & Noble with a Grande Vanilla latte firmly in hand, ALL ALONE. So restoritve to my soul.
A spectacular stolen moment for me would be a jog around my neighborhood after I drop the kiddies off at school. Just me and my ipod! That snow looks so beautiful, something we do not see very often in Texas :( Also, Ruche looks like a fun place to shop, so will be checking that out!! Thanks for the chance!
A nap! Today i got a nap! All the kids were occupied and/or napping and i was able to catch a quick one! ahhh! so much better!
from where i come from there's no snow but i wld love to travel out when i finish university and experience winter (: thanks for the chance to win! i love thr necklace, love subtle sweet colours like that (:
Snow! I love snow! I mostly have to keep that to myself, but I will express it here! My stolen moment...didn't think of it that way until you just mentioned little boy (age 5) suggested a walk (in the beautifully falling snow) a 1/2 hour before bedtime last week and instead of my immediate response being "no", I said "sure bud, that's a great idea"! And it was! I know I wasn't by myself, but it was absolute bliss!! A walk around the block with my favorite little one in the world with beautifully fallling snow and no one else around. It doesn't get better than that in my book!
Haven't shopped at Ruche yet, but need to soon!
Love your blog!
Loved the snow these days... also love love ruche!! Thanks to you I found their website a while ago!! :)
my stolen moment is after I came out of surgery and woke up to my husband holding my hand and waiting with a cup of water and crackers for me even though he hates hospitals. what a sweet man I have! awesome give away!!
I never saw the snow :( What a wonderful picture!
Meanwhile, here in Brazil is too hot.
My stolen moment it's when I'm walking with my dog, in silence, it's almost a meditation for me. After the walk with my dog, I feel better every time....
So true! It's the little things everyday that we need to treasure and feel grateful for. Ruche has such spectacular things. Thanks for sending me there...I have many of their jackets on my wishlist!
What a great photo! I don't really have any stolen moments that I can share, but I do want to say thanks for a chance at the giveaway!
THis is a really amazingly beautiful picture!!
I have a few little stolen moments that i love in my day.
When my 1 year old (birthday girl today actually!) snuggles into me and pats my chest, then looks at me silently. She REALLY LOOKS AT ME. i love that little moment between us.
When my 3 year old goes to sleep, she gives me the gentlest, quietest, sweeetest little kiss goodnight, she holds my face and everything.
When I go out the front to take the trash out, the girls are happily playing inside and I get a gust of cool, fresh air blows my hair and I breathe in deep. I love that moment of silence.
thanks for the great post!
My favorite moment of late is clicking "end of workout" on my Couch to 5K app. I struggle and am always happy when I've finished!
Thanks for the opportunity to win and thanks for sharing, always.
My stolen moment was today when none were looking a second trip to the vending machine resulted in a diet coke and nekot cookies...again...
beautiful snow....we had some today. my stolen moments are at the salon where i get my facials. so very relaxing.... i would like more of those!
You look beautiful in that picture. I love that you live in the now and are making special time for you and your family.
A stolen moment for me is watching my almost 4 year old play with her baby dolls. When I see the way she cares and interacts with them, at that moment, I know I am doing the best I can as a mommy. It is so rewarding.
Cuddling my almost adopted twin foster babies, they were both asleep on me. I'll never forget.
my stolen moment that happens every night is quickly going in and kissing all 3 of my babies good night before I go to sleep. there is something magical about watching them sleep and remembering how blessed i am. and Collin, you rock!(didn't you say you were waiting for that the last time you had a giveaway?!):)
I love shopping at ShopRuche. It is definitely my FAVORITE store because it's so affordable and cute!! Great necklace... it is hard to have stolen moments in my life. I work full time, go to school full time, and then when I come over after all that I barely get to see my little one and my hubby. But my life won't always be like this. I look forward to the summer time when I won't have any night classes, and we can go to the pool after dinner and stay up a little later!! I love the summer. It's my only break from school (even though I take classes then too). Ugh... I will just be happy to have my degree and be starting a new chapter in my life. This semester I'm actually taking an entrepreneurship course, so that I can learn how to open a scrapbook/crafting retreat for north Texas. I would love to own my own business and be able to make my own schedule. I would love the time to stay at home with my little one and (ones in the future). Oh the day :) One day.
-Gabi from Savannah, TX
Beautiful snowy picture! My 3 1/2 year old has recently started saying, out of nowhere at random times, "Mom...I love you!" Every times she says it I want to hit the pause button on life! Those little moments make it all worth while! :-) Thanks for the giveaway!
I was able to get a wonderful sweet moment today. I had just sent the last of my oldest three off to his afternoon kindergarten class, my 20 month old was napping in his room, and my 2 week old coordinted her nap with his today. My 3 year old and I got to cuddle on the couch and took a little nap. It was so nice to not put that time to laundry or cleaning for once. It was a very sweet moment to spend with my little guy.
My stolen moment is when I get woken up at 2:30 in the morning to skype with my boyfriend in japan.. only four more months until I will see his face in person!
Great moment! Some of mine are stealing a moment to read my favorite blogs and scrapbok.
I also love Ruche and love the jacket. Very cute.
Was snowed in or should I say iced in a few weeks ago for a week, we are not used to it at all so really don’t want to see if for a while. My stolen moments is right before my girls get home from school all is quiet in my house, then when they both hit the door the wonderful sound of my girls telling me about their day at school. Love the silent but love to hear my girl’s voices more.
My last stolen moment that brought me so much joy was just drinking a whole cup of hot chocolate in one sitting. It was during my kids' naptime and it was so calming to actually sip out of a big mug without putting it down a few times between sips. Motherhood doesn't always leave time for leisure so stolen moments are crucial!
My stolen moment is sitting on my ottoman cross-legged drinking coffee on Saturday morning watching a taped cooking show. Heaven.
The moment when my baby girl,one month gives me a smile. The whole world stops and I forget about her two older brothers screaming, jumping all over, and making messes, the house being dirty, or the things I need to get done. Nothing else matters at that moment and I'm lost in a trance.
usually, after school, I sneak up to my room to read, but today after a 24hr bus ride from DC(chaperoning HS kids), it was a bubble bath....HEAVEN!!!
It is hard to find quiet moments if you are a Mom. I'm sitting down for 5 minutes to check blogs & e mails. I love when my daughter naps (when she does), I feel like I'm more relaxed & a better Mom when I have a few minutes to myself. dramaqueensmum at gmail dot com
Just now...a few minutes after dinner - the kids are fed, playing in their playroom and I can sneak for a quick peak and know that life is like this for more than me! Thanks :)
Love! It, you and the snow ;)
Pick me, Collin!!! Purty please??? :)
Sneaking a few peanut butter m&m's in the random quiet moment this afternoon.
I'm a working single mom and lately my stolen moment has been to read my book during my lunch break at work. Nothing special but it seems that this is the only time I get a chance to read nowadays.
My stolen moments consist of finding uplifting and inspired things to read. They are usually stolen while my girls are immersed in playtime with each other, and usually Barbie. But I can honestly say, I come here a lot during my stolen time. I have found many spectacular moments here. Thank you!
My favorite stolen moment of the day is after my quiet bed time story with my son I roll next to him and we talk with our faces inches apart. I learn all kinds of secrets about his magical world and of course we always end it with kisses of all kinds and a hug. Then he breaks my heart and tells me little things like "I love you", these little words that remind me that in this giant universe I am important to something so special as him.
Ah, stolen moments. I am enjoying those more every day!
My favorite lately is sleeping a little longer with my furbaby, after my fiancé leaves for work. I can tell that she loves those moments as much as I do, as she seems to notice and miss it when they don't happen. Or maybe she's just a sleepyhead, haha.
Love the photo!
one of my favorite stolen moments is over a cup of tea in the afternoon...during "quiet time"...especially when the littlest takes a longer nap than usual!
i'd steal a moment in the snowflakes though if i could steal some of your snow!!!
This year for me is all about catching those little moments and living them. My fave today was whilst on the phone to my Dad , my 2 yr old popped on her ladybug gumboots even though it's warm out and ran off down to the vege patch and grabbed a strawberry and started munching. Watching her contentment whilst enjoying her strawberry in her gummies while she thought no one was watching was a wonderful moment!
I guess my favorite stolen moment, which doesn't happen often at all, is when my husband has taken my 2 older kids to school and on occasion the 2 year old keeps sleeping. If we have nowhere to be, I'll let him sleep in, sit in my jammies and watch a show I dvr'ed. I usually feel guilty afterwards for being so unproductive but sometimes it's nice to do nothing.
my stolen moments lately have consisted of waking up an hour before my 5 year old and husband wake up. Just me, a HUGE cup of coffee and some bible time!
my most recent stolen moment was bundling up and going outside to lay on my back in the snow and stare up at the stars. something about the snow is so peaceful. everything is white and pure.
I'm a new mom again... Have a two yr old and literally had my second one 4 hrs ago.. Lately my stolen moments are LATE at night when my husband and son are asleep... I get to scrapbook.. Thanks to the pregnancy-induced insomnia...
You are one of the cutest girls I "know" on the internet!! I'd love to own a piece of your style!!
What an amazing photo!! did you do a self timer? Love it! Wish I could enjoy those chilly moments but no snow here :( My stolen moments...hmmmm I suppose it's during the work day it's been so busy lately I have no time to tweet much or catch up on blogs so when I do get a chance to open a blog and read it quickly before that next email comes in or that phone for the urgent request has been enough for me. Or wait, it was this past Sunday when I layed in bed and my hubby brought me coffee and cinnamon rolls and i lounged till after noon! Yes, that was my best stolen moment this past week! hugs and i hope you have a wonderful time at CHA!!
p.s. Please give Collin a hug from me and tell him I sent it from my ipad, HA it's our joke from Spark ;)
My stolen moment is right after the rain on a summer day. I love the way the air smells afterwards. Its so fresh and clean.
One of my stolen moments would be eating chocolate ice cream in the middle of the night sitting next to the fireplace. ~ That is the most adorable necklace I've ever wanted!
Amazing photo! I miss the snow so much! (we lived there in Utah for two years and are now back in So. California)
My stollen moment...the first thing that came to mind was a few months ago I danced on the spur of the moment with my then 15 month old granddaughter...we just held hands and rocked back and forth to music, and it was such a sweet brought tears to my eyes...especially 'cos now, that sweet little granddaughter has moved (with her parents!) to Denver! (and I miss her sooo much!)
The necklace is beautiful...would love to win it!
Ahhhhh stolen moments....they are wonderful aren't they?! My most recent one was when my 2 year old was down for her nap, my 4 year old surprised me by falling asleep while watching cartoons during quiet time, and my 6 year old was at I got to make myself a heavenly cup of hot cocoa complete with tons (and I mean tons!) of mini marshmellows and sink into the couch while enjoying my latest Creating Keepsakes mag! Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful necklace, and what a priceless photo of you in the lovely snow! :)
Just being able to have time to shave my legs is my stolen moment! My husband appreciates that one too :) I can usually convince him to entertain the little ones for me with promises of shaven legs :) TMI?!
A wonderful stolen moment was when we asked the in-laws to babysit so I could sneak off with my my husband for a photoshoot...we made out in the hayloft! WOO HOO! lol
My stolen moments usually involve a coffee from Starbucks! ;-)
As my husband has been deployed for the last three months, I tend to look forward to bedtime for my three sweet kiddos. But, secretly, I look forward to when my middle son, Asher, who is three, occasionally sneaks downstairs to snuggle with his mama, just for a few minutes. There are no interruptions and no pressure, just enough time for him to fall asleep in my arms.
I had a stolen moment today in fact---I actually went for a 30 min back massage and 30 min express facial--it was heavenly!! (And cheap to!) A stolen hour just for me. It is nice in the mist of mommyhood to take, even an hour, every so often for yourself!!
p.s.--Totally digging that coat :)
My stolen moment is if I can drink my first cup of coffee - by myself - and check my FB before the kids or husband get up - just bliss.
Love the photo - maybe I should appreciate more the snowflakes outside my front door right now!
Love these little moments-like when the kids have finally gone to bed & have fallen asleep & I can watch a favorite show & eat a yummy coconut-chocolate cookie!! Enjoy the snow!
I love Ruche! Stolen moment...hmmm...can't think of one lately. Guess I'm due a longish bubble bath soon!
Oh I LOVE Ruche. I get the majority of my stuff from there :)
I teach dance, and sometimes going to the same classes and doing the same routines gets too "usual". I absoultely LOVE when we're playing a creative movement game and for just those few minutes, I become one of them. My students (ages 3-4) wrap me up in their enchanted world, and a smile becomes permanent on my face. I forget about the "usual" routine and remember how to play and laugh. Its moments like those that shape my entire week, let alone day. The moments where I wish there was an outside photographer, taking a picture so I could forever remember it.
my stolen moment today (and lately) are in the shower....just me and my thoughts before the day gets much more chaotic.
WOW! What a thought provoking question! Stolen moments I find when in the middle of the chaos of my children, I stop myself from starting to yell at them and just sit back and enjoy the noise and laughter and the playing...something I didn't used to do. I am learning to let things go and live more in the moment of their little lives! :D
I absolutely love Ruche, thanks to discovering them from your blog, I just placed an order today and almost added in the comments "thanks to Lizzy!" :)
My spectacular stolen moment is waking up to my 3 year old telling me "good morning sweetie"
Thanks for the chance to win!
Beautiful as always!!
I like to walk to work when I can (although it's too cold right now in Toronto) and I pass over a beautiful pedestrian bridge that hangs over a lovely ravine park. I have to stop and just take in the view for a few stolen moments before the craziness of work and after the craziness of getting my daughter off to school!
I LOVE the photo!!! Just beautiful! Gosh many spectacular moments but just today...spending time with the new puppy my son brought by with him for a visit! sweeeeeet! :) I think I'm in love with that necklace! Thanks for the giveaway!
stolen moment - waking up in the middle of the night and putting my arm around my husband. the simple motion makes me feel so content.
Stolen moments. Hmmm. Sometimes, if the hubby is home with the kiddos and I run an errand, I crank the tunes in the car and take the long way home, just to have a few minutes to myself. ;-)
I try each day to take a moment, look around and cherish the fact that God placed me here with this amazing group of family and friends.
Love that the word verification is my last name:)! Maybe that means I'm lucky! If not I always know that I am blessed.
I don't know if this really counts as a stolen moment, since I schedule it into my days, but I love my morning devotion time. It helps prepare me for the day to come.
Stolen moments....never thought about them! I am usually up later than my I love when we are snuggling in bed and he falls asleep...I can turn over and play some games on my iTouch still snuggling--a couple of stolen moments;)
sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
That photo of you is beautiful! Did Colin take it? Thanks for the giveaway!
books...a good movie...a walk down to the beach.
Life should be measured stolen moment to stolen moment.
My moment was this morning while my 5 year old slept beside me in my bed, I was able to just take him in at that moment...sleeping and relaxed after months of constant health issues. Plus...his eye lashes just amaze me!
Chastity in Berryville, VA
Just the other day, I stopped cleaning the kitchen, scooped up my 8-month-old daughter, and danced a whimsical waltz, whirling around the living room. she thanked me with giggles and a wide-mouthed wet kiss on the cheek. I hope I remember to steal some more dance time soon.
Love this idea, I try to write down or take photographs of my favorite "spectacular stolen moments" each day. They usually involve my kids. My favorite one that occurred recently involves my 2 year old Maric. She recently realized the joy of nail polish. She loves to paint my toes and every time she does I just watch her and smile as she enjoys every moment of our special mommy and daughter time.
Great blog, love following it!
Beautiful picture...we have a ton of snow here in Michigan! I love Ruche too including that necklace! :D
We have a ton of snow. i mean a ton. today i stopped with my ava and we pushed each other into the snow to make snow angels. it was fabulous to just lay there in the snow, so cold, and watch it fall on our faces.
Yeah!! Well, mine is simple, and it actually happens most everyday....but that first sip of hot, yummy coffee just gets me going and makes me smile!!! Thanks for the chance to win something!
I LOVE Ruche! I could fall in love with nearly every item there, including that necklace. I guess my "stolen moment" would be the time when I get home from work and before my roommate gets home. Even for a few minutes, it's nice to have silence.
I love Ruche - I might be addicted to the lookbooks!
My stolen moment is sitting up late with the kids watching "Winter Wipeout." There is something about watching people bounce off big rubber balls and listening to my kids laugh until they cry.
Chocolate chip cookies and milk tonight with my two year old while my honey is out of town. :(
Beautiful photo and necklace!
I let my 9 yr old daughter sleep in my bed with me last night (it is a special treat for her) and i watched her sleeping for a few minutes, right before i nodded off. i just couldn't stop staring at her and reminiscing. she looked sooooo young and it made me remember all the times i watched her sleep when she was a baby and a toddler. i wanted to freeze the moment forever.
I love these snow photos... We are having weather here in California that feels like summer... and dare I say that I'm just not into it... (yet)
My stolen moments are when I take a few quiet moments in the evening to get caught up on my blog. :)
I too am a Ruche fan!
Sitting in the parking lot at the grocery store eating a Reeses peanut butter cup (and licking the wrapper) so I don't have to share with anyone! :)
Well if Collin is choosing the winner, I'd just like to say how thankful I am for him (there was some reference to that in an earlier hijacked by Collin...) hee, hee :). Really, he is hilarious and I adore your style Liz. Love Ruche, love that necklace! Thanks for the great giveaway. It is spectacular! :)
I painted my 2 year olds' finger and toenails today and she was so excited that hers were the same color as mine. It just melted my heart! Love Ruche! You got me addicted with your post about them a few months back.
The stolen spectacular moment? I just had it! I escape from our training just for a few minutes and yet my scrapbook kit arrived in the mail for me! yes!! so happy to have got my goodies.
Thanks for teaching me that we have those moment ever so often, we just need to open our heart to experience it.
Oh! I forgot to say my spectacular stolen moment (I was so caught up in sucking up to the would-be winner picker... :). Today I had to take my son to the dentist and when I took him back to school, it was lunchtime. I asked him if he wanted to go hang with his pals since we'd already eaten and he said, "No, I want to stay in the car for a minute and hang out with you Mom." Love that he is 7 and still wants to hang with his mom!
Jaime O.
*My stolen moment today was with my son who was sticking 2 straws up his nose.
I could have been grumpy, we were late and I was in a hurry...but I decided to give in to the moment and there we sat.
With straws up our noses!
Love the picture! My stolen moment today was having dinner with 2 friends that I used to work with before I became a stay-at-home mom 5 years ago. So fun catching up with them! I feel rejuvinated!
Yesterday I had a quick break between all the craziness of carpool and motherhood to take my two little boys sledding for a quick half hour. The snow was perfect, my boys were so happy to be outside with mommy, and hearing my four year old say "this is the best day ever!" truly made it one spectacular moment!
A stolen moment...mine would have to be watching my son Collin(when he doesn't know) with his first baby Logan- cuddling him and telling him how much he loves still my heart. If you could capture that feeling and make it last forever-what a joy that would be!
My recent stolen moment is....Sitting in Cole's (11 weeks) room in the middle of the night, just the two of us. Rocking him, holding him, smelling him, playing with his tiny toes and listening to him breathe. Knowing he is the last addition to our family-reminds me to stop and enjoy these moments.
My son, who is 4...His sweet face as I tucked him tonight made me pause-he's never been hurt, or abandoned, or even overly disappointed. Life is simple and sweet for him and his face holds such treasure for me. It was a precious stolen moment.
My stolen moment was a quick walk this morning in the Arizona sunshine while my dear husband fed breakfast to the munchkin. Ahhhh...
I am excited, I am new to your blog and have never heard of Ruche.
Yay, I hope I win!!!!
My stolen moments are quietly watching my sweet husband when he doesn't realize it. It's peaceful. I try to get as many of these in as I can before he leaves for Iraq very soon.
My stolen moments are spent listening to my favorite song when no one else is around. It makes me happy!
Thanks to my hardworking hubby, I am a SAHM with 2 beautiful children. My stolen moments come anytime of the day and night. Many times in disguise...but my fave stolen moment lately is on my way to bed when I stop in and check on my kids and just stop and watch them sleep for a few moments. So perfect. Love your blog!!
One of my very favorite stolen moments is when I get to have the pleasure of being the first one my 3 week old baby sees when she wakes up. I get a little smirk and I absolutely adore watching her eyes flutter open and seeing her happy baby face. Hey, Collin, pick me! :)
My stolen moment -- some quiet time in the car at the bus stop, reading a little bit from a book that I keep there to read while I wait for my sweet daughter to hop off the bus!
My stolen moment for the day was sitting at the salon getting my hair done. It was loud and tons of people around but no one need me. I just sat read my trashy magazine and zoned out. Amazing!! Great picture, great jacket and great giveaway. You rock!!!
I love driving by myself in the car to go to school :) It's so quiet and peaceful and I get to listen to MY music, lol
Rebekah Rogers
My moment, yesterday, was when I didn't really want to go out in the snow, but did anyway, and had the best time building a snowman with my sweet boys!
My stolen moment.....well I work, I'm a student, and I'm a mom so my moments are very small but I'll take them when I can. My baby girl wanted me to read her a book. So I told her to bring me all the books. One by one she chose which book she wanted read. We read them all it was a great moment. She is 25 months old and she let me read 7 books in a row for her!!! I truly LOVE IT!!!
SPECTACULAR photo in those snowflakes! Those moments are the ones that make us be able to make it through our day...and Colin is a great daddy...but more importantly...he is a GREAT husband to understand that you..MOM...need those just be Liz. husband started a new job. A new adventure for our family...and he felt it important to let me know that he will not be as available to me and our kids for a while, as he gets his "groove" in his new position. There will be long hours...and for us, we are a team...Mom and Dad together. It will be difficult for me at first being Mom with our 5 kiddos for basketball practice, track practice, cheer practice...etc, with no Dad to help out. But, he has promised to let me steal away for a bit on the weekends when he is home to regenerate. He, like Colin...knows that it is important for Mom to just be herself for small moments in time...and those are the moments I will look forward to. Wish us luck!
My stolen moment is when I sing/whisper, "Rocky Tessa" to my 4 year old while we rock by the light of her night light. It's our own little song that she's heard since she was a lil' bambino. She especially likes to hear it when her "Hug Tank" is low. Love her. Love quiet stolen moments with her.
oh what an awesome pic!! wow!! thanks for sharing!! have a wonderful day!
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