Tuesday, November 1, 2011

December Daily SC Kit Giveaway

December is such a spectacular time of year and the past few years I have joined with many of you to make a December Daily mini album. December Daily celebrates and documents the traditions and everyday stories from the 1st to the 25th.
Well, today I'm thrilled to giveaway one of Studio Calico + Ali Edwards December Daily kit. They teamed up and hand-selected everything you need to make a festive mini album! How darling are those mini book paper envies? Or the candy striped thickers? Get your kit today riiiiiiiight > here.

Leave a comment and this will enter you into the drawing.

Want a better chance at winning? Add an extra comment for each of the following:
Post a link back to this giveaway on Twitter. (add 1 extra comment)
Post a link back to this giveaway on Facebook. (add 1 extra comment)
Post a link back to the giveaway on your blog. (add 1 extra comment)

I know, I know, how many giveaways have you entered and never won... but I have a hunch it'll be you! ;)
My December Daily album from last year using my Dear Lizzy Christmas products.


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JenCoen said...

Oh m'gosh! What a fabulous giveaway!!!

Jennie said...

Oh, I'd love to lay my hands on this kit!

8thgypsy said...

I would love to win this kit. I'm sure it would inspire me to play along with Ali during the month of December. Thanks for the opportunity.
Joan 8thgypsy@gmail.com

JenCoen said...

Just tweeted!!

Melissa said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Sheila said...

This would be so great to win. It looks fabulous!

kari said...

What an awesome giveaway!

Gwen Lafleur said...

I love this kit! I'd love a chance to use it for my December Daily this year. Thanks for the chance!

Christi said...

I would love to win this kit..... i would have purchased it myself but the price point was way over my scrappy budget

Leigh-Ann said...

This would be lovely to use for December Daily this year!

JJB said...

Love this! Maybe this is my chance! Also tweeting about it!

Anna Sander said...

I would love to make a december daily book this year and the kit is absolutely beautiful!

Leslie said...

I've always been too intimidated by doing a December Daily . . . but this kit has definitely been tempting me!! Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Really really yummy stuff! I hope I'll win! Greets :)

Jennifer Cowan said...

I've never done a DD before... maybe this year will be my first!

Kelli said...

thanks for the chance to win this cool kit!

Mariangeles M said...

Amazing kit, oh yeah!!

Tonya said...

This is just the push I need to get back into scrapbooking!!!

Mandy said...

This december kit looks awesome!

Sheila said...

Love it, I need it here with me :)

Thanks for the chance!

Mariangeles M said...

Just tweeted it at MariangelesSCB :)

Jac said...

Love it kit!

amyp said...

WOW!! I would LOVE to win this!! This will be my third year doing December Daily and this would make putting my album together a breeze!!! PICK ME!! PICK ME!! (wait, I sound like my 6 yr old) :)

abbey said...

this kit looks fabulous!

jen k said...

that'll be one sweet december daily when its put together...maybe it'll be me to win!!!

Dao said...

So many goodies wrapped up in a kit makes me giddy giddy. ;)

Colleen Ryan said...

Oh emm gee .. what an awesome give-away. Love this kit!

Howard Family said...

I've done the photographing for the decemebr daily for years but never actually scrapbooked any of it. :) This kit looks awesome.

Tonya said...

Just tweeted @ruffleraspberry

Mariangeles M said...

Just posted it at Facebook :) Mariangeles Masegosa

Anonymous said...

OMG! I would L-O-V-E to win this! Tahnks so much for the chance to win!
Dena Gresh

Kristen S said...

Wow! This is an extremely generous giveaway! Love December Daily, but couldn't splurge on this kit...would love to win!

Islander Girl said...

Oh my, oh my! I've been eyeing this kit! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Islander Girl said...

Posted it on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/1islandergirl

Jen said...

oh pick me pick me PAH-LEEZ!

angie ashuk said...

Oh my, I love this kit. Crossing my fingers...

leMonaDe said...

Oh! What a chance! I cross my fingers to win!

adele said...

This kit is amazing! I hope it's my lucky day :)

jkhenson said...

Would love to win this kit! :)

Liz @ Here's to Handy Andy said...

This is an awesome giveaway! I would love to win it!

Unknown said...

this kit looks amazing

Liz @ Here's to Handy Andy said...

Just tweeted about it!

Islander Girl said...

Posted on my blog: http://bit.ly/sMBvmQ

jkhenson said...

Just posted about it on my blog: www.positivelymom.com

Nora said...

I would love to win...thanks for the chance. :)

Tancha said...

я ещё не выигрывала , но буду надеяться ))
спасибо за шанс !

Gale said...

This has to be the best giveaway!! I hope you are right & I'm the one.

Claudia said...

Oh my, such sweet goodness!! Thanks for the chance!

kristina proffitt said...

I'd LOVE a chance to win this kit! Thank you, Elizabeth! :)

The Barker Family said...

Everything looks so beautiful, would love to win this!

kristina proffitt said...

Shared on my FB page! :)

Sarah C said...

This looks amazing!

Marie said...

LOVE this kit! That would make my day :)

Mabel said...

Just fabulous and fun!!! thanks for the chance to win, I shared at twitter too! @mabelmiranda

kristina proffitt said...

Tweeted about it! :)


Nadine said...

thank you so much for the chance! (:

Veeruliiru said...

You've no idea how much i wish your hunch is correct! =)

pballard said...

i love giveaways. I enter them all the time. Thanks for the chance!

Christy Butcher said...

Love it! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Oh my...would so love to win this! I've looked at it several times and think its adorable!!!

I hope your hunch is right and I'll win ;)

Tammi C

Cheryl said...

Ha ha - right, I'm sure it'll be me too! But seriously, what a lovley kit it is.

Rosa Nissenbaum said...

Ohhh! I just bought this kit and am waiting for it to arrive on my doorstep. :) Good luck to you all!

Margaret said...

I have been wanting to do a December Daily. This would be a great way to start.

Marie said...

Shared on my Facebook page too! But don't Twitter so two will be all I need :)

Sam F said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! I'm hoping that you'll be doing a DD as well this year because I loved your DD last year--especially the Dear Lizzy Christmas line products!

Ashley and Matt said...

This is such a darling kit! Crossing my fingers. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Just what I need to make my family memories merry and bright! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Gina M said...

I will hope to win, but I can still buy one!

pballard said...

Just blogged about the giveaway!!

pballard said...

Also tweeted thanks!

Jessica said...

Cute Cute Cute! I hope I win!

Katie said...

Yes, please. I am literally drooling over that kit.

Urusaiko's Blog said...

Ooooh oooooh Santa, choose me!

Katie said...

If I win will YOU make the album for me? ;) You are amazing!

Katie Gain said...

I would love to win this kit, thanks for the chance!

Stacy said...

Sign me up for that! I love that album.

Lynley Jill said...

Pretty please:) What a great giveaway!!

Jingle said...

Oh, what a gorgeous kit! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

HI Liz,

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the give away items. I hope I win!!

Tobie L said...

I wanted this kit the minute I saw it!

Jasey said...

That kit looks amazing! Thanks.

Rebecca said...

oh, please!!!!!

Kim said...

What a great giveaway :-)

Ellie said...

Oh my goodness I'd prob. cry of shear happiness I REALLY wanted to get this kit but wasn't able to pull it off budget wise so this would be such an awesome thing! Thanks for the chance off to cross my fingers!

Meg said...

i have a hunch too!! :) thanks for the fun giveaway!

Denise said...

I'm going to try to do it for the first time this year! This would be a great jump start!!

Also posting on Twitter!

Meg said...

i posted to my FB too!!!

Meg said...

and added to my blog!

Ann Marie said...

Wow! What a way to kick off the holidays! YES PLEASE!!!!

Ellie said...


Tweeted the giveaway thanks for the chance!

carriegel said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win this!

Ellie said...

Posted on my FB page. https://www.facebook.com/ellie.augustin/posts/198286316915866

Off to cross my fingers!

Awbree said...

I want this! Thanks Lizzie for the chance to win! I LOVE your style and your blog.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! :)

mandyb said...

how cool thanks for a fun giveaway

Kristy Hansen said...

Love this kit and what a great giveaway...and fun for December. thank you ksh

Anonymous said...

Tweeted too! @ShellyJaquet

mom2clr said...

What a great giveaway! I would LOVE this :)

The Weidners said...

Ooohhh what a gorgeous kit! Pick me, pick me! ;-)


Sockergrynet said...

I bought this, but would like to win one to give a nice friend!

Lisa said...

Stayed up til midnight to order this kit but when the price popped up I realized I couldn't afford it! This may be my chance! Thanks!

Francis Civira said...

Wow, so special giveaway!
Love this kit!
Thanks for the opportunity to win

Nikki said...

Thanks for the chance girlie!

Anonymous said...

FB'ed it too :)

Brenda Lapp said...

I've been hearing about the December Daily, but have never participated. Winning this fabulous kit would sure be a kick in the pants to get started.

Brenda Lapp said...

I tweeted about this giveaway. @cNYscrapper

k said...

Winning this kit will be the only way I get one and I've tried DD 3 years in a row semi-successfully...it's hard to do being a working mom...the 24 days prior to Christmas are rather routine and often not filled with anything "scrapworthy"...but I keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Would love a chance to win!


Alyssa said...

everything is adorable, count me in :)

Kiki's Kraft Korner said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Brenda Lapp said...

I shared on my FB page.

Anna Ekman said...

I´d love to have that wounderful kit. Thanks for the chance to get it!

Hayley said...

Oh, always wanted to make a mini album! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

How adorable is this kit? I love the little envelopes- too cute!

Cheryl Birkey said...

I want to win!



Alyssa said...

this is adorable! since scrapbooking-ish crafts aren't my forte, i'll stick to just one entry so those oter experts can detritus hands on this great giveaway! thank you!! :)

Brenda Lapp said...

I posted a link to the giveaway on my blog. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

diane said...

Love everything in the kit! I have a hunch it will be me too! ;)

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the chance! It is an amazing kit!! :)

Unknown said...

what an amazing giveaway!!!

graphics_girl said...

I was so sad that I'd have to be using up my stash this year...so want to win!

graphics_girl said...

Retweeted post!

Christa said...

This WOULD be the ultimate prize to win!

Courtney said...

Oh my how lovely. MUST have ;)

Melissa said...

I love it!!!

Mindy said...

Oh my goodness! Would love to win this!

Emma said...

can't wait todo my dd have been busy getting things together

amy said...

oh, i hope you're right! i would really love to win!

Amanda said...

I would absolutely love to win. Thank you so much for the chance! :)

Maria Therese said...

I would really love to win, as I was drooling over this add on kit but it just wasn't on my budget this month... this would be the best birthday present ever :)

Sabrina said...

This is the year I'm finally going to do December Daily. This kit is gorgeous!

Maria Therese said...

Extra entry for facebook :)

Joanne said...

Count me in :) Thanks for the chance!

Michele Bailey said...

I have never done a December Daily album. Would love to win!! Thanks!

Carla G. said...

I wanted to buy this kit...but unfortunately the price doesn't fit in my budget right now...I would LOVE to win!! Thanks for the chance!!

Maria Therese said...

Extra entry for Twitter

sannika said...

Oh wow, I have a hunch it'll be me! :-)

Carla G. said...

Adding an extra entry for my Facebook post....please let me win!! Thanks!!!

Allison Waken said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

kinze said...

wahoo ... it's november .. and that means only a lil' less than two months and it's CHRISTMAS ... so excited and i would be really pumped if i got chosen to win the decemeber daily kit!!!!

Unknown said...

I wanted to put one of these in my cart soooo badly !!! This kit is amazing !! I am putting in an extra entry for twitter and my blog post:)

scrap2010 said...

I love this kit - the colors are wonderful for Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win!

Altaira McComb said...

oooh! pretty stuff in this kit!

Стокли said...

What a lovely and bright kit! Would love to win it=)

Beth said...

Would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Oh so cute! The Thickers are beyond darling. Thanks for the chance to win.

-Kelly O, Wisconsin

Claudia Matthews said...

Love this kit. Thank you for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

My tweet is on here http://twitter.com/#!/ChaseTheDark

Altaira McComb said...

shared this on Facebook! oh i hope i win this one - my husband would kill me if i bought this kit after just having gotten your Thankful kit

toniw said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous kit!

Beth said...

Just tweeted the great news too!


kt said...

this kit is fantastic! Would love to do a December daily this year, and I think this kit would be just the ticket!

Addie said...

This December kit looks amazing!! I can't wait to get my hands on some new Christmas paper:)

Alice said...

Very nice! I used your Christmas products from last year.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the kit! Thank you for the chance to win

mysweetbella said...

I LOVE the holiday season. So many memories to make and cherish! The kit is FABULOUS. Look at those ADORABLE numbers and embellishments.

Kanani said...

tweeted @ http://twitter.com/#!/joykanani/status/131444220065087490

Becky said...

Would love to win. Thanks

Стокли said...

Your last year DD is great, love the colors.
I posted a link on the side bar here.

Unknown said...

Here is another entry for my blog post ! http://undertheravensmoon.blogspot.com/2011/11/fabulous-december-daily-giveaway.html

NinjaCupcake said...

I've had my eye on this, but sadly it'd bust my already burst scrapbooking budget for November! :-)

Janet said...

What a cool giveaway! I'd love to be the lucky winner. Thanks for the chance to win.

Gabriella said...

Hi I love your blog. Thanks for the Giveaway! I would love to do a December daily with such great products (they are difficult to find in Europe!!!).

Christine said...

Hoping for lucky number #160something to be the winner!!! Merry Scrapping!!

Jyotsna said...

woooow, what a nice giveaway!!
it's the 1st december with my little girl, surely want to document it! :)

Lisa said...

I have a hunch, I have a hunch it will be me!!! Thanks for the chance!

Kristi said...

Wow! what an incredible kit! I have always wanted to join in on the December Daily fun, this would be just the kicker I would need! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Sarah Pendergrast said...

Wow, wow, wow - would love to win this!

ale said...

this kit is amazing!
thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

So much fun! I have been eyeing this kit. Thanks for the chance to win. ssymens

Krista Hutton said...

I have been wanting to do a Christmas mini album for years! However I am usually too lazy to get one going....this would be a perfect excuse to break that cycle:) Hope I win!! I never win these giveaways:(

Beth said...

And blogged it!!


I really want to win ;)

Daniela Dobson said...

I would love one :)

Melanie said...

I would love to win! I am going to be doing the 25 Days again this year.

lauren said...

i would love the chance to win this fab kit! :) great goodies here! *

Betty-Ann said...


Julie said...

Amazing! I would love to win this kit!

Jennifer Magreevy said...

Awesome giveaway! I would love to win this!!

red smartie said...

This is an awesome kit!

Brittany said...

Great Giveaway! I would LOVE to win this kit!

Jennifer Magreevy said...

I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/jzig426/status/131451607081680896

Kamilla Overholmen (kamillao@online.no) said...

I would LOVE to win this as it's so hard to get when living abroad. I've been waiting forever to get a hold of project life, and am thinking about doing december daily while I wait for it to become available here in Norway. Have a nice day!

.:| Angela |:. said...

I really can't afford to get the kit for this year's December Daily project. I hope I can win it here!

kolleen said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Mel said...

Would love to win this. I love doing DD but at the moment, all my stash is on a boat somewhere between the UK and USA.

Amy S said...

thanks for the opportunity! great giveaway!

brooke. said...

would love to win!

Anonymous said...

thanks for chance to win

sanders six said...

i keep wanting to do a "december daily" album.....and never get it gathered before....would love to make this year the year :) thank you! happy happy!

Gingersnaps said...

Oooh so yummy and inspiring! Makes me want to get busy with my holiday projects!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely - lovely - lovely

Thanks for the change
Nicky from Canada

Brittany said...

Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/brittanygerth/status/131452524552134656

lynnquiltsalot said...

Thanks for the chance to win this kit! I so want to create a DD album this year.

Mernin said...

I'd love to win it! I've been eyeing up since sneaks started! I know I'll kick myself if I don't buy it!!

mmpm88 said...

Amazing Giveaway. Love this kit. <3

Crystal McConnell

Victoria said...

Would love to win this!!! Victoria B

Karen in Virginia said...

Wow, what a fabulous kit! I would love to win it, thanks for the chance! I love to see all the different December albums ... little Christmas presents for my eyes!

Laura T. said...

What a gorgeous kit - would love it for my December Daily this year.

caroline hancock / Scrappercaz said...

those little envelopes are toooooo cute and that mist is divine :)

ScrappinLita said...

What a beautiful kit. I just know my name will be picked. :)

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